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The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church

Monday June 9, 2025

In 2018, Pope Francis established the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church, to be observed annually on the Monday after Pentecost.

The Catholic Church honors Mary with many titles. One of her most special titles is “Mother of the Church.” This means Mary is not only the Mother of Jesus but also the Mother of all who follow Him. Jesus gave Mary to us as our spiritual mother to guide, protect, and pray for us.

The title “Mother of the Church” has roots in the Bible. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son,” and to the disciple John, “Behold your mother” (John 19:26-27). Many believe that John represents all of us. In this moment, Jesus was giving Mary to the Church as a mother.

Mary was also with the first Christians at Pentecost. After Jesus rose from the dead and returned to heaven, Mary prayed with the apostles as they waited for the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14). This shows Mary’s special place in the Church from the very beginning.

The Church teaches that Mary’s role as our mother comes from her “yes” to God. When she said yes to becoming the mother of Jesus, she also said yes to being part of God’s plan for all people. Mary’s love and care for the Church flow from her deep love for Jesus.

Calling Mary the “Mother of the Church” reminds us that we are part of God’s family. Mary helps us follow Jesus more closely. She is always praying for us and leading us to her Son. Catholics honor her because she leads us to live as true followers of Christ.

Mary in the Bible: A Mother for All

The Bible shows us how Mary became a mother to all of Jesus’ followers. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus gave Mary a special role. He said to her, “Woman, behold your son,” and to the disciple John, “Behold your mother” (John 19:26-27). In this moment, Jesus wasn’t just caring for His mother. He was giving her to all of us as our spiritual mother.

John stood for more than himself in this story. He stood for the whole Church. Jesus wanted Mary to be a mother to everyone who believes in Him. This is why Catholics honor Mary as the Mother of the Church.

Another important moment comes after Jesus rose from the dead. The Bible tells us that Mary was with the apostles as they waited for the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 1:14). She prayed with them and supported them during this time. This shows how Mary has always been close to the Church.

These passages remind us that Mary’s role in God’s plan didn’t end with Jesus’ birth. She stayed with His followers, helping and praying for them. She still does this for us today.

Mary’s presence in these key moments shows that she is more than just the mother of Jesus. She is also a mother to His followers. She wants to bring us closer to Him. This is why we look to her as our loving mother in faith.

How Mary Became Mother of the Church

The Church has called Mary “Mother of the Church” for a long time. Early Christians saw her as a mother to all who follow Jesus. The Church Fathers, who were early Christian leaders, often wrote about Mary’s role. They taught that Mary is the mother of all Christians because she is the mother of Jesus.

One early Church Father, St. Ambrose, said Mary is the mother of the Body of Christ. Since the Church is the Body of Christ, Mary is also its mother. This idea helped Christians see Mary as a loving mother to the whole Church.

Over time, Church councils spoke about Mary’s special role. The Council of Ephesus in 431 declared Mary as the “Mother of God” because she gave birth to Jesus. This title also showed her closeness to the Church. If she is the mother of Jesus, she is also the mother of His followers.

In the 20th century, the Second Vatican Council called Mary “Mother of the Church” in a special way. Pope St. Paul VI confirmed this title during the council in 1964. He said Mary is the mother of all Christians and the Church because of her unique role in God’s plan.

The title “Mother of the Church” has grown in importance over time. It shows Mary’s care and love for all of us. Catholics honor her as a mother who helps us follow Jesus and stay close to Him.

Mary’s Role as a Mother to All

Mary is called the Mother of the Church because of her role in salvation history. When she said “yes” to God, she became the mother of Jesus. Jesus is the Savior of the world. By becoming His mother, Mary became part of God’s plan to save everyone.

Mary’s motherhood goes beyond giving birth to Jesus. She stayed with Him through His whole life. She was there during His ministry and at the Cross. She shared in His suffering and always stayed faithful to God’s plan. Her “yes” was not just for her but for all of us.

The Church is called the Mystical Body of Christ. This means that everyone who follows Jesus is part of His Body. Since Mary is the mother of Jesus, she is also the mother of His Body, the Church. Her spiritual motherhood includes everyone who believes in Jesus.

This motherhood is not just about a title. It is about Mary’s care for the Church. She helps guide us and prays for us. She leads us closer to Jesus, just as any good mother would.

Mary’s role reminds us that we are part of God’s family. She is our spiritual mother, helping us follow Jesus and love one another. Catholics honor her because she shows us how to trust God and live with faith.

Pope Paul VI: A Mother for the Church

During the Second Vatican Council, Pope St. Paul VI gave Mary the title “Mother of the Church.” He made this declaration on November 21, 1964. He explained that Mary is the spiritual mother of all Christians and the whole Church. This title honored her special role in God’s plan and her care for the followers of Jesus.

The council had already been discussing Mary’s role in the Church. In the document Lumen Gentium, the bishops said that Mary is closely united to Christ and His mission. They also said that Mary has a unique role in helping the Church grow in faith and holiness. Pope Paul VI’s declaration built on these ideas.

When Pope Paul VI called Mary “Mother of the Church,” he wanted to remind Catholics of her closeness to us. He said that just as Mary was a loving mother to Jesus, she is a loving mother to all who believe in Him. Her motherhood brings us together as part of one family in Christ.

The title also encourages us to look to Mary as a model of faith. She trusted God completely and followed His plan with love and obedience. Catholics are called to imitate her example and rely on her prayers as we try to follow Jesus.

Pope Paul VI’s declaration made Mary’s role in the Church more visible. It showed her special connection to Jesus and to all Christians. Today, Catholics continue to honor her as the Mother of the Church, turning to her for help, guidance, and prayer.

Pope Francis Honors Mary with a New Feast

In 2018, Pope Francis added a special feast to honor Mary as the Mother of the Church. This feast is called the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church. It is celebrated every year on the Monday after Pentecost.

Pentecost marks the birth of the Church when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles. By placing this feast right after Pentecost, Pope Francis wanted to show Mary’s connection to the Church. Mary was with the apostles at Pentecost, praying with them and supporting them as the Holy Spirit came.

The purpose of this feast is to remind Catholics of Mary’s role as a mother to all believers. Pope Francis said that Mary helps the Church grow in faith and love. By honoring her, Catholics can reflect on her care for the Church and her example of trusting God.

The Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, is celebrated in many ways. Special prayers and readings are used in Mass to focus on Mary’s motherhood. The feast encourages Catholics to turn to Mary for help and guidance in their faith.

Pope Francis wanted this feast to strengthen devotion to Mary. He hoped it would inspire Catholics to follow her example of faith and obedience. Through this memorial, the Church celebrates Mary’s love and care for all who follow Jesus.

Mary in Our Lives Today

Catholics honor Mary as the Mother of the Church in many ways. Prayer is one of the most important. Many Catholics ask for Mary’s intercession when they pray. They believe she listens and brings their prayers to Jesus.

The Rosary is one of the most popular ways to honor Mary. It helps people reflect on the life of Jesus and the role Mary played in it. While praying the Rosary, Catholics think about key moments in Jesus’ life, like His birth, death, and resurrection. Mary is always present in these mysteries.

In the Mass, the Church often includes prayers that honor Mary. For example, in special feasts dedicated to Mary, like the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, the prayers highlight her role as our spiritual mother. These feasts help Catholics focus on her care for the Church.

Many Catholics also honor Mary through devotions, like novenas, hymns, or Marian processions. In some cultures, these traditions are a big part of community life. They show how Mary brings people together in faith.

Mary’s role as Mother of the Church is also seen in how Catholics turn to her during difficult times. They ask for her help and guidance, trusting that she will lead them closer to Jesus.

Through these prayers, devotions, and liturgies, Catholics show their love for Mary and their trust in her care. She continues to be a source of strength and guidance for the Church today.

Daily Mass Readings for the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church

  • First Reading: Genesis 3:9-15, 20: God confronts Adam and Eve about their disobedience, pronouncing consequences on the serpent, and concluding with Adam naming his wife Eve, the mother of all the living.
  • Alternate First ReadingActs 1:12-14: The apostles and Mary, the mother of Jesus, gather in prayer and anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 87: The Lord loves the the city of God, where people find their home. Glorious things are told of it.
  • Gospel John 19:25-34: During the Crucifixion, Jesus addresses His mother, Mary, and the disciple whom He loved, entrusting them to each other.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.”

John 19:26-27

Themes for the Readings for The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church

The Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church shows us different ways Mary’s role touches our faith. We look at how the readings connect to her and what they tell us about being part of God’s family.

  • Motherly Protection: Mary cares for us like a mother. In the Gospel, Jesus gives Mary to His disciple to be his mother. This shows Mary as a protector and mother to all believers.
  • New Eve: Mary is the new beginning for humanity. Genesis describes Eve as the mother of all living. Mary is seen as the “New Eve” because she plays a key role in God’s plan of salvation.
  • Home in God: The Psalm speaks of a beloved city where God’s people live. Mary is like this city, bringing us closer to God and offering a spiritual home through her son, Jesus.
  • Unity in Faith: Mary brings believers together. At the Crucifixion, when Jesus tells Mary and the disciple to care for each other, it shows us the unity and family in the Church.
  • Suffering and Hope: Mary shows faith in suffering. She stood by Jesus during His suffering, teaching us to remain faithful and hopeful in hard times.

In remembering Mary as the Mother of the Church, we learn about her role in bringing people to Jesus and caring for them. She teaches us about love, faith, and hope. We are reminded to follow her example and be strong in our faith.

Homilies, Commentaries, and Reflections for The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church

Word on Fire: Channel of God’s Grace

In his reflection for the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church, Bishop Robert Barron emphasizes that Mary’s role as the Mother of the Church stems from her unique connection to Jesus, the Savior. He highlights her mission as a mediator and intercessor, serving as the privileged channel through which the grace of Christ flows into the Church.

Bishop Barron also emphasizes the significance of Mary’s humble cooperation with God’s providential plan, making her the most effective instrument in bringing about God’s work in the world.

USCCB Reflection: Embracing Our Connections

In this video reflection from USCCB for the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church, we reflect on the significance of owning our sins and embracing our interconnectedness as members of the body of Christ.

We remember the gift of Jesus giving Mary and John to each other and to us, emphasizing the call to care for one another and journey together until we reach our eternal home.

Reflection: Mary, Our Loving Mother

Mary’s role as Mother of the Church is a gift for all Christians. She cares for us like a mother cares for her children. She is always ready to help us grow closer to Jesus. Her example of faith and love inspires us to follow God’s will with trust and courage.

When we pray the Rosary or celebrate a feast in her honor, we are reminded of how much she wants to guide us. Mary doesn’t draw attention to herself. Instead, she points us toward her Son. She helps us to reflect on His life and the great love He has for us.

Mary also shows us how to live with humility and faith. When the angel told her she would be the mother of Jesus, she said yes without hesitation. She didn’t know everything that would happen, but she trusted God completely. Her example teaches us to trust God even when life is uncertain.

As we honor Mary, we can think about her prayers for us. Just as she prayed with the apostles at Pentecost, she prays for the Church now. She wants us to stay strong in our faith and love one another. Mary’s care reminds us that we are never alone in our journey of faith.

Reflection Questions:

  • How can I follow Mary’s example of trust and faith in my life?
  • When have I turned to Mary in prayer, and how has it helped me grow closer to Jesus?
  • How can I honor Mary in my daily life and ask for her guidance in my decisions?


More about Our Blessed Mother

Mary, the mother of Jesus, has a special place in the Catholic Church. She is called the Mother of God because Jesus, fully God and fully human, came into the world through her. Mary said “yes” to God’s plan with faith and courage, trusting Him completely. She lived humbly and focused on her role as the mother of the Savior.

Her life shows us how to follow Jesus with love and obedience. Catholics honor Mary as a guide, a mother, and someone who prays for us. She teaches us to trust God and serve Him with our whole hearts.

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary and the Saints? A Lesson Plan

Catholics pray to Mary and the saints to ask for their prayers to God. This is like asking a friend to pray for you.

The Bible teaches us to pray for one another (James 5:16), and Catholics believe those in heaven, like Mary and the saints, continue to pray for us. Revelation 8:3-4 shows that the prayers of the saints rise before God.

When Catholics pray to Mary or the saints, they are not worshiping them. Worship is for God alone. Instead, they ask for their intercession, trusting in their prayers to help bring their needs before God.

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Questions and Answers about Mary, Mother of the Church

What does “Mother of the Church” mean?

It means Mary is the spiritual mother of all who follow Jesus.

Why is Mary called Mother of the Church?

Jesus gave Mary to us as our mother when He was on the Cross. She helps and prays for the Church.

Where in the Bible does it say Mary is our mother?

In John 19:26-27, Jesus tells Mary, “Behold your son,” and tells John, “Behold your mother.”

When did the Church officially call Mary Mother of the Church?

Pope St. Paul VI gave Mary this title during the Second Vatican Council in 1964.

Why is Mary important to the Church?

She is the mother of Jesus and was with Him throughout His life. She helps guide the Church to her Son.

How do Catholics honor Mary as Mother of the Church?

Catholics pray to her, celebrate special feasts, and follow her example of faith and love.

What is the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church?

It is a feast celebrated on the Monday after Pentecost to honor Mary’s role as the Church’s mother.

Does praying to Mary mean worshiping her?

No. Catholics honor Mary and ask her to pray for them, but they worship God alone.

How does Mary help the Church?

She prays for the Church and helps believers grow closer to Jesus through her example and care.

What can we learn from Mary?

We can learn to trust God, say yes to His plans, and love others like she does.

What are the Mass readings?

The Mass readings for the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church are:
First Reading: Genesis 3:9-15, 20: Consequences and Redemption
Alternate First Reading – Acts 1:12-14: Prayerful Anticipation
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 87: The Glorious City of God
Gospel – John 19:25-34: The Crucifixion and the Mother’s Care

Mary, Our Mother in Faith

Mary is honored as the Mother of the Church because of her special role in God’s plan. At the Cross, Jesus gave Mary to all of us when He said to John, “Behold your mother.” From that moment, Mary became a spiritual mother to all believers. She continues to care for the Church by praying for us and guiding us closer to her Son.

The Church has recognized Mary’s motherhood from the early days. Her title as Mother of the Church was officially declared by Pope St. Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council. This title reminds us of her deep connection to Jesus and her role in the life of the Church.

Catholics honor Mary through prayer, the Rosary, and special feasts. She shows us how to trust God, love others, and follow Jesus. As Mother of the Church, Mary helps us to live with faith and stay united as God’s family.

Your Turn

Mary, Mother of the Church, is a gift to all of us. She prays for us, guides us, and leads us to Jesus. Learn more about her role by reading about her in the Bible and Church teachings. Think about how she helps you in your faith.

Share your experience with Mary in the comment section. Let others know how she has been a part of your life. Together, we can grow closer to Jesus through her example and prayers.

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