28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Sunday October 11, 2026

Mass Readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
- First Reading – Isaiah 25:6-10a: The LORD promises to provide abundantly for all and remove obstacles that blind nations. He will end death, comfort his people, and eradicate their disgrace. All will recognize and rejoice in God’s salvation.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23: The LORD, as a caring shepherd, provides and protects. He leads in safety, offers comfort in danger, and honors in the presence of enemies. With the LORD’s enduring kindness, one finds eternal refuge in His house.
- Second Reading – Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20: Paul expresses contentment in all situations, whether in scarcity or plenty. Through Christ’s strength, he remains resilient. He acknowledges the support of others and assures God’s provision for their needs, praising God eternally.
- Gospel – Matthew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10: Jesus shares a parable about a king who hosts a wedding feast for his son. Initially, invited guests refuse the invitation. After facing consequences, the king invites all, but emphasizes the importance of being appropriately prepared. Few truly qualify.
Upcoming dates: October 11, 2026, October 14, 2029, October 10, 2032
The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.
Matthew 22:8-9
Themes for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A speaks about God’s generosity and the need to accept His invitation. The readings show that God provides for His people, but they must respond with faith and preparation.
- God’s Generosity: God offers abundance to all people. He removes pain and brings joy to those who trust in Him.
- Invitation to Salvation: God calls everyone to share in His blessings. Some reject His call, but others accept and find new life.
- Faith in All Circumstances: Paul teaches that faith gives strength in both good times and hard times. Trust in Christ helps people remain steady.
- Judgment and Readiness: The parable warns that not all who are invited will be ready. Being prepared means living according to God’s ways.
- Universal Call to Holiness: The king invites all, showing that God welcomes everyone. Each person has a chance to follow Him.
- The Cost of Rejection: Those who refuse God’s invitation face consequences. Turning away from Him leads to loss.
God invites all people to His feast, but they must respond with faith and readiness. The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A reminds everyone to accept God’s gifts with open hearts and willing lives.
Resources for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Sunday October 11, 2026

Party Planning in Paradise – A Lesson on the Parable of the Wedding Feast
This lesson plan encourages thoughtful consideration of how we approach celebrations and gatherings, especially from a faith perspective. It draws parallels with the parable of the wedding feast. In both contexts, there is a focus on preparation and the significance of the event. Just as the lesson prompts us to reflect on our party planning choices, the parable highlights the importance of being prepared to receive the invitation to the heavenly banquet. It underscores the idea that our spiritual readiness and the way we approach such gatherings have deeper implications, echoing the themes of preparedness and intentionality.

Make a Gratitude List Every Day and Pray with It
In Matthew 22:1-14, we find a parable where Jesus tells the story of a king who throws a wedding feast for his son. In this parable, some guests are invited but refuse to attend, showing ingratitude. The king then invites others to fill the seats. This parable highlights the concept of gratitude and the consequences of not appreciating an invitation or blessings. Counting your blessings and being thankful encourages us to appreciate the invitations and opportunities we receive in life, as gratitude is a fundamental aspect of faith and humility.

Start a Prayer Journal
See some practical advice on how to begin journaling your prayers as a means of reflection and spiritual growth. We can draw a connection between the act of journaling prayers and the parable of the wedding feast in the gospel for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. Just as journaling encourages us to be intentional and thoughtful in our prayers, the parable emphasizes the importance of being prepared and dressed appropriately for the wedding banquet. Both practices call for a deliberate and focused approach to one’s faith, emphasizing the need for sincerity and commitment in our spiritual journey.

Invitation Relay
The gospel for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Matthew 22:1-14 describes the parable of the wedding banquet, where many invited guests declined their invitations. This parable illustrates the importance of accepting God’s invitation to the kingdom and responding appropriately. The story suggests that while many are invited to experience God’s love, not all will accept. It also emphasizes the importance of being prepared and responding in the right manner. The “invitation relay” concept can be likened to the passing on of faith and the call to be receptive. Just as relay runners must be ready to receive the baton, so too must individuals be prepared to accept God’s invitation and pass on their faith to others.

Resources for the Gospel of Matthew
Matthew’s Gospel often centers on Jesus’ teachings and his emphasis on the Kingdom of Heaven. The parable in Matthew 22:1-14, where many are invited to a banquet but not all are deemed suitable, mirrors a recurring theme: being called versus being chosen. Within Matthew’s Gospel, the challenge is not just to hear Jesus’ teachings but to internalize and live by them. Just as guests were expected to wear proper attire to the banquet, so too are followers of Christ expected to “wear” their faith authentically. This call to genuine discipleship resonates throughout the Gospel of Matthew.
Homilies and Commentaries for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Sunday October 11, 2026
Navigating Life’s Milk and Honey
On the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Jeff Cavins discusses the concept of “the land of milk and honey” mentioned in the Bible. This metaphor represents two lifestyles: one easy and prosperous (honey) in the northwest part of the land, and the other challenging and unpredictable (milk) in the southeast. While honey symbolizes abundance and ease, milk represents difficulty and unpredictability. Regardless of the conditions, the Israelites are called to trust in the Lord. Similarly, everyone experiences good times and hardships in life, but with faith and trust in God, any challenge can be overcome.
Garment of Righteousness
Brant Pitre discusses the Parable of the Wedding Banquet from the gospel for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. He highlights the importance of the wedding garment. He relates the garment to righteousness and emphasizes the need for living a righteous life to be chosen for the eternal kingdom, drawing connections to various Biblical references.
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Bishop Robert Barron examines the perplexing Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew’s Gospel for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. He sheds light on the seemingly exaggerated reactions of the king, emphasizing the story’s intent to jolt its audience into recognizing the magnitude of the divine invitation they receive. It’s underscored that while God’s grace is freely given, there’s an expectation for believers to develop and live a spiritually and morally aligned life, much like wearing the right garment to the divine feast. The narrative’s exaggerated elements are designed to stress the dire spiritual consequences of rejecting or not honoring this divine call.
Dressing for the Feast
Scott Hahn interprets the Gospel for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A as a clear representation of salvation history. He explains how God, depicted as a king, invites the Israelites to the feast of salvation, using His prophets as messengers. Due to their refusal and mistreatment of these prophets, they face consequences. Jesus now sends apostles, inviting everyone, both good and bad, to God’s kingdom, symbolizing the Church. This inclusiveness fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy where barriers between nations and the covenants of Israel are eradicated. Through Baptism and the Eucharist, we participate in this feast. However, Hahn reminds us to live worthily, ensuring we’re clothed in righteousness for the heavenly banquet.
Isaiah and God’s Holy Mountain
In this homily for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Bishop Robert Barron delves into the significance of God’s holy mountain, Mt. Zion, as mentioned in the book of Isaiah. He highlights the temple’s role in bringing Israel together for worship, drawing parallels between the physical Mt. Zion and a mystical version representing complete divine communion. He emphasizes the power of the Mass as a journey up this holy mountain, where God meets, gathers, and nourishes believers, fostering unity and peace. The Eucharist not only prepares believers for their eventual heavenly union but also brings the divine promises of Isaiah into the present experience of the Mass.
Reflection for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A speaks about God’s invitation to all people. Isaiah describes a great feast where suffering will end. Paul reminds believers to trust in God’s strength in every situation. Jesus tells a parable about a wedding banquet, showing that accepting God’s call requires both willingness and preparation. These readings encourage reflection on how people respond to God’s invitation in their own lives.
Enduring Hope in Difficult Times
The first reading for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A gives a picture of God’s kindness and care. Isaiah speaks of a great feast where God removes suffering and shame. This is a promise that God will always provide for His people. It reminds everyone that no matter how hard life gets, He is near.
People today face many struggles. Some feel lost in their personal lives. Others deal with financial problems, family troubles, or loneliness. The world is full of pain, just like in Isaiah’s time. But Isaiah’s words remind everyone that God’s care never fails.
This reading encourages hope. Even when things seem dark, God has a plan. The feast Isaiah describes is not only about the future. It is a sign that God is working in people’s lives now. He is leading them to something greater.
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A is a call to trust. It is a reminder that pain and struggle will not last forever. God will bring peace, joy, and healing. People just need to stay faithful and hold onto hope.
Answering God’s Invitation
The Gospel for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A tells a story about a wedding banquet. A king invites many guests, but they refuse to come. Some ignore the invitation, while others react with anger. In the end, the king invites anyone willing to attend.
This parable shows how God calls all people to be with Him. Some accept, while others turn away. Many are too busy or uninterested. They choose other things over God’s invitation. This is a warning not to take His call lightly.
The parable also includes a guest who comes without proper wedding clothes. This shows that accepting the invitation is not enough. People must be prepared. Following God requires real effort, not just showing up. Faith should change the way people live.
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A reminds everyone that God invites them to His feast. The question is how they will respond. Will they ignore the call, or will they prepare their hearts and live according to His ways?
God’s Invitation Never Ends
The readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A share a common message. Isaiah describes a feast where God takes away sorrow. The Gospel tells of a king inviting guests to a wedding. Both speak of God’s invitation to a life of joy.
Not everyone accepts this invitation. Some ignore it, thinking they have more important things to do. Others reject it outright. This is true in every generation. People get distracted by work, entertainment, or personal plans. They push God aside.
But God keeps inviting. He does not give up on people. The king in the parable finds new guests. Isaiah’s vision shows that God’s love is for everyone. He wants all to share in His blessings.
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A asks people to reflect on their own response. Have they accepted God’s invitation, or have they been too busy? The feast is ready, but they must choose to come.
God invites everyone to His feast, but not all accept. Some ignore the call, while others show up unprepared. The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A reminds people to respond with faith and readiness. It is a call to trust in God’s care, prepare their hearts, and live according to His ways.
Lord, thank You for calling us to be with You. Help us to recognize Your invitation and accept it with open hearts. Give us the strength to trust in You and live in a way that honors Your love. Keep us faithful and ready for the feast You have prepared. Amen.
Reflection Questions for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
- How does Isaiah’s vision of a great feast give you hope?
- Have you ever felt like ignoring God’s invitation? Why?
- What distractions keep you from responding fully to God’s call?
- How can you prepare yourself spiritually for God’s feast?
- What does Paul’s message about trusting in Christ teach you?
- How do you see God’s generosity in your own life?
- Why do you think some people reject God’s invitation?
- How can you encourage others to accept God’s call?
- What does the guest without wedding clothes in the parable teach you?
- What steps can you take to deepen your faith this week?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Music Suggestions for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Sunday October 11, 2026
The music selections for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A reflect themes of invitation, trust, and God’s care. Some songs focus on God as a shepherd, reminding everyone that He guides and provides. Others emphasize coming to the feast, connecting to Isaiah’s vision and the Gospel parable. There are also songs about choosing to follow Christ, highlighting the need for faith and readiness. Joyful and reflective melodies help bring these themes to life, encouraging worshippers to respond to God’s call with open hearts.
- Because the Lord Is My Shepherd by Bob Fabing
- Behold Our God by Brandon Heath
- Come Christ’s Beloved by Martin Foster
- Come to the Feast by Bob Fabing
- Empty and Beautiful by Matt Maher
- Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster
- Gather Us In bu Marty Haugen
- Gather Your People by Bob Hurd
- God Alone May Lead My Spirit (Psalm 23) by Tom Conry
- How Great Is Your Love by Phil Wickham
- How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place by Randall Debruyn
- I Will Choose Christ by Tom Booth
- Let Us Go to the Altar by Dan Schutte
- Like a Shepherd by Bob Dufford
- Now Is the Time by Tom Kendzia
- O Come to the Altar by Elevation Worship
- On That Holy Mountain
- Shepherd Me O God by Marty Haugen
- Table of Plenty by Dan Schutte & Randall Debruyn
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is by Henry W. Baker
- What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship & Brooke Ligertwood
Music directors and musicians can use these selections to enhance the message of the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. The songs help bring out the themes of God’s invitation and our response. Try including them in your liturgy and see how they support the readings. If you have other song suggestions, share them in the comments.
Questions and Answers for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
What date is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A?
The next date is Sunday October 11, 2026.
For other years see the links below:
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
What are the Mass readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday October 11, 2026 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 25:6-10a: Mountain of Salvation
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23: Shepherd’s Assurance
Second Reading – Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20: Strength in All Conditions
Gospel – Matthew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10: Parable of the Wedding Feast
What does the feast in Isaiah represent?
The feast in Isaiah represents God’s care and blessings for all people. It is a promise that suffering will end and that God will bring joy and peace.
Why do some people reject the king’s invitation in the Gospel?
Some reject the invitation because they are too focused on their own lives. They do not see the importance of what God is offering.
What does the guest without wedding clothes represent?
The guest without wedding clothes represents those who accept God’s call but do not prepare their hearts. Faith requires more than just showing up; it requires true commitment.
What does the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A teach about God’s generosity?
The readings show that God invites everyone to share in His blessings. He does not limit His love to a select few.
How does the second reading relate to the Gospel?
Paul talks about trusting God in all circumstances. This connects with the Gospel because responding to God’s invitation requires faith, no matter what is happening in life.
What lesson can we learn from the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A?
It teaches that God’s invitation is always open, but people must choose to accept it. They must also be ready by living according to His ways.
Why does the king invite new guests after the first group refuses?
The king invites new guests to show that God’s call is for everyone. Those who were first invited missed their chance, but others were welcomed.
How can we apply the message of the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A to our lives?
We can reflect on how we respond to God’s call. We should not ignore His invitation or take it lightly.
Why is faith compared to a wedding feast?
A wedding feast is a time of joy, unity, and celebration. Faith is meant to bring people together with God in a deep and lasting relationship.
What does it mean to be prepared for God’s kingdom?
Being prepared means living with faith, love, and obedience. It means making choices that reflect God’s teachings.
How do these readings challenge us?
They challenge us to examine our priorities. They ask whether we are truly accepting God’s invitation or making excuses.
What does the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A say about God’s patience?
It shows that God keeps inviting people, even when they turn away. But there is also a warning that those who do not take Him seriously may lose their chance.
God’s Invitation for Everyone
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A speaks about God’s call to all people. In Isaiah, God promises to take away suffering and provide for everyone. Paul reminds believers that true strength comes from Christ, whether in times of need or plenty. In the Gospel, Jesus tells a parable about a king inviting guests to a wedding, showing that God’s invitation is open to all.
Some people in the parable refuse the invitation, while others accept but are not prepared. This teaches that accepting God’s call requires action. It is not enough to be invited; people must be ready. Those who ignore or reject the invitation miss out on God’s blessings.
The readings remind everyone that God wants all people to be with Him. But they must respond with faith and live according to His ways. The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A is a reminder to accept God’s call with an open heart and a willing spirit.
Your Turn
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A invites everyone to reflect on God’s call. The readings show His generosity and the importance of being ready. Think about how you have responded to God’s invitation in your own life. Have you accepted it with faith and action, or have you ignored it?
Take time to read and reflect on the message of this Sunday. Share your thoughts in the comment section. How do these readings speak to you? Your experience may help others grow in faith.
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