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Be Watchful! Be Alert! – A Lesson Plan on Advent

In this lesson plan, we will explore the importance of being watchful and alert in preparation for Jesus. As Catholic youth, it is crucial for us to understand what it truly means to be ready for His coming. Advent is a season of hopeful waiting, where we actively prepare to welcome Jesus into our world.

Being watchful means being attentive and observant, keeping a keen eye on the signs and signals that indicate Jesus’ presence. It involves being aware of His teachings, His love, and His call to live a life of faith. By staying watchful, we can recognize the opportunities to grow closer to Him and to share His love with others.

Being alert goes beyond mere observation. It requires us to be actively engaged in our faith, ready to respond to Jesus’ call. It means being prepared to make changes in our lives, to let go of distractions and worldly desires, and to prioritize our relationship with Him. By being alert, we can fully embrace the transformative power of Jesus’ presence in our lives.

Throughout this lesson plan, we will delve into various activities, discussions, and reflections that will help us deepen our understanding of what it means to be watchful and alert. Let us embark on this journey together, as we prepare our hearts and minds to welcome Jesus into our lives with open arms.

Opening Activity for Be Alert Lesson Plan on Advent

To kick off the Be Alert Lesson Plan on Advent, start by giving everyone a pencil and paper. Ask them to write down their answer to this question: “You are throwing a party. You are inviting all of your best friends. What are some of the things you will do to prepare?”

Give them a few minutes to write down their answers, and then spend a little time sharing them. This activity will help the participants think about the preparations they would make for a special event and set the stage for the lesson on being watchful and alert during Advent.

Now, follow up with these discussion questions:

  • It is 15 minutes before the party is to start. You are ready. What are you doing? Encourage the participants to think about how they would spend those last few minutes before the party begins. Would they double-check the decorations, make sure the food is ready, or greet early arrivals? This question will help them reflect on the importance of being prepared and attentive.
  • The doorbell rings. Your guests are starting to arrive. How do you feel? Are you excited, nervous, or something else? Why? This question will prompt the participants to consider their emotions when their guests start to arrive. They may feel excited to see their friends, nervous about hosting, or a mix of different emotions. Encourage them to share their feelings and explain why they feel that way.

Transitioning from the opening activity to the lesson, remind the participants that just as we take time to prepare when someone we care about is coming to visit, Advent is a season of hopeful waiting. We are preparing to welcome Jesus into our world. This connection will help them understand the significance of being watchful and alert during this special time of year.

By engaging in this opening activity and discussing the questions, the participants will begin to grasp the concept of preparation and anticipation, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of what it means to be watchful and alert during Advent.

Scripture Reading for Lesson Plan on Advent

Mark 13:33-37 (Jesus tells his disciples to be ready) – the Gospel Reading for the 1st Sunday in Advent – Year B

Jesus said to his disciples: “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.

It is like a man traveling abroad. He leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his own work, and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch.

Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at dawn, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.

What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’”

Mark 13:33-37

Discussion for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan

As we prepare for the arrival of Jesus, it is important to reflect on how we can actively get ready for His coming. Just like when we throw a party, we make sure everything is ready for our guests, we should also be preparing our hearts for Jesus. This section will explore some practical ways to do just that.

One way to prepare our hearts is through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us connect with God and open our hearts to His presence. If our current prayer routine seems dry or stagnant, this is a good time to try a new way to pray. Whether it’s through journaling, meditating on Scripture, or participating in a prayer group, exploring different prayer methods can help us deepen our relationship with God and prepare our hearts for Jesus.

Service projects are another meaningful way to make ourselves ready for Jesus. By helping others, we shift our focus away from ourselves and onto the needs of those around us. This selflessness allows us to align our hearts with the heart of Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served. Engaging in service projects, whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, participating in a community clean-up, or simply lending a helping hand to a neighbor in need, can help us cultivate a spirit of generosity and compassion.

Acts of charity are also appropriate during this season of preparation. These acts don’t need to be grand gestures; even small acts of kindness can make a difference. Consider baking some cookies for a neighbor, donating clothes to a thrift store, or offering a listening ear to someone who may be struggling. These simple acts of charity can bring joy to others and remind us of the love and generosity that Jesus embodies.

In all our preparations, it’s important to be creative. Advent is a time to break free from our routines and open ourselves up to new possibilities. Let this season be a time of exploration and discovery, as we seek to be alert to what the Lord is calling us to do next. By being watchful and alert, we can actively participate in the coming of Jesus and experience the true joy and meaning of Advent.

Reflection Questions for this Advent Lesson Plan

As we journey through Advent and prepare for the coming of Jesus, it is important to take time for self-reflection and introspection. Here are some reflection questions to help guide your thoughts and deepen your understanding of how prayer, acts of service, and charity can help us prepare for His arrival:

How can prayer help us prepare? Reflect on the role of prayer in your life and how it can help you connect with God and open your heart to His presence. Consider the ways in which prayer can deepen your relationship with Him and prepare your heart for Jesus.

What are some specific things we can do to improve our prayer lives in the next few weeks? Explore different prayer methods and practices that can help you enhance your prayer life during Advent. Consider journaling, meditating on Scripture, participating in a prayer group, or any other prayerful activities that resonate with you.

How can acts of service and charity help us prepare? Reflect on the impact of selflessness and generosity in aligning our hearts with the heart of Jesus. Consider the ways in which engaging in service projects and acts of charity can cultivate a spirit of compassion and prepare us to welcome Jesus into our lives.

Can you name some things you can do to help others before Christmas? Think about specific actions you can take to make a difference in the lives of others during this season of preparation. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, donating to a charity, or simply offering a helping hand to someone in need, consider how you can spread joy and love to those around you.

Take time to reflect on these questions and allow them to guide your journey of preparation during Advent.

Challenge for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan

In addition to self-reflection and acts of service, there is another important challenge we can undertake during Advent: the sacrament of reconciliation. Just as we clean our houses before guests arrive, confessing our sins and receiving absolution cleans our hearts and prepares us to welcome Jesus into our lives.

One way to embrace this challenge is by organizing a reconciliation service. This can be a powerful and communal experience where individuals have the opportunity to confess their sins and receive God’s forgiveness together. It creates a sense of unity and shared accountability as we journey towards the coming of Jesus.

If possible, have a reconciliation service. If organizing a reconciliation service is not feasible, we can still encourage the youth to go to confession individually before Christmas. This personal encounter with God’s mercy allows them to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness, and experience the transformative power of reconciliation.

By accepting the challenge of participating in the sacrament of reconciliation, we actively engage in the process of spiritual renewal and prepare ourselves to receive Jesus with open hearts. Let us encourage one another to embrace this challenge and experience the profound joy and peace that comes from being reconciled with God and one another.

Prayer for the Lesson Plan on Advent

Lead the youth in prayer, using this prayer or a prayer from your heart.

Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts filled with gratitude for the lessons we have learned during this Advent season. We thank you for reminding us to be watchful and alert, to prepare our hearts for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ.

As we reflect on the challenges and discussions we have had, we ask for your continued guidance and strength. Help us to remain vigilant in our faith, always aware of your presence in our lives.

Grant us the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to act upon it. May we be instruments of your peace and love in the world, shining your light in the darkness.

As we await the celebration of Christ’s birth, we pray for those who are in need, for the lonely and the suffering. May they find comfort and hope in your presence.

We ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

May this prayer serve as a reminder to stay alert and watchful, not only during Advent but throughout our lives. Let us carry the lessons we have learned and the challenges we have embraced, always seeking to grow closer to God and to live out our faith with joy and purpose.


Themes for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent

In this lesson plan for Catholic youth ministry, there are several key themes that are explored and emphasized. These themes serve as important reminders and teachings for young people as they journey through the Advent season. Let’s take a closer look at the themes found in this lesson plan.

  • Watchfulness and Alertness: The first and most prominent theme in this lesson plan is the call to be watchful and alert. Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation, and this theme reminds us to be vigilant in our faith. It encourages us to be aware of God’s presence in our lives and to actively seek Him in our daily activities. By being watchful and alert, we can better prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus Christ.
  • Preparation and Waiting: Another theme that runs throughout this lesson plan is the importance of preparation and waiting. Advent is a season of waiting, as we eagerly anticipate the birth of Christ. This theme reminds us to take the time to prepare our hearts and minds for His coming. It encourages us to reflect on our lives, repent of our sins, and make room for Jesus in our hearts. Through this theme, we are reminded that waiting can be a time of growth and transformation.
  • Hope and Expectation: Hope and expectation are also central themes in this lesson plan. Advent is a season of hope, as we await the fulfillment of God’s promises. This theme reminds us that even in the midst of darkness and uncertainty, we can find hope in the coming of Jesus. It encourages us to trust in God’s faithfulness and to look forward with anticipation to the joy and peace that Christ brings.
  • Discernment and Action: The theme of discernment and action is also explored in this lesson plan. Advent is a time for reflection and discernment, as we seek to align our lives with God’s will. This theme reminds us to prayerfully consider how we can live out our faith in practical ways. It challenges us to take action and make a positive difference in the world around us. Through discernment and action, we can be active participants in God’s plan of redemption.
  • Community and Solidarity: Lastly, this lesson plan emphasizes the importance of community and solidarity. Advent is a time to come together as a faith community, supporting and encouraging one another on our spiritual journey. This theme reminds us of the power of unity and the strength that comes from walking alongside others. It encourages us to reach out to those in need and to foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

By exploring these themes in the context of Catholic youth ministry, this lesson plan provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to Advent. It challenges young people to deepen their faith, engage in meaningful reflection, and actively live out their beliefs. Through these themes, young people are encouraged to embrace the true spirit of Advent and to grow closer to God and one another.

Background Material for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent

In order to provide a solid foundation for this lesson plan on Advent, it is important to draw upon various sources of background material. By citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, scripture, saints, Pope Francis, Catholic theologians, and other reputable sources, we can deepen our understanding of the significance and teachings of Advent.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church serves as a comprehensive guide to the teachings of the Catholic faith. It provides a wealth of information on various topics, including the liturgical seasons such as Advent. By referring to the Catechism, we can gain a deeper understanding of the theological significance of Advent and its role in the life of the Church.

Scripture is another essential source of background material for this lesson plan. The Bible contains numerous passages that speak to the themes of watchfulness, preparation, hope, and community, which are central to Advent. By exploring passages such as Isaiah 40:1-5, Mark 13:33-37, and Romans 13:11-14, we can gain insights into the biblical foundations of Advent and how it relates to our faith journey.

The lives and teachings of saints can also provide valuable background material for this lesson plan. Saints such as St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, and St. Therese of Lisieux exemplify the virtues of watchfulness, preparation, hope, discernment, and community. By studying their lives and writings, we can learn from their examples and apply their wisdom to our own lives during the Advent season.

Pope Francis, as the leader of the Catholic Church, offers valuable insights and guidance on the themes of Advent. His homilies, encyclicals, and other writings often touch upon the importance of watchfulness, preparation, hope, and community. By citing Pope Francis, we can connect the teachings of the Church to the present day and gain a deeper appreciation for the relevance of Advent in our lives.

Catholic theologians, both past and present, contribute to the rich tradition of the Church and provide valuable insights into the theological aspects of Advent. The writings of theologians such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Henri Nouwen can shed light on the deeper meaning and significance of Advent. By drawing upon their works, we can deepen our understanding of Advent and its implications for our faith.

Incorporating background material from these various sources helps to enrich this lesson plan on Advent. By citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, scripture, saints, Pope Francis, Catholic theologians, and other reputable sources, we can provide a solid foundation for young people to explore the themes of watchfulness, preparation, hope, discernment, and community during the Advent season. This background material not only enhances their understanding of Advent but also encourages them to deepen their faith and actively live out the teachings of the Church.

By incorporating these sources of background material, we can ensure that this lesson plan on Advent is grounded in the teachings of the Catholic Church and provides a comprehensive understanding of the season. Through the exploration of these sources, young people can develop a deeper appreciation for the significance of Advent and its relevance to their own lives.

Music Suggestions for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent

Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections

Lesson plans are meant to give a framework for introducing information to youth. This Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent is part of a larger set. Most of these also include reflection questions for small group sharing. These help youth think about how to apply what they have learned to their everyday lives.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Be Watchful! Be Alert! Lesson Plan on Advent

What is the purpose of the Be Alert lesson plan on Advent?

The Be Alert lesson plan is designed to help young people understand the importance of watchfulness and preparation during the Advent season. It aims to deepen their understanding of the biblical foundations of Advent and encourage them to actively live out the teachings of the Church during this liturgical season.

How can I adapt the Be Alert lesson plan for different age groups?

The Be Alert lesson plan can be adapted for different age groups by adjusting the level of complexity and the types of activities. For younger children, you can focus on simple explanations of the Advent season and engage them in hands-on activities. For older youth, you can delve deeper into the theological aspects of Advent and encourage them to reflect on their own faith journey.

Are there any specific resources or materials needed for the Be Alert lesson plan?

The Be Alert lesson plan can be implemented with basic materials such as Bibles, art supplies, and discussion guides. However, you may also consider incorporating additional resources such as Advent calendars, prayer cards, or reflections from saints and theologians to enhance the learning experience.

How can I engage young people in the Be Alert lesson plan?

To engage young people in the Be Alert lesson plan, it is important to make the content relevant and relatable to their lives. Incorporate interactive activities, group discussions, and opportunities for personal reflection. Encourage them to share their own experiences and insights related to watchfulness, preparation, hope, and community.

How can I encourage young people to apply the teachings of Advent in their daily lives?

One way to encourage young people to apply the teachings of Advent in their daily lives is by providing practical examples and challenges. For example, you can invite them to perform acts of kindness or service during Advent, or to set aside time for personal prayer and reflection. Encourage them to share their experiences and reflections with the group.

How can I address the diversity of experiences and backgrounds among young people in the Be Alert lesson plan?

In the Be Alert lesson plan, it is important to create a safe and inclusive environment where young people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences. Acknowledge and respect the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives within the group. Encourage open dialogue and foster a sense of community and understanding.

How can I evaluate the effectiveness of the Be Alert lesson plan?

To evaluate the effectiveness of the Be Alert lesson plan, you can use a combination of methods such as observation, feedback from participants, and self-reflection. Assess whether the objectives of the lesson plan were met, and if participants were able to apply the teachings of Advent in their lives. Use this feedback to make any necessary adjustments for future implementations.

Can the Be Alert lesson plan be used outside of a formal religious education setting?

Yes, the Be Alert lesson plan can be adapted for use in various settings such as youth groups, retreats, or family gatherings. The content and activities can be modified to suit the specific context while still focusing on the themes of watchfulness, preparation, hope, and community during Advent.

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One response to “Be Watchful! Be Alert! – A Lesson Plan on Advent”

  1. Lulu Avatar

    Great questions for all of us to discuss and great tools for self reflection

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