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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time emphasizes spiritual camaraderie over competition. It encourages disciples not to obstruct others' journey towards righteousness, highlighting the importance of focusing on personal discipleship rather than proving oneself superior. This theme invites reflection on pride and jealousy, and how these attitudes affect interactions with those of other faiths. The day serves as a reminder to step out of comfort zones, showing genuine care and support for others. This message is particularly relevant for youth ministers, catechists, teachers, and parents, providing valuable resources for nurturing this inclusive and humble approach.

Sunday Year A: Sunday September 27, 2026
Sunday Year B: Sunday September 29, 2024
Sunday Year C: Sunday September 28, 2025

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
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Mass Readings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Sunday September 27, 2026

See resources, homilies, and more for the Sunday Year A readings here.

  • First readingEzekiel 18:25-28: The LORD addresses Israel's claim of unfairness, questioning whether it's His ways or theirs that are unjust. He explains that a virtuous person turning to iniquity will die due to their sins, but if they repent and act justly, they will live.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 25: I ask the Lord to show His ways and teach His truth, recalling His mercy and guiding the humble in righteousness, while overlooking past faults due to His goodness.
  • Second reading - Philippians 2:1-11: Paul urges unity and humility among believers, exemplified by Christ's selflessness. Jesus, though divine, took human form and died on a cross, leading God to exalt Him above all.
  • Gospel Matthew 21:28-32: Jesus questioned religious leaders using a parable: A father asked his two sons to work in his vineyard. The first refused but later complied; the second agreed but didn’t follow through. They acknowledged the first son obeyed. Jesus explained that sinners who repent are closer to God's kingdom than unrepentant religious leaders.

Mass Readings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Sunday September 29, 2024

See resources, homilies, and more for the Sunday Year B readings here.

  • First ReadingNumbers 11:25-29: The LORD bestowed Moses' spirit on seventy elders, including Eldad and Medad who prophesied in the camp, leading Moses to wish all people were prophets.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 19: God's law revives the soul and gives wisdom; His judgments are true and fair. I seek forgiveness for unknown faults and pray to be kept from deliberate sins.
  • Second ReadingJames 5:1-6: The rich are admonished for hoarding wealth and exploiting workers; their luxury and injustice will lead to their downfall.
  • GospelMark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48: Jesus instructed his disciples not to hinder someone casting out demons in his name, affirming those not against them are allies. He stressed the gravity of causing believers to sin, using strong metaphors to emphasize the importance of avoiding sin and its severe consequences, even if it requires personal sacrifice.

Mass Readings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Sunday September 28, 2025

See resources, homilies, and more for the Sunday Year C readings here.

  • First ReadingAmos 6:1A, 4-7: The LORD denounces the comfortable and indulgent in Zion, predicting their exile and the end of their revelry due to their indifference to others' suffering.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 146: God brings justice, feeds the hungry, frees prisoners, heals the blind, and supports the downtrodden, orphan, and widow, reigning eternally over all generations.
  • Second Reading1 Timothy 6:11-16: A man of God is urged to pursue virtues and hold onto eternal life, keeping commandments until Christ's return, honoring the immortal, unseen Sovereign.
  • Gospel - Luke 16:19-31: Jesus narrated a parable contrasting a rich man's luxurious life with Lazarus, a destitute man. After death, Lazarus found comfort with Abraham, while the rich man suffered. The rich man's plea for relief and a warning for his brothers was denied, emphasizing the sufficiency of Moses and the prophets' teachings.

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