Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
Sunday March 21, 2027

Mass Readings for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
- Procession – Mark 11:1-10: As Jesus neared Jerusalem, He sent disciples to fetch a colt, instructing them on how to respond if questioned. Successfully bringing the colt to Jesus, they prepared it for Him. Entering Jerusalem, Jesus was greeted exuberantly by crowds laying cloaks and branches before Him, acclaiming Him with shouts of “Hosanna” and recognizing Him as the herald of God’s kingdom, fulfilling a messianic prophecy and symbolizing His kingship in a humble manner.
- Alternate Procession – John 12:12-16: As Jesus approached Jerusalem, a large crowd welcomed Him with palm branches and shouts of “Hosanna,” recognizing Him as the prophesied King of Israel. His choice of a donkey fulfilled ancient prophecy, though His disciples understood its significance only after His glorification.
- First reading – Isaiah 50:4-7: Endowed with the gift of speech by God, I encourage the weary and listen to His teaching daily. Despite suffering, I stand firm, supported by God, confident in facing humiliation without shame.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 22: In my deepest despair, scorned and wounded, I feel abandoned. Yet, I call for God’s swift aid, promising to proclaim His greatness to those who suffer, urging them to praise and honor Him.
- Second Reading – Philippians 2:6-11: Christ, though divine, embraced humility, becoming human and obeying to the point of death on a cross. Consequently, God elevated Him, ensuring every being honors Jesus as Lord, glorifying God the Father.
- Gospel – Mark 14:1-15:47: Jesus’ final days were marked by betrayal, the Last Supper, and teachings on readiness. After being betrayed by Judas, Jesus faced trials, denial by Peter, and crucifixion. His death on the cross, amidst mockery, fulfilled prophecies and demonstrated profound love. Buried by Joseph of Arimathea, Jesus’ sacrifice offered hope beyond death, emphasizing redemption and eternal life for humanity.
Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last.
Mark 15:37
Themes for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
The readings for Palm Sunday Year B (Passion Sunday) focus the sacrifice which Jesus Christ made for me and you. The reading for the procession of the palms tells of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The first reading from Isaiah foretells Jesus’ suffering. The psalm sings “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”, which is the Psalm Jesus prayed from the cross. The second reading from Philippians speaks of the how Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. And in the gospel we hear how Jesus first celebrated the Passover, and then became the sacrificial lamb for us.
Palm Sunday Year B weaves together a rich tapestry of themes that resonate deeply with the Christian experience, reflecting on the final days and ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. These themes include:
- Kingship and Humility: Both the Procession readings from Mark and John highlight Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a king, but in a way that defies worldly expectations. Riding on a colt or donkey, He fulfills ancient prophecies about the Messiah’s humble arrival, emphasizing the contrast between divine kingship and earthly power.
- Obedience and Suffering: The reading from Isaiah and the account of Jesus’ passion in Mark showcase the obedience of the servant, who, despite facing suffering and humiliation, remains steadfast and trusts in God’s plan. This obedience even unto death highlights the depth of Jesus’ commitment to fulfilling His Father’s will.
- Salvation and Redemption: The passion narrative, particularly Jesus’ crucifixion and death, focuses on the themes of salvation and redemption. Jesus’ sacrificial love, evident in His willingness to endure the cross, opens the path for humanity’s reconciliation with God, offering hope and the promise of eternal life.
- Divine Exaltation: The reading from Philippians speaks to the theme of divine exaltation, where Christ’s humility and obedience lead to His ultimate glorification by God. This exaltation serves as a testament to Jesus’ lordship and the acknowledgment of His divine nature by all of creation.
- Prophetic Fulfillment: Throughout the readings, there is a strong emphasis on the fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus’ actions and experiences, from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to His suffering and death, are seen as the culmination of biblical prophecies about the Messiah, underscoring the divine plan at work in His life and mission.
- Faith and Perseverance: Implicit in these readings is the call to faith and perseverance for believers. As followers of Christ, we are invited to embrace humility, endure suffering, and remain faithful to God’s will, inspired by Jesus’ own example.
These themes for Palm Sunday Year B collectively invite reflection on the paradox of Jesus’ kingship, the mystery of His suffering for our salvation, and the call to live out these truths in our own lives with faith and humility.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for Palm Sunday Year B.
Resources for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
Sunday March 21, 2027

Where Have You Been? (Reflection on the Passion of Jesus Christ)
Reflecting on the sentencing of Jesus, especially within the context of Palm Sunday Year B, invites us to delve into one of the most pivotal moments of Christian scripture. The unjust trial and subsequent sentencing of Jesus to crucifixion are central themes in the Passion narrative, highlighting the depth of human injustice contrasted with divine love and forgiveness.
Prayerfully Read the Passion of Our Lord
Reading the Passion story on Palm Sunday Year B alone and prayerfully allows us to engage with the narrative deeply and intimately. This personal reflection invites us to slow down, contemplate each moment, and connect with the emotions and significance of Jesus’ journey to the cross. In solitude, we can ponder the weight of His sacrifice, the depth of His love, and the implications for our lives. This practice can transform our understanding and appreciation of the story we thought we knew, revealing new insights and drawing us closer to the heart of the Easter mystery.

Gaze Upon a Crucifix and Know That You Are Loved
Discovering the power of prayer before a crucifix can profoundly deepen our faith, offering solace in our struggles and vividly reminding us of Jesus’ immense love. In the quiet moments spent in front of the crucifix, we’re invited to reflect on the magnitude of sacrifice and the depth of divine love. This sacred act connects us to the heart of our faith, reminding us that we are deeply loved beyond measure. As we gaze upon the crucifix, we’re encouraged to surrender our burdens and receive the peace and love that Jesus offers to everyone, affirming our inherent worth and belovedness.

The Book of Isaiah
The first reading for Palm Sunday Year B from Isaiah 50:4-7 offers a poignant reflection on resilience and divine support amidst adversity. This passage, part of Isaiah’s Messianic Prophecies, foreshadows the suffering servant, a theme Christians associate closely with Jesus Christ. Isaiah’s message, rich with anticipation of reform, renewal, and salvation, resonates deeply as we enter Holy Week. The prophetic vision of a redeemer who endures suffering yet stands firm with divine backing mirrors Jesus’ journey towards the cross. It invites us to see in Jesus’ passion and death not just an act of sacrifice but a fulfillment of a promise of hope and salvation for all humanity, heralding a new era of peace and righteousness.

Psalm 22: Where Is God?
On Palm Sunday Year B, we reflect on Psalm 22, which Jesus prayed on the cross. This psalm expresses deep sorrow and a feeling of being abandoned, yet it reminds us that God never leaves us. Even when we feel alone, His presence remains. Psalm 22 invites us to connect with Jesus’ suffering and trust in God’s faithfulness. It shows that in our darkest times, God is with us, guiding us through every trial. This article shares more about Psalm 22 and includes a modern prayer inspired by its message to help deepen our faith and trust in the Lord.

The Letter to the Philippians
The second reading for Palm Sunday Year B from Philippians 2:6-11 encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ earthly mission: His divine humility and obedience unto death, leading to His exaltation by God. This passage, written by Paul from prison, extends beyond its historical context to deliver a timeless message on the power of humility and the importance of unity within the Christian community. It challenges believers to embody Christ’s selflessness and servitude, promoting harmony and joy among one another. By reflecting on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and lordship, we are inspired to live out our faith with a deeper commitment to love and service, glorifying God in all we do.

Resources and Reflections for the Gospel of Mark
For Palm Sunday Year B, both the procession narrative (Mark 11:1-10) and the Passion account (Mark 14:1-15:47) are drawn from the Gospel of Mark. This gospel, known for its concise and urgent storytelling, offers a vivid portrayal of Jesus’ ministry, emphasizing His dynamic teachings, miraculous deeds, and, notably, His path to the cross. Mark’s narrative thrusts us into the heart of Jesus’ mission, highlighting His deep compassion and unwavering dedication to humanity’s redemption. Through these readings, we’re invited to reflect on the profound paradoxes of Jesus’ kingship and sacrifice, prompting a deeper engagement with the mystery of Easter.
Lenten Ideas for Palm Sunday Year B

Make Jars with the Jelly Bean Prayer to Prepare for Easter
The Jelly Bean Prayer, celebrated around Palm Sunday Year B, transforms a simple jar of jelly beans into a meaningful Easter tradition. By assembling these colorful gifts, you not only create a visual reminder of the Lenten journey’s purpose but also share a message of hope and joy. Displaying these jars through Lent serves as a daily encouragement, highlighting the anticipation of Easter’s promise—the resurrection of Jesus. This engaging activity fosters reflection and joy within families and youth ministries, making the profound truths of Easter accessible and memorable. It’s a creative way to walk towards Easter with a tangible symbol of hope.

Attend Good Friday Services
Good Friday marks a solemn day for Catholics, commemorating Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and His sacrificial love for humanity. Unlike other days, there is no Mass, but parishes hold special liturgies to reflect on Jesus’ passion and death. This day offers a profound opportunity for families to gather, pray, and meditate on the depths of Jesus’ love and the cost of our redemption. As we approach Good Friday during Palm Sunday Year B, it’s a poignant moment to encourage others to join in these communal observances, deepening our collective appreciation and reverence for this pivotal act of divine love.

Attend the Mass of the Lord’s Supper
The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday vividly commemorates Jesus Christ’s final meal with His disciples, marking the profound institution of the priesthood and the Eucharist. While not a day of obligation, attending this Mass is a deeply enriching experience that families are encouraged to share. It’s a time to reflect on the gift of the Eucharist and the calling of the priesthood, foundational elements of Catholic faith. As we prepare for Holy Week during Palm Sunday Year B, it’s an opportune moment to remind your community of the significance of this Mass, inviting them to partake in this solemn yet celebratory observance.

Lent and Triduum Cryptogram Puzzle
The Lent and Triduum Cryptogram Puzzle is an engaging tool for introducing youth to key terms associated with Lent and the Triduum. This printable activity challenges participants to decrypt words based on provided definitions, blending fun with educational catechesis. It’s an excellent resource for Palm Sunday Year B catechetical sessions, making the rich traditions and vocabulary of this sacred season accessible and enjoyable for young people. Utilizing this puzzle can spark curiosity and deeper understanding of the Lenten journey and the solemnity of the Triduum, fostering a meaningful connection to these pivotal aspects of Christian faith.

Visit a Garden and Pray
As a Lenten activity for Palm Sunday Year B, visiting a garden offers a contemplative way to connect with the moment Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, embodying total surrender to the Father’s will. This simple yet profound act encourages reflection on Jesus’ willingness to embrace His fate for humanity’s salvation. In the quietude of a garden, one can meditate on the depth of Christ’s love and the strength found in surrender, drawing parallels to our own lives. It’s an opportunity to contemplate the significance of obedience and trust in God, fostering personal growth and spiritual insight.
Homilies and Reflections for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
Sunday March 21, 2027
Breaking, Singing, Pulling Away
In his homily for Palm Sunday Year B, Bishop Robert Barron highlights three unique details from Mark’s Gospel to deepen our spiritual understanding of Christ’s Passion. First, he discusses the extravagant anointing of Jesus with perfume, symbolizing the total self-giving required of Jesus’ followers. Next, he reflects on Jesus and His disciples singing hymns on the eve of His crucifixion, illustrating that despair does not have the final word. Lastly, Bishop Barron examines the young man who flees naked from Gethsemane, representing all baptized Christians faced with the choice to stand with Christ or run. These moments invite us into a profound engagement with Holy Week.
Darkness at Noon
In Scott Hahn’s reflection for Palm Sunday Year B, he focuses on Jesus’ crucifixion as the “King of the Jews,” a title used in scorn but highlighting His true kingship. Through His Passion, Jesus fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy of the Suffering Servant and embodies Psalm 22’s agony, emphasizing His sacrifice for our salvation. Hahn challenges us to reflect on our own faithfulness, often marked by denial and half-hearted devotion. Jesus’ death tears the veil to God’s presence, offering us a new covenant written on our hearts. As Holy Week begins, Hahn urges us to fully accept Jesus’ dominion in our lives, recognizing Him as the true Son of God.
The Return of the King
Bishop Robert Barron’s homily for Palm Sunday Year B illuminates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, emphasizing His revolutionary act of love and forgiveness. Bishop Barron draws attention to Jesus entering from the east, signifying the return of God’s glory to the temple, as prophesied by Ezekiel. Jesus’ actions in the temple and His mode of entry, as foretold by Zechariah, underscore His identity as both the new Davidic king and Yahweh Himself, reclaiming His city and temple. Bishop Barron invites us to reflect on these images as we enter Holy Week, contemplating Jesus’ kingship established through nonviolent love.
Mark Hart on Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion and Death
Mark Hart’s reflection, appropriate for Palm Sunday Year B, dives deep into the symbolism of the cross and Jesus’ Passion. He urges us to remember the intense love and sacrifice Jesus endured for us, beyond the physical symbol of the cross we wear or the sign of the cross we make. Hart details Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane, His betrayal, humiliation, and the brutal torture leading to His crucifixion. This reflection calls us to ponder not just the physical suffering of Jesus but the profound reasons behind it—His immeasurable love for us, seeing us as worthy of His ultimate sacrifice. Hart encourages a mindful approach to our expressions of faith, remembering the ‘why’ and ‘who’ behind the cross.
More Thoughts for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
Letting Go of Desires and Expectations
The reading for the procession for Palm Sunday Year B tells the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where he is greeted with shouts of “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” The people were excited and hopeful that Jesus would be the one to liberate them from Roman rule and restore the glory of Israel. However, when we get to the Passion reading, we see that things did not turn out as they had hoped.
In these later passages, we witness Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. He is betrayed by one of his own disciples, denied by another, and abandoned by most. He is mocked, beaten, and ultimately killed on a cross.
As we reflect on these two passages together, we are reminded of the fickle nature of human beings. The same people who welcomed Jesus with open arms in Mark 11, were the ones who turned on him in Mark 14-15. They allowed their own expectations and desires to cloud their judgment, and they failed to see the true mission and message of Jesus.
This can serve as a warning to us as well. It is easy for us to get caught up in our own desires and expectations, and to lose sight of the bigger picture. We may think that we know what is best for ourselves and for the world, but in reality, our knowledge and understanding are limited.
The readings for Palm Sunday Year B remind us that God’s ways are not our ways, and that sometimes we must be willing to let go of our own expectations and trust in God’s plan. Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end, but rather the beginning of a new hope and a new life. It was through his sacrifice that we are saved, and it is through our own willingness to surrender our own desires and follow him that we can experience true freedom and salvation.
Let us reflect on these passages for Palm Sunday Year B with humility and openness, recognizing our own limitations and weaknesses, and trusting in the infinite wisdom and love of God. May we be willing to let go of our own expectations and desires, and follow Jesus with faith and courage, even when the road ahead seems uncertain or difficult.
Turn to Prayer
As we contemplate the suffering and death of Jesus, we are struck by the paradox of his divinity and his willingness to endure such great pain and humiliation. It is true that Jesus could have easily avoided his suffering and death. He could have just quietly slipped away instead of staying to pray in the garden of Gethsemane. But he chose not to.
Instead, Jesus embraced his suffering and death as an act of complete obedience and trust in the Father. He turned to prayer, even in his darkest hour in the garden of Gethsemane, and entrusted all that he was into the loving care of his Father. He remained obedient, even when his closest friends betrayed him and abandoned him.
As followers of Jesus, we are also called to trust in God completely, even when we face suffering and death. We must believe that God loves us and will transform the deaths we experience into new life. We must also be willing to embrace our own crosses, just as Jesus did, and trust that God will use our suffering for his glory.
In the face of great trials and difficulties, we must turn to prayer and entrust ourselves to God’s loving care. We must remain obedient to his will, even when it is difficult or painful. And we must remember that just as Jesus’ suffering and death led to new life and resurrection, so too will our own sufferings be transformed into new life in Christ. May we be strengthened by the example of Jesus, and may we trust in his love and mercy always.
Reflection Questions for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
- Do you turn to prayer first when you face suffering in your life? In what ways can you deepen your prayer life and trust in God during times of difficulty?
- Do you really trust that God loves you, even in the midst of your struggles and pain? How can you remind yourself of God’s love and faithfulness, especially when you feel alone or overwhelmed?
- What can you do to deepen your trust in God? Are there any specific practices or disciplines that can help you grow in your faith and reliance on God? How can you cultivate a deeper sense of surrender and obedience to his will?
- Are there times when you find it difficult to trust in God’s plan for your life? What are some of the obstacles or challenges that get in the way of your faith and trust?
- How do you respond when you face suffering or adversity in your life? Do you turn to prayer and rely on God’s strength and comfort, or do you try to handle things on your own?
- In what ways can you deepen your relationship with God and grow in your trust and faith? Are there any spiritual practices or disciplines that you would like to incorporate into your life?
- Do you believe that God can transform your pain and suffering into something good and meaningful? How can you open yourself up to this possibility and trust in God’s loving plan for your life?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
Music Suggestions for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
Sunday March 21, 2027
As we approach Palm Sunday Year B, our music selection aims to capture the themes of triumph, passion, and reflection that characterize this pivotal day in the Christian liturgical calendar. This list includes both traditional hymns and contemporary selections, each chosen to enrich worship and deepen our connection to the day’s sacred narratives. From the jubilant cries of “Hosanna” to the contemplative reverence of the Passion, these songs invite us to engage with the multifaceted story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, His subsequent suffering, and the overarching message of salvation and kingship.
- All Glory, Laud, and Honor
- At the Name of Jesus
- Blessed Be the Name
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Crown Him (Majesty)
- Hosanna
- Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
- Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
- Hosanna to the Son Of David (Booth)
- Hosanna to the Son of David (Schutte & Honoré)
- Hymn to Christ the King
- Jesus Messiah
- Lead Me to the Cross
- Jesus Remember Me
- Lift High the Cross
- My God, My God
- O Sacred Head
- O Sacred Head, Surrounded
- Sing Hosanna
- Six Days Before the Passover (Canedo)
- Six Days Before the Passover (Hart)
- The King of Glory
- Were You There
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Why Have You Abandoned Me
So let our Palm Sunday Year B observance carry forward the rich tapestry of emotions and spiritual reflections evoked by music. The blend of traditional hymns and contemporary selections has provided us with a diverse soundtrack to Jesus’ triumphant entry, deep sacrifice, and the enduring hope His story offers. May these songs inspire and guide us through Holy Week, reminding us of the profound love and the ultimate victory of Christ the King. Let our hearts remain open to the lessons of humility, sacrifice, and redemption as we continue our journey towards Easter.
Questions and Answers for Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday
What date is the Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday?
The next date is Sunday March 21, 2027.
For other years see the links below:
Palm Sunday Year A
Palm Sunday Year C
What are the Mass readings for the Palm Sunday Year B – Passion Sunday?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday March 21, 2027 are:
Procession – Mark 11:1-10: The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Alternate Procession – John 12:12-16: Jesus’ Entry into Jerusalem
First reading – Isaiah 50:4-7: The Obedience and Suffering of the Servant
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 22: A Cry of Anguish and Faith
Second Reading – Philippians 2:6-11: The Humility and Exaltation of Christ
Gospel – Mark 14:1-15:47: The Passion and Death of Jesus
What is the significance of Jesus riding on a colt during His entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday Year B?
On Palm Sunday Year B, Jesus’ choice to enter Jerusalem riding on a colt fulfills the ancient prophecy from Zechariah, symbolizing His kingship. However, unlike earthly kings who might enter a city on war horses, Jesus chooses a humble colt, representing His peaceful reign and the nature of His kingdom, which is rooted in humility and service rather than power and domination.
How do the themes of suffering and obedience in Palm Sunday Year B readings reflect on our daily lives?
The themes of suffering and obedience in the Palm Sunday Year B readings, particularly through the lens of Jesus’ passion and the prophecy in Isaiah, remind us of the importance of steadfast faith and trust in God’s plan, even in the face of trials and hardships. They encourage us to embrace our own crosses with grace, understanding that true strength is found in surrender to God’s will and in the hope of resurrection and redemption.
What does Palm Sunday Year B teach us about humility?
Palm Sunday Year B teaches us that humility is a cornerstone of Christian life. Through Jesus’ example—His entry into Jerusalem on a humble colt and His selfless path to the cross—we learn that true greatness in God’s kingdom is not about exalting oneself but about lowering oneself to serve others. This humility is not a sign of weakness but of strength and trust in God’s exaltation.
How is the theme of prophetic fulfillment highlighted in the Palm Sunday Year B readings?
The theme of prophetic fulfillment is highlighted through the events and actions of Jesus as recounted in the Palm Sunday Year B readings. From His triumphant yet humble entry into Jerusalem to His suffering and death, each moment aligns with Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. This fulfillment underscores the divine plan and purpose in Jesus’ mission, affirming His identity as the promised Savior.
What message of hope does Palm Sunday Year B offer to believers?
Palm Sunday Year B offers a profound message of hope to believers through the narrative of Jesus’ passion. Despite the apparent tragedy of His death, the underlying promise is one of salvation, redemption, and eternal life. This day reminds us that, through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are offered a new relationship with God, marked by forgiveness and the hope of resurrection. It reassures us that no suffering is in vain and that God’s love ultimately triumphs over death.
How can Christians apply the lessons of Palm Sunday Year B to their worship and daily lives?
Christians can apply the lessons of Palm Sunday Year B by embodying the humility, obedience, and sacrificial love demonstrated by Jesus. In worship, this means approaching God and others with a servant’s heart, prioritizing love and service over power and status. In daily life, it involves carrying our crosses with faith, offering forgiveness, seeking justice, and living out the hope of the Gospel through acts of kindness and compassion towards others.
Trusting God Through Suffering and Sacrifice
The readings for Palm Sunday Year B remind us of the contrast between human expectations and God’s plan. In the procession of palms, Jesus is welcomed as a king, with people shouting “Hosanna!” They expect Him to bring political freedom. But as the Passion narrative unfolds, we see Jesus betrayed, abandoned, and crucified. The same crowd that cheered Him turns against Him.
This shows how people often allow their desires and expectations to cloud their understanding. Jesus’ mission was not to bring earthly power but to save us through His sacrifice. His death on the cross was an act of love and obedience to God’s plan, even when it meant great suffering.
We, too, face moments when life does not go as we hope. The readings for Palm Sunday Year B teach us to let go of our own plans and trust God, even in difficulty. Jesus’ prayer in the garden of Gethsemane shows us how to rely on God during trials. By surrendering to God and embracing our crosses, we find hope and new life in Him.
Your Turn
The readings for Palm Sunday Year B invite us to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and the ways we respond to challenges in our own lives. Do we trust God’s plan even when it is hard to see? How can we follow Jesus’ example of obedience and prayer?
Share your thoughts in the comments. Let’s support one another in our journey of faith and surrender to God’s will.
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