Friday June 12, 2026
Daily Mass Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A
- First reading – Deuteronomy 7:6-11: Moses reminds the people that they are chosen by God, not because of their size or greatness, but because of His love and faithfulness. He urges them to understand that the Lord is the one true God, who keeps His covenant with those who love Him and obey His commandments, emphasizing the importance of observing and following His instructions.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: With all our being, let us bless the Lord and remember His countless benefits, as He forgives, heals, redeems, and showers us with kindness and compassion. The Lord is merciful, gracious, and abounding in kindness, not treating us according to our sins or crimes.
- Second reading – 1 John 4:7-16: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God. God demonstrated His love by sending His Son to give us life and atone for our sins. Therefore, we should love one another, allowing God’s love to abide in us, for God is love.
- Gospel – Matthew 11:25-30: Jesus praises the Father for revealing His wisdom to the humble while concealing it from the wise and invites all who are weary and burdened to come to Him for rest, promising to provide relief from heavy loads and granting rest for their souls through His gentle and humble heart.
Themes for the Daily Mass Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A
- Revelation to the Childlike: Jesus praises the Father for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to the childlike and humble, highlighting the importance of approaching God with simplicity and openness.
- Divine Wisdom: Jesus acknowledges that true wisdom and knowledge come from the Father, and He is the one who reveals them to those who seek Him with an open heart.
- Rest for the Weary: Jesus invites all who are burdened and weary to come to Him for rest, offering solace and comfort to those who trust in Him.
- Gentle and Humble Heart: Jesus describes Himself as gentle and humble in heart, presenting a compassionate and approachable nature that welcomes all who come to Him.
- Taking on His Yoke: Jesus urges His followers to take His yoke upon themselves, emphasizing the call to follow Him, learn from Him, and submit to His teachings and ways.
- Finding Rest in Him: Jesus assures that taking His yoke and learning from Him leads to finding rest for one’s soul, indicating that true peace and fulfillment are found in a relationship with Him.
Thoughts for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A
In the gospel for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A, Jesus offers a prayer of gratitude to the Father. He acknowledges that God reveals His truths not to the wise and learned but to those who approach Him with the innocence and trust of little children. Jesus affirms that all things have been entrusted to Him by the Father, emphasizing the unique bond between the Father and the Son. It is through Jesus that the Father’s true nature is revealed to those whom Jesus chooses.
Jesus extends an invitation of comfort and solace to all who are weary and burdened. He recognizes the struggles and challenges we face in life and assures us that He is the source of rest and relief. Jesus invites us to come to Him, promising to give us rest from our burdens. He offers a yoke, a symbol of shared responsibility, and encourages us to learn from Him. Jesus presents Himself as gentle and humble in heart, exemplifying traits we should cultivate in our own lives. By embracing His teachings and following His example, we will find rest and peace for our souls.
This passage on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A reminds us of the compassionate and loving nature of our Savior. Jesus invites us into a relationship with Him, offering comfort and rest for our weary souls. He calls us to approach Him with childlike trust and humility, willing to learn from Him and take on His gentle and humble heart. In doing so, we can experience the true rest that comes from surrendering our burdens to Him.
Prayer for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A
Heavenly Father, we humbly gather before you on this Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As we carry our burdens, grant us rest through the gentle yoke of your Son, Jesus, and help us find solace in his loving and compassionate heart. Amen.
Homilies, Reflections, and Resources for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A
Word on Fire: Finding Rest in Letting Go
In Bishop Robert Barron’s reflection on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A, he explores Jesus’ paradoxical invitation to take his yoke upon us for finding rest. Our lives become burdensome when we carry the weight of our own egos and self-importance. Jesus calls us to shed that weight and embrace the yoke of obedience to God, like two animals yoked together, sharing the load and allowing ourselves to be led by Christ.
First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The First Friday Devotion, entails attending Mass and receiving communion on nine consecutive first Fridays, accompanied by reconciliation if needed. Those who practice this devotion are promised numerous graces, including peace in their homes, comfort in afflictions, strength in life and death, blessings in their endeavors, mercy for sinners, and the gift of touching hardened hearts for priests. Additionally, they are assured of a safe refuge in the Divine Heart of Jesus and the grace of final penitence for those who receive communion on the First Friday for nine consecutive months.
Gaze Upon a Crucifix and Know You Are Loved
On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, gazing at the crucifix allows us to contemplate the immense love Jesus has for us individually, realizing that even if we were the only person in need of salvation, He would have still died for us. By embracing His love and confidently returning it, we can find solace and make that love our entire world, if only for a few moments.
Frequently Asked Questions for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A
What date is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A?
The next date is Friday June 12, 2026.
For other years see the links below:
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year B
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year C
What are the Mass readings for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A?
The Mass readings for Friday June 12, 2026 are:
First reading – Deuteronomy 7:6-11: God’s Covenant Love and Call to Obedience
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: Bless the Lord for His Abundant Kindness
Second reading – 1 John 4:7-16: God’s Love and Our Response
Gospel – Matthew 11:25-30: Jesus Invites the Weary to Find Rest
See the readings section of this page for a longer summary of these readings for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A and links to the readings.
What are the themes for the Mass readings for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A?
Some themes include the revelation to the childlike, divine wisdom, finding rest in Jesus, His gentle and humble heart, taking on His yoke, and the rest and peace that come from being in a relationship with Him.
See the themes section of this page for an expansion on these themes for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A. A reflection, prayer, and homily links are also available.
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