Be Watchful! Be Alert!
A Lesson Plan on Advent

The Be Watchful! Be Alert! lesson plan on Advent helps young people understand the importance of being spiritually prepared. Advent is a time of waiting and hope, as we get ready for the birth of Jesus. It’s a chance for youth to think about how they can be alert to God’s presence in their lives. This lesson encourages them to open their hearts to Christ and be ready for His coming.
This lesson plan shows that preparation isn’t just about doing more things but about deepening our faith. It challenges young people to be alert to how they live, think, and pray. By focusing on ways to be ready for Jesus, it teaches them that being watchful helps build a stronger connection with God.
The lesson also encourages youth to see Advent as an active season, not a passive one. It invites them to engage more deeply in their prayer life, service to others, and acts of kindness. By being alert to God’s voice and promptings, they can find new ways to grow in their faith.
Finally, the Be Watchful! Be Alert! lesson plan helps youth recognize that Advent is about being ready both spiritually and practically. This readiness involves making changes in everyday habits, like spending more time in prayer or helping those in need. By focusing on these simple steps, young people can better understand what it means to be alert and prepared for Christ’s arrival.
Opening Activity for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
To kick off the Be Alert Lesson Plan on Advent, start by giving everyone a pencil and paper. Ask them to write down their answer to this question: “You are throwing a party. You are inviting all of your best friends. What are some of the things you will do to prepare?”
Give them a few minutes to write down their answers, and then spend a little time sharing them. This activity will help the participants think about the preparations they would make for a special event and set the stage for the lesson on being watchful and alert during Advent.
Now, follow up with these discussion questions:
- It is 15 minutes before the party is to start. You are ready. What are you doing? Encourage the participants to think about how they would spend those last few minutes before the party begins. Would they double-check the decorations, make sure the food is ready, or greet early arrivals? This question will help them reflect on the importance of being prepared and attentive.
- The doorbell rings. Your guests are starting to arrive. How do you feel? Are you excited, nervous, or something else? Why? This question will prompt the participants to consider their emotions when their guests start to arrive. They may feel excited to see their friends, nervous about hosting, or a mix of different emotions. Encourage them to share their feelings and explain why they feel that way.
Remind the youth that just as we take time to prepare when someone we care about is coming to visit, Advent is a season of hopeful waiting. We are preparing to welcome Jesus into our world. This connection will help them understand the significance of being watchful and alert during this special time of year.
Scripture Reading for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
Mark 13:33-37 (Jesus tells his disciples to be ready) – the Gospel Reading for the 1st Sunday in Advent – Year B
Jesus said to his disciples: “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.
It is like a man traveling abroad. He leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his own work, and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch.
Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at dawn, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.
What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’”
Discussion for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
As we get ready for Jesus’ arrival, it’s important to think about how we can actively prepare for Him. Just like when we get ready to welcome friends to a party, we need to make sure everything is ready to welcome Jesus into our hearts. We wouldn’t leave our house messy, forget to make food, or ignore our guests. In the same way, we don’t want to leave our hearts unprepared when Jesus comes. Advent is our special season for getting ready, so let’s take some time to focus on what we can do to prepare our hearts for Jesus.
One of the best ways to prepare is through prayer. Prayer is simply talking with God, but it’s also listening to Him. Just like we make sure to communicate with our friends, we should stay connected with Jesus, too. Sometimes our prayer life can feel dry or boring, like it’s always the same. Advent is a great time to try something new. If you usually pray silently, try writing your prayers in a journal. Journaling helps us put our thoughts and feelings into words, which can make it feel more real. If you usually pray alone, you could try joining a prayer group or spending time in Adoration, where you sit quietly with Jesus in the Eucharist.
Another way to make prayer more meaningful is to use Scripture. Choose a passage about the coming of Jesus, like the stories of the Annunciation or John the Baptist’s message to prepare the way for the Lord. Read it slowly and think about what God is saying to you. This is called lectio divina, which means “divine reading.” It’s a way to listen to God’s voice through His Word. You can also try praying the Rosary, especially the Joyful Mysteries, which focus on Jesus’ birth and early life. These are just a few ways to deepen your prayer life during Advent.
Service projects are another important part of getting ready for Jesus. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, and He asks us to do the same. When we serve others, we make room in our hearts for Jesus. Advent is a perfect time to be alert to the needs of those around us. There are many ways to help, even with small acts. You could volunteer at a food pantry, help with a clothing drive, or visit the elderly at a nursing home. You might also help out in your own neighborhood by raking leaves for a neighbor or bringing groceries to someone who is homebound.
Service doesn’t always have to be organized or planned. You can serve others just by being kind and considerate. This could mean listening to a friend who is having a tough time or offering to help a family member with chores. It’s about being alert to the needs of others, just like Jesus was. When we shift our focus from ourselves to those around us, we become more like Jesus. This makes us more open and ready for His coming.
Acts of charity are also a big part of Advent. Sometimes, we think charity means donating lots of money or doing something huge, but it’s often much simpler. It can be as small as baking cookies for a neighbor, giving warm clothes to someone in need, or writing a card to cheer up a friend. Even little acts of kindness show love and can brighten someone’s day. When we share this kind of love, we reflect the love and generosity of Jesus.
During Advent, we should also be creative. Being alert doesn’t mean just following the same routines. It means trying new things and opening ourselves to new possibilities. For example, you could create an Advent prayer corner in your home, where you put a candle, a Bible, and maybe a Nativity scene. Light the candle each day and say a short prayer as you wait for Jesus. You could also make an Advent calendar with different ideas for prayer, service, or acts of charity each day. This keeps Advent fresh and exciting.
Advent is not just about getting through the days until Christmas. It’s about actively preparing for Jesus, who is the best gift of all. Being watchful and alert means paying attention to what God is doing in our lives. It means opening our hearts wider to receive Him. When we try new ways of praying, serve others with love, and look for small ways to share joy, we are truly preparing for Jesus.
So this Advent, let’s be watchful. Let’s be alert. Let’s make this a season of action, not just waiting. Let’s make it a time of discovery, where we learn more about ourselves and more about how Jesus is working in our lives. If we do this, we’ll be ready to welcome Jesus—not just on Christmas Day, but every day. This is how we experience the true joy and meaning of Advent.
Small Group Reflection Questions for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
As you lead the small group discussions, encourage participants to be open and honest with their thoughts and feelings. Remind them that everyone’s ideas are welcome and that there are no wrong answers. Give each person a chance to speak, and encourage others to listen respectfully. These questions are designed to help everyone reflect on what it means to be alert and prepared for Jesus during Advent. Let the conversation flow naturally, and feel free to ask follow-up questions to deepen the discussion.
- What does it mean to you to be spiritually alert? Think about what being alert might look like in your daily life. How can you stay more aware of God’s presence?
- How do you usually prepare for Christmas? Share some of your family traditions or personal routines. How do these help you focus on Jesus during Advent?
- What are some ways you can try a new form of prayer during Advent? Have you ever tried a different way of praying, like journaling or meditating on Scripture? Which new method might you try this Advent?
- How can you show generosity during Advent? Think about simple acts of service or charity. What is one way you could serve others this week?
- How do you handle waiting, whether for Christmas or for other things in life? Is waiting hard for you? What can help you be more patient and hopeful while you wait for Jesus?
- Why is repentance important during Advent? How can examining your conscience and asking for forgiveness help you be more prepared for Jesus’ coming?
- What is one thing you could change in your routine to be more spiritually prepared? Is there a habit you’d like to start (or stop) to help you stay alert and ready for Jesus?
- How can you help others be more alert to the meaning of Advent? Is there something you could do to remind your family, friends, or classmates about Jesus during this season?
- What is one Bible story or verse that inspires you during Advent? How does this story or verse encourage you to stay watchful and alert for Jesus?
- What does the true joy of Advent mean to you? How can being alert to God’s work in your life bring you joy this season?
Encourage participants to share their personal insights, but remind them that listening is just as important as speaking. As the discussion wraps up, thank everyone for their participation and openness.
Challenge for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
In addition to self-reflection and acts of service, there is another important challenge we can undertake during Advent: the sacrament of reconciliation. Just as we clean our houses before guests arrive, confessing our sins and receiving absolution cleans our hearts and prepares us to welcome Jesus into our lives.
One way to embrace this challenge is by organizing a reconciliation service. This can be a powerful and communal experience where individuals have the opportunity to confess their sins and receive God’s forgiveness together. It creates a sense of unity and shared accountability as we journey towards the coming of Jesus.
If possible, have a reconciliation service. If organizing a reconciliation service is not feasible, we can still encourage the youth to go to confession individually before Christmas. This personal encounter with God’s mercy allows them to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness, and experience the transformative power of reconciliation.
By accepting the challenge of participating in the sacrament of reconciliation, we actively engage in the process of spiritual renewal and prepare ourselves to receive Jesus with open hearts. Let us encourage one another to embrace this challenge and experience the profound joy and peace that comes from being reconciled with God and one another.
Prayer for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
Lead the youth in prayer, using this prayer or a prayer from your heart.
Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts filled with gratitude for the lessons we have learned during this Advent season. We thank you for reminding us to be watchful and alert, to prepare our hearts for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ.
As we reflect on the challenges and discussions we have had, we ask for your continued guidance and strength. Help us to remain vigilant in our faith, always aware of your presence in our lives.
Grant us the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to act upon it. May we be instruments of your peace and love in the world, shining your light in the darkness.
As we await the celebration of Christ’s birth, we pray for those who are in need, for the lonely and the suffering. May they find comfort and hope in your presence.
We ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
May this prayer serve as a reminder to stay alert and watchful, not only during Advent but throughout our lives. Let us carry the lessons we have learned and the challenges we have embraced, always seeking to grow closer to God and to live out our faith with joy and purpose.
More Resources for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
Themes for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
- Waiting for Jesus: Advent is about waiting for Jesus to come into our hearts. We are called to be alert as we prepare for His birth. This waiting helps us focus on His presence.
- Spiritual Preparation: Advent is a time to get ready for Jesus, not just with decorations but with our hearts. We should be alert to God’s voice in prayer and reflection. This helps us grow closer to Him.
- Repentance and Renewal: Advent calls us to repentance and a new start. We need to be alert to areas in our lives that need change. Jesus wants us to turn back to Him and live faithfully.
- Hopeful Anticipation: Advent teaches us to hope for Jesus’ coming. We need to be alert with hope, not fear. Jesus’ arrival brings joy and peace.
- Joyful Giving: Advent invites us to be generous with others. We should be alert to people in need and offer help. This reminds us of Jesus’ self-giving love.
- Active Faith: Advent is a time for active faith, not just waiting passively. We must be alert by praying, serving, and loving. This keeps our hearts open to Jesus.
- Serving Others: Advent is a chance to serve others as Jesus did. We need to be alert to ways we can help in our communities. This service prepares us to welcome Jesus.
- Trusting God’s Timing: Advent is a season of trusting God’s timing. We must be alert to His plans, even when they seem slow. Jesus’ coming teaches us patience.
- Watching for Christ: Jesus asks us to be alert for His coming, like in the parable of the servants. We do not know when He will arrive. This encourages us to always be ready.
- Living in the Present: Advent reminds us to be present to God’s work now. We should be alert to His presence in our daily lives. This helps us prepare for the joy of Christmas.
- Light in Darkness: Advent is a season of light breaking into darkness. We must be alert to the hope and light Jesus brings. This light gives us courage to face challenges.
Background Material for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
The Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent is rooted in Catholic teaching about spiritual preparation and readiness. Advent is a time when Catholics are called to prepare for Jesus’ coming. This preparation is not just about celebrating His birth at Christmas. It is also about preparing for His coming into our hearts every day and, finally, for His Second Coming at the end of time. The Church teaches that Advent is a time of watchfulness, hope, and active waiting.
Jesus speaks about being watchful and alert in the Gospel of Mark, which is read on the First Sunday of Advent: “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come” (Mark 13:33). Jesus compares His coming to a master returning home unexpectedly, urging us to be prepared at all times. This passage reminds us to live each day with a spirit of readiness, being attentive to God’s presence and work in our lives.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church also emphasizes the importance of being alert to Christ’s coming: “When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second coming” (CCC 524). This quote shows that Advent is a time for spiritual renewal and longing. We should be alert to how we can grow closer to Jesus and make room for Him in our hearts.
Advent also includes a call to repentance and conversion, similar to Lent. It is a time to examine our lives and consider areas where we may be falling short. The Church invites us to be alert to sin and turn back to God. John the Baptist, one of the main figures of Advent, called people to repentance to prepare for Jesus. His message still applies today. We are encouraged to confess our sins and seek God’s mercy, clearing the way for Christ’s love.
The Advent season has strong ties to hope. Being alert during Advent means actively hoping for Jesus. This hope is not just about the past or the future. It involves trusting in God’s presence and guidance now. St. Paul writes, “It is now the hour for you to wake from sleep, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11). We are urged to stay awake and live with the hope that Jesus is working in our lives every day.
Catholic tradition also highlights acts of charity during Advent. When we are alert to others’ needs, we are imitating Christ, who came to serve. Jesus calls us to love our neighbors, especially the poor and the vulnerable. This service helps us align our hearts with Jesus, preparing us to welcome Him more fully.
Advent is a time to focus on prayer, too. The Church encourages us to be alert in our prayer life, seeking a deeper relationship with God. This can include trying new forms of prayer, such as meditating on Scripture, praying the Rosary, or spending time in Adoration.
In summary, the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan fits into Catholic teaching by emphasizing spiritual readiness, hope, repentance, service, and prayer. By staying alert during Advent, we actively prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus at Christmas, into our daily lives, and at His return. Advent is a season of watchfulness, reminding us to stay awake and ready for Christ’s coming.
Music Suggestions for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
If you are looking for more lesson plans and reflections like the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent, visit our website. We offer many free resources for teachers, youth ministers, and catechists. These include ideas for youth ministry, classroom activities, and Advent reflections. Explore our collection to find more ways to help young people grow in their faith and prepare their hearts for Jesus. Visit us at Young Catholics Lesson Plans and Reflections.
Questions and Answers for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent
What is the focus of the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent?
The focus is to help youth understand the importance of being spiritually ready during Advent. It teaches them to be alert for Jesus’ coming—at Christmas, in their daily lives, and at His return. The lesson encourages prayer, repentance, and active service to others.
Why is it important to be alert during Advent?
Being alert helps us prepare for Jesus. Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. By being alert, we open our hearts and minds to Christ’s presence now and in the future.
How does this lesson fit into Catholic teaching?
It emphasizes the Church’s call to spiritual readiness during Advent. It aligns with teachings about repentance, hope, and service. Jesus Himself told us to be watchful and alert (Mark 13:33), and the Church reminds us of this call throughout Advent.
Can this lesson plan be used with different age groups?
Yes, the lesson can be adapted for different ages. For younger children, keep it simple with basic discussions and activities. For teens, use deeper discussions and encourage personal reflection on being alert to God’s call.
How does this lesson encourage service during Advent?
The lesson encourages youth to be alert to the needs of others, just as Jesus was. It suggests acts of charity, like helping neighbors, volunteering, or donating to those in need. Serving others helps prepare our hearts for Jesus.
What Scripture passages are included in this lesson?
The main passage is Mark 13:33-37, where Jesus says to be watchful and alert. Other passages, like Romans 13:11 and teachings about John the Baptist, may also be used. These help teach the importance of being spiritually awake during Advent.
How can this lesson improve prayer life during Advent?
It encourages trying new forms of prayer, like journaling, meditating on Scripture, or praying the Rosary. Being alert in prayer means paying attention to God’s voice and seeking a deeper relationship with Him.
Why is repentance included in this lesson?
Repentance helps us clear away sin and make room for Jesus. Being alert to areas where we need change helps us grow closer to God. This aligns with the call of Advent to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming.
How does this lesson help with everyday spiritual growth?
It reminds youth to be alert to God’s presence in their daily lives, not just during Advent. By staying spiritually ready, we can live with greater faith and hope. This keeps us open to God’s guidance all year long.
The Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent helps young people understand the season of Advent as a time of spiritual readiness. It focuses on the call to be alert, which means being aware of God’s presence in our daily lives. The lesson uses activities, discussions, and Scripture readings to teach the importance of waiting for Jesus with hopeful anticipation. It highlights how Advent is not only about looking forward to Christmas but also about preparing for Christ’s Second Coming.
The lesson encourages active participation. It invites youth to deepen their prayer life, try new forms of prayer, and spend more time in personal reflection. It also emphasizes repentance, reminding participants to be alert to areas where they need to turn back to God. Confessing sins and seeking God’s mercy are key ways to prepare our hearts for Jesus.
Acts of service are a big part of the lesson, too. It teaches youth to be alert to the needs of others, just as Jesus was. The lesson suggests simple ways to serve, like helping neighbors, volunteering, or donating to those in need. Serving others is a way to live out the Gospel message and prepare for Jesus’ coming.
The lesson also includes time for open discussion and sharing. Participants can talk about how they are preparing for Jesus during Advent. It encourages creativity and new ideas for staying spiritually ready. By being alert throughout Advent, youth can find deeper meaning in the season and be better prepared for Christ’s arrival.
Your Turn
Try the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent with your group or class. It is a simple and engaging way to teach about being spiritually ready for Jesus’ coming. The plan encourages active participation through prayer, repentance, and service.
Once you have tried it, share your experiences and any variations you used in the comments. Let’s help each other find more ways to be alert during Advent!
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