Blessings and Woes
A Lesson Plan on the Beatitudes

The “Blessings and Woes” lesson plan helps young people understand the values Jesus teaches in the Gospel. In this lesson, youth learn about the blessings Jesus offers to those who suffer and the warnings he gives to those who are comfortable. This message is simple but powerful, reminding us that real happiness isn’t found in wealth or success. Instead, it is in trusting God, even in hard times.
This lesson is especially valuable for youth who may feel pressure to focus on popularity, money, or achievements. Jesus’ words show a different path, where true joy comes from following God and caring for others. It challenges young people to think about what really matters, helping them see that God is with them in times of struggle and hardship.
The “Blessings and Woes” lesson also teaches youth to avoid pride and selfishness. They learn that having wealth or status is not a problem by itself, but it becomes one if they ignore the needs of others or forget God. This is an important message for young people, helping them understand the value of sharing and humility.
By reflecting on these blessings and warnings, youth grow in compassion and wisdom. They learn to look beyond appearances and focus on what truly matters in life. This lesson plan helps them live in a way that reflects God’s love and builds up the Kingdom of God.
Opening Game
Start with a game to break the ice and help everyone feel ready to think about surprises, expectations, and reality. You can begin by playing Not So Happy Meal, a silly game that usually brings out some laughs and surprises. See the directions here.
If Not So Happy Meal doesn’t work for your space or group, you can try Would You Rather instead. See directions and questions here.
After the game, gather everyone together and ask a few questions to start reflecting on the experience.
Did you think it would be fun to eat a Happy Meal? How did you feel when you saw what it really looked like?
For most of us, there have been times when we thought something would make us happy or be fun but ended up disappointed. Maybe it was something you were really looking forward to, like a big event or a treat, but it didn’t turn out like you hoped. Sometimes, even things that seem exciting or special can be less enjoyable than we expect. That’s a normal part of life, and we’ve all been there.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is reminding us to look beyond what seems good on the surface. He warns us that sometimes the things we think will bring us happiness—like comfort, money, or popularity—can be disappointing or even harmful to us in the end. These things aren’t bad on their own, but they don’t always lead us to the real, lasting happiness that God wants for us. Sometimes, the greatest blessings in our lives are not the things we chase after or the ones that look exciting, but the quieter, unexpected moments that bring us closer to God.
Jesus calls us to look beyond what’s popular or impressive and to trust in God, even if it seems challenging or doesn’t seem like what we want at first. Real joy often comes from things that don’t shine in the same way that wealth, success, or comfort do. God sees a deeper happiness for us, one that comes from staying close to Him and following His ways, even when the path looks different from what we imagined. So today, let’s talk about these “blessings and woes” and what they mean for finding happiness that lasts.
Scripture Reading
Luke 6:17, 20-26 (The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Plain) – the Gospel Reading for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.
Woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep.
Woe to you when all speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way.”Jesus came down with the twelve and stood on a stretch of level ground with a great crowd of his disciples and a large number of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon.
And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said:
“Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.
Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh.
Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way.
When we read the Beatitudes, we’re hearing Jesus talk about two things: blessings and warnings. In this passage, we’re not only looking at words that tell us who is “blessed,” but also who is facing “woe.” Let’s start with the meaning of these two words: “Blessed” can mean “happy” or “lucky,” but it also has a deeper meaning, like “growing closer to God.” Jesus is showing us a path, a way to live that connects us to God even when things are difficult.
Jesus looks at the world with love and sees people’s pain and struggles. He sees people who are poor, hungry, and in despair. He knows that life can be hard. But Jesus doesn’t leave us there. He gives us hope. He says to those who have little, “Blessed are you.” He is telling them—and us—that God hasn’t forgotten them. Their struggles have meaning, and they can bring us closer to God. Jesus shows us that those who face hardship are open to God because they know they need Him. In this way, struggling can actually be a blessing, helping us rely more on God and less on ourselves.
On the other side, we hear Jesus say, “Woe to you.” Think of this as Jesus saying, “Be careful,” or “Warning ahead!” He is warning people who feel comfortable and satisfied with themselves to pay attention. Jesus knows that when we’re too comfortable, we start to focus more on ourselves. We might think our wealth or success means we’ve “made it,” and we can start to forget about God and the needs of others.
Wealth, power, and success are not bad things. But if we use these gifts only for ourselves, they can turn into a curse. Everything we have is a gift from God, yet it’s easy to think, “I worked hard for this; I deserve it.” This way of thinking hardens our hearts. We start to believe we don’t owe anyone anything. We might forget those around us who are struggling, those who need help. But in God’s eyes, we are all connected, and those with more have a duty to help those with less.
When we start to think that we’re responsible for all the good things in our lives, we drift further from God. We lose sight of Him and of His role in our lives. And when we stop focusing on God, we become self-centered and lose our way. We try to hold onto comfort and security, but it will never be enough. This kind of life leads to emptiness and, eventually, sorrow. Jesus doesn’t want this for us, so he warns us in advance.
Throughout the Old Testament, God made it clear that people who have more should care for people who have less. There are many examples in the Bible of God telling His people to protect the vulnerable. Widows, orphans, and foreigners were often left without help, and God gave Israel specific laws to make sure they were cared for. Deuteronomy 24:17 says, “You shall not pervert the justice due to the sojourner or to the fatherless, or take a widow’s garment in pledge.” This reminds us that God cares deeply for those who are on the edges of society. And as followers of Christ, we’re called to do the same.
The Catholic Church teaches us that caring for others is important—not only for the people we help, but for us, too. When we give freely, we remember that we are all God’s children. We learn to treat everyone with dignity and respect, seeing each person as valuable and loved by God. No one is more deserving of God’s love than anyone else. Each of us is called to love and care for others as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Living this way moves us closer to what God dreams for us: His Kingdom. When we choose to live by the Beatitudes, we’re building God’s Kingdom here on earth. The Kingdom of God is a place where people care for each other, where we live in harmony, where everyone is loved and respected. We’re invited to start living this way now, and the blessings and woes are our guide. They help us understand how to grow closer to God and to each other, and to see what really matters in life.
Jesus’ message in the blessings and woes is challenging but also full of hope. He teaches us that even when we’re struggling, God is with us, and we are blessed. And when we’re comfortable, He warns us to stay focused on what’s important. By living this way, we open our hearts to God and to one another, building a community of love that reflects God’s vision for the world. This is the Kingdom we’re called to create, step by step, with Jesus leading the way.
Small Group Reflection Questions
In small groups, encourage everyone to share their thoughts openly. Remind participants that each person’s perspective matters and can help deepen everyone’s understanding. Allow time for reflection and ensure that everyone has a chance to speak. The goal is to explore the “blessings and woes” together, thinking about what Jesus is asking us to consider in our own lives.
- What does it mean to you to be “blessed” in difficult times? Can you think of a time when a challenge helped you grow closer to God?
- Why do you think Jesus warns those who are “comfortable”? What dangers might there be in having too much?
- How can we recognize God’s gifts in our lives without becoming too focused on them? How can we use these gifts to help others?
- Who do you see around you who might be feeling left out or in need of help? How could you or our group reach out to them?
- How do you understand Jesus’ teaching on finding joy and strength in struggles? Is there a specific area where you need God’s help to see a blessing?
- What does it mean to live with humility and generosity? How could this look in our daily lives?
- How can this teaching about “blessings and woes” help us understand the Kingdom of God better?
- Is there one blessing or warning that stands out to you as most meaningful? Why?
This week, try to notice the blessings and woes in your life. When you face a difficult moment, pause and ask God to be with you in it. It can be easy to feel alone when things get hard, but remember that God is closest to us when we struggle. Ask Him to bless you through this challenge, and to use it to draw you closer to Him. Trust that He can bring good even out of hard situations and that He sees what you’re going through.
When you’re having a really good moment, take a moment to thank God and consider how you might share that joy with someone else. Maybe it’s by sharing your time, using a talent to help others, or simply being a good friend. Remember, blessings aren’t just for ourselves—they’re meant to be shared. By reaching out, you’re living out Jesus’ teachings of blessings and woes, and helping to build God’s Kingdom around you.
Let’s close our time together with a prayer, asking God to help us live the blessings and warnings Jesus taught. This week, may we remember that He is with us in our joys and struggles, helping us grow closer to Him. In this prayer, we’ll bring to God all those who are in need—those who are poor, hungry, sad, or lonely. We also pray for those who are comfortable and wealthy, that they remember to use their blessings for others. Let’s take a moment to bring to God the people and situations on our hearts.
We will pray a Litany of the Beatitudes together. As we say each line, let’s remember the words of Jesus and ask for the strength to live out these blessings in our own lives.
Lord, have mercy … Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy … Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy … Lord, have mercy
Blessed are the poor in spirit … theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are those who mourn … they will be comforted
Blessed are the meek … they will inherit the land
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness … they will be satisfied
Blessed are the merciful … they will receive mercy
Blessed are the clean of heart … they will see God
Blessed are the peacemakers … they will be called children of God
Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness … theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Lord Jesus Christ … hear our prayer
Savior of the world … hear our prayer
Comfort of the sorrowing … hear our prayer
Refuge of the weak … hear our prayer
Seeker of justice … hear our prayer
Brother to the outcast … hear our prayer
Merciful Lord … hear our prayer
Light to sinners … hear our prayer
Prince of peace … hear our prayer
Redeemer of the world … hear our prayer
Lord, thank You for being our guide and strength. Help us to see each moment as a chance to grow closer to You. Let us be a source of comfort to those who struggle, and a reminder of Your love to all we meet. Amen.
You can find a printable copy of the Litany of the Beatitudes here.
More Resources
- Trust in God: The blessings and woes show that trusting God brings hope and strength. Even in difficult times, faith keeps us close to Him. God’s care is our true security.
- Humility over Pride: Jesus’ blessings and woes remind us to be humble and grateful. All good things come from God, not our own efforts alone. Humility keeps us open to God and others.
- Care for the Poor: The blessings and woes reveal God’s care for the poor and those in need. We are called to be generous and compassionate. Helping others is central to our faith.
- Value of Sacrifice: Through blessings and woes, Jesus praises those who endure hardship. Sacrifice done in love brings us closer to God. Our sacrifices can also bless others.
- Warnings against Greed: In the blessings and woes, Jesus warns us about wealth’s dangers. Greed can make us selfish and distant from God. God calls us to share what we have.
- Compassion for Others: The blessings and woes invite us to have compassion for others. Jesus wants us to share the burdens of those who suffer. This builds love and unity.
- True Happiness in God: The blessings and woes teach that real joy is in God, not in wealth or status. True happiness comes from following Jesus. This brings us peace in all things.
- Blessed in Hardship: Jesus’ blessings and woes show that even hardship brings us closer to God. Our struggles strengthen our faith. We learn to rely on God’s comfort and love.
- Living with Integrity: The blessings and woes guide us to live with honesty and sincerity. Integrity means being true to our faith and values. We live fully as Christ’s followers.
- God’s Justice and Mercy: The blessings and woes reveal that God’s justice is full of mercy. He cares for the suffering and warns those who are self-satisfied. This calls us to work for fairness and compassion.
- Seeking God’s Kingdom: The blessings and woes remind us to seek God’s kingdom. This purpose gives meaning to our lives. We live for the hope and love that God promises.
Background Material
The “blessings and woes” in Luke’s Gospel reflect a core teaching of Jesus. This lesson plan helps us understand how they relate to the Catholic faith and how they guide us in living as true followers of Christ. The “blessings and woes” reveal God’s heart for those who suffer and a warning for those who are self-satisfied. Jesus is teaching us where true happiness and fulfillment lie.
The Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke focus on the same message, but Luke emphasizes social and economic issues. Jesus directly blesses the poor, the hungry, those who weep, and those who are rejected. He also warns those who are rich, satisfied, and praised by others. This is a teaching about what we seek in life and how we use the gifts God gives us. If we rely on our wealth or status, we risk becoming separated from God and others.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this teaching on detachment and trust in God. It says, “The beatitude we are promised confronts us with decisive moral choices. It invites us to purify our hearts of bad instincts and to seek the love of God above all else” (CCC 1723). The “blessings and woes” call us to choose a life based on faith in God rather than on the temporary comfort and praise of the world. Jesus shows us that real security comes from trusting God.
Catholic social teaching also guides us to care for the poor and vulnerable, which connects closely to the “blessings and woes.” In the Old Testament, God gave Israel laws that protected the rights of widows, orphans, and the poor. In Deuteronomy, we read, “You shall not pervert justice due to the sojourner or to the fatherless, or take a widow’s garment in pledge” (Deuteronomy 24:17). The Church teaches that we have a duty to care for others, especially those who are struggling. Pope Francis often speaks of the need to care for the “least of these,” reminding us that we meet Jesus himself in the poor.
The “blessings and woes” also point to the idea of solidarity, which is a central theme in Catholic social teaching. Solidarity means that we see all people as our brothers and sisters. This ties directly to Jesus’ blessing of the poor and his warnings to the rich. We are not meant to live only for ourselves but to care for others and work for justice. Jesus is clear that wealth and comfort are gifts that must be used to help others. When we ignore the needs of others or live only for our own comfort, we miss the joy and purpose that come from living as God intends.
Jesus’ teachings in the “blessings and woes” also challenge us to find joy and hope in suffering. St. Paul says, “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope” (Romans 5:3-4). While life’s hardships can be painful, they can also bring us closer to God, strengthening our faith and compassion.
In short, the “blessings and woes” guide us to live with humility, trust in God, and love for others. They remind us that happiness is not found in material things but in God’s love and mercy. Through this lesson, we learn to grow in faith, to give generously, and to live in solidarity with all people.
Music Suggestions
- The Beatitudes by Ed Bolduc
- All the Poor and Powerless by All Sons and Daughters
- Lead Me Lord by John D. Becker

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Questions and Answers
What is the main focus of the Blessings and Woes lesson plan?
The focus is to help young people understand Jesus’ teachings in the blessings and woes. It shows how Jesus blesses those who suffer and warns those who are comfortable. This lesson teaches us to rely on God and care for others.
Why are the blessings and woes important for youth to learn?
The blessings and woes teach values that go against what society often promotes. Youth learn that happiness is not in money or popularity but in trusting God. They also learn that caring for others is part of following Jesus.
How does the Blessings and Woes lesson fit with Catholic teaching?
The blessings and woes reflect key Catholic values. They show us the need to care for the poor, live with humility, and trust in God. This teaching is part of the Church’s mission to help those in need and grow in faith.
Are the blessings and woes only about rich and poor people?
No, the blessings and woes go beyond just rich and poor. They teach us to rely on God, no matter our situation. They also remind us not to focus too much on comfort and to help those who are struggling.
How can the Blessings and Woes lesson change how youth see success?
The blessings and woes teach that true success comes from living as Jesus taught. Success is not just money or status, but growing in faith and love. This lesson helps youth see that lasting happiness comes from following God.
What other Bible passages support the Blessings and Woes lesson?
The Beatitudes in Matthew’s Gospel, the teachings on helping the poor, and passages from the prophets all support the blessings and woes. Verses like “Blessed are the poor in spirit” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” connect to this message.
How can this lesson plan be used to teach about social justice?
The blessings and woes show that God cares for those in need and calls us to do the same. Youth can learn that following Jesus means working for fairness and helping those who suffer. It teaches them to live with compassion and responsibility.
Does this lesson discourage people from having wealth?
The blessings and woes don’t say wealth is bad. They remind us that wealth should be used to help others. Jesus warns that we must not let wealth lead us away from God.
Why does Jesus warn those who are comfortable in the blessings and woes?
Jesus warns those who are comfortable because it is easy to forget God when we have everything we need. When we focus only on ourselves, we can miss the needs of others. Jesus wants us to stay humble and depend on God.
How does this lesson help youth in their everyday lives?
The blessings and woes help youth see that they are loved by God, even in hard times. They learn that challenges can bring them closer to God and help them grow in faith. This lesson teaches them that true joy is in following Jesus.
Finding True Happiness
The “Blessings and Woes” lesson plan focuses on the teachings of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. Here, Jesus blesses those who struggle and warns those who live in comfort. This powerful message challenges us to rethink what brings real happiness. Jesus’ words teach that true joy comes from trusting in God, not from material wealth or popularity. This lesson plan guides youth in understanding that hardships can bring us closer to God and help us grow in faith.
The lesson also explores Catholic values of humility, compassion, and social justice. Jesus’ blessings and woes remind us that we are responsible for helping those in need. Youth learn that their gifts are not only for themselves but to serve others. This teaching fits into Catholic social values that emphasize dignity, generosity, and solidarity.
By understanding the blessings and woes, youth can see the meaning behind Jesus’ words and apply them in their lives. This lesson plan invites them to build true happiness on a foundation of faith, love, and service. It also encourages them to examine their priorities and seek God in all things. It shows that by following Jesus, we can find lasting joy, even in challenging times.
Your Turn
Try the Blessings and Woes lesson plan and explore its rich message. This lesson encourages young people to see beyond material things and find joy in God’s love.
Discover how you can make this lesson work for your group, and feel free to share your own variations and thoughts in the comment section. Your insights can help others bring this powerful teaching to life. Dive into the blessings and woes and see how they can inspire true happiness and a deeper faith.
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