Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time
Thursday October 23, 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
- First Reading – Romans 6:19-23: I use simple terms for your understanding. You used to be slaves to sin, leading to death. Now, as slaves to righteousness, you’re on a path to sanctification and eternal life. The payoff of sin is death; God’s gift is eternal life through Christ.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 1: A person who avoids wickedness and delights in God’s law will prosper like a well-watered tree. In contrast, the wicked will falter, as the LORD only watches over the just.
- Gospel – Luke 12:49-53: Jesus tells his disciples that his mission will not bring peace but division. He speaks of a metaphorical fire he wishes were already burning and a baptism he must undergo. He foresees families being divided over his teachings.
I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished!
Luke 12:49-50
Themes for the Readings for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
On Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1, the readings focus on living a life of holiness and the challenges that come with following Christ. St. Paul encourages us to turn away from sin, while Jesus speaks about the division that His message can cause in families and communities.
- Freedom from sin: Paul teaches that we must no longer live as slaves to sin. Choosing holiness leads to eternal life, while sin leads to death.
- Holiness through obedience: Obeying God’s will helps us live lives that are pleasing to Him. Paul reminds us that holiness grows through our actions.
- Christ brings fire: In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of bringing fire to the earth. This fire represents the purifying power of His message, which challenges people to change.
- Division for the Gospel: Jesus warns that His message will cause division, even within families. Following Him might separate us from others, but it is necessary for true discipleship.
- Choosing righteousness: Paul emphasizes that we must choose righteousness over sin. Living for God brings us true freedom and life.
- Cost of discipleship: Jesus highlights the cost of following Him, which can lead to conflict. True faith may require difficult choices, even if it causes tension.
The readings show the contrast between living in sin and living in grace. They also remind us that following Christ may bring challenges, but leads to eternal life with God.
Reflection for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1

On Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the readings from Romans and the Gospel of Luke focus on choosing holiness and facing the challenges of following Jesus. Paul urges us to reject sin and obey God’s will, while Jesus speaks of the purifying nature of His message and the division it may cause. Together, these readings remind us that following Christ requires effort, but leads to true freedom and life with God.
Obeying God’s Will Leads to Holiness
In Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, St. Paul explains that holiness grows through our actions. When we choose to obey God’s will, we start living in a way that pleases Him. Holiness isn’t something we achieve overnight, but it develops as we follow God in small and big choices every day.
Paul reminds us that obeying God means turning away from sin. We all have things in our lives that pull us away from what God wants for us. By saying no to these temptations and yes to God, we start walking the path toward holiness.
As we strive to live by God’s will, we may face challenges. Some of these choices will be hard and may even put us at odds with others. However, Paul encourages us to remember that living in obedience brings true freedom and life with God.
The Fire of Jesus’ Message
In Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Jesus speaks about bringing fire to the earth. This fire is a symbol of the purifying effect of His message. When we hear Jesus’ words and take them to heart, they challenge us to change the way we live.
The fire of Christ’s message isn’t meant to destroy, but to cleanse. His words help us burn away the sin and selfishness in our lives so that we can grow closer to God. This can be a painful process, but it leads to a deeper relationship with Christ and a better life.
At times, this fire can cause division, as not everyone will accept the message. Some may reject the changes that Jesus calls for, even within families. Still, Jesus asks us to embrace His teachings fully, even when it leads to difficult choices.
The Cost of Following Jesus
Both the first reading and the Gospel of Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 show that following Jesus comes with a cost. St. Paul speaks of the need to reject sin and choose a life of holiness, while Jesus warns of division among families because of His message. Both readings make it clear that being a disciple requires sacrifice.
Living for Christ means turning away from sin and choosing God’s path, which isn’t always easy. We may face temptations that pull us toward selfishness or wrongdoing, but like Paul, we are called to choose righteousness instead. This choice is difficult, but it leads to true freedom.
In the Gospel, Jesus explains that following Him may cause division even with loved ones. Not everyone will accept the changes that come with living for Christ. But Jesus assures us that staying faithful to Him, even when it’s hard, is worth the cost. Following Him brings us closer to God and eternal life.
The readings for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 call us to examine our lives and the choices we make. Obeying God’s will, embracing the challenge of Christ’s message, and accepting the cost of discipleship are all part of living a life that pleases God. Though it is not always easy, the path of holiness leads us to eternal life with Him.
Lord, help us to follow Your will and turn away from sin. Give us the courage to embrace Your message, even when it is difficult. Strengthen us to walk the path of holiness and remain faithful, trusting in the freedom and life You offer. Amen.
Reflection Questions
- What temptations are keeping me from fully obeying God’s will in my life?
- How have I experienced the fire of Christ’s message challenging me to change?
- In what ways has following Jesus caused division or conflict in my relationships?
- What sacrifices am I willing to make to grow in holiness and stay faithful to Christ?
Homilies and Commentaries for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
Spreading the Fire of God’s Love
In his reflection for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, Bishop Robert Barron explains that the fire Jesus speaks of is the Holy Spirit, the love shared between the Father and the Son. Jesus came to spread this fire, bringing God’s love into the world.
Every baptized Christian shares in Christ’s priesthood and is called to spread holiness and the divine life. Just as Jesus is a prophet, king, and priest, we are called to be bearers of this sacred fire, spreading God’s love and holiness to others.
Questions and Answers for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1
What date is Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The next date is Thursday October 23, 2025.
Cycle 1 is used in odd numbered years and Cycle 2 is used in even numbered years. The gospel is the same for both years. For even numbered years see Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 2.
What are the Mass readings for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
The Mass readings for Thursday October 23, 2025 are:
First Reading – Romans 6:19-23: From Sin to Righteousness
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 1: Righteousness Rewarded
Gospel – Luke 12:49-53: Jesus on Division
What does Paul mean by being free from sin in the first reading for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
Paul means that we no longer have to live under the control of sin. By choosing to follow God, we can live in a way that pleases Him and leads to eternal life.
How can we choose righteousness over sin?
We can choose righteousness by trying to obey God’s commandments and avoiding sinful behavior. Living in a way that pleases God helps us grow in holiness.
How can we live lives of holiness like Paul describes?
We can live holy lives by avoiding sin and trying to follow God’s teachings. Holiness grows as we continue to do what is right and good.
What is the reward for living a holy life?
Paul reminds us that living a holy life brings us closer to God and leads to eternal life. Choosing to follow God leads to true freedom and happiness.
Why does Jesus say He brings division in the Gospel for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1?
Jesus knows that not everyone will accept His message, even in families. His teachings can cause disagreements because following Him requires difficult choices that not everyone will agree with.
What is the fire Jesus speaks of in the Gospel?
The fire represents the power of Jesus’ message. It challenges people to change and live better lives, sometimes causing conflict as they make tough decisions.
Why does following Jesus sometimes cause conflict?
Following Jesus means making choices that others might not agree with. Some people may not accept the changes in our lives or beliefs, which can lead to disagreements.
How do we apply the message of Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1 to our daily lives?
We can apply the message by trying to live in a way that honors God, even when it is difficult. It means choosing what is right and being willing to face challenges for our faith.
Choosing Holiness and Living Faithfully
On Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, the readings focus on the importance of living a holy life and the challenges of following Christ. In the first reading, Paul encourages the Romans to reject sin and live righteously, emphasizing that choosing holiness leads to eternal life. He contrasts the wages of sin, which is death, with the gift of eternal life that comes from living in obedience to God’s will.
In the Gospel, Jesus speaks about the fire He came to bring to the earth. This fire represents the purifying and challenging nature of His message. He also speaks of the division His teachings may cause, even within families. Jesus warns that following Him will not always be easy, but it is necessary for true discipleship. His words challenge us to live faithfully, even when it leads to conflict or difficult choices.
Both readings highlight the cost of discipleship. Paul teaches us that living in obedience to God is the path to righteousness, while Jesus warns that His message can cause division, but we must remain faithful. Choosing holiness means rejecting sin and making sacrifices for the sake of following God’s will.
On Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1, we are called to live faithfully, choosing holiness, embracing the challenges of Christ’s message, and remaining ready to follow God’s will, no matter the cost.
Your Turn
Reflect on the readings for Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle 1. How can you embrace the challenge of holiness in your life?
Consider how you can live more faithfully, even when it’s difficult. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below.
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