3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
Sunday April 11, 2027

Mass Readings for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
- First Reading – Acts 3:13-15, 17-19: Peter declares that by rejecting Jesus and choosing a murderer instead, the people and their leaders acted in ignorance. His death and resurrection fulfill God’s prophecy. Peter urges repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 4: In times of trouble, I call on God, who rescues and listens. His miracles affirm His faithfulness, and His light brings joy to my heart. In His care, I find unparalleled peace and security.
- Second Reading – 1 John 2:1-5: If we sin, Jesus Christ, the righteous, advocates for us. He atoned for our sins, extending beyond us to the whole world. True knowledge of Him is demonstrated by obeying His commands.
- Gospel – Luke 24:35-48: The disciples recounted recognizing Jesus by the breaking of bread. Jesus then appeared, offering peace and dispelling fears of his being a specter by showing his hands and feet and eating fish, demonstrating his physical resurrection. He explained scripture prophecies about his suffering, resurrection, and the call to spread forgiveness in his name, affirming their roles as witnesses.
Upcoming dates: April 11, 2027, May 5, 2030, May 1, 2033
Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.
Luke 24:38-39
Themes for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us of Jesus’ Resurrection and the call to repentance and faith. The readings show how Jesus reveals Himself to His disciples and calls them to be witnesses of His message.
- Jesus’ Real Presence: Jesus appears to His disciples, showing His hands and feet and eating with them. This proves His Resurrection is physical, not just spiritual.
- Call to Repentance: Peter urges the people to turn away from sin and seek forgiveness. He reminds them that Jesus’ suffering was part of God’s plan for salvation.
- Jesus as Our Advocate: The second reading teaches that Jesus intercedes for us when we sin. His sacrifice brings forgiveness, not just for us but for the whole world.
- Understanding Scripture: Jesus explains how the Scriptures foretold His suffering and Resurrection. This shows that God’s plan was always leading to salvation through Christ.
- The Power of Witnesses: Jesus calls His disciples to be witnesses to His Resurrection. They are sent to share His message of forgiveness with all people.
- Peace Over Fear: The disciples are afraid when Jesus appears, but He reassures them. His presence brings peace and strengthens their faith.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B encourages us to trust in Jesus, turn away from sin, and share His message. We are called to recognize His presence, accept His peace, and live as witnesses of His love and forgiveness.
Resources for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
Sunday April 11, 2027

Lesson Plan on Overcoming Fears: Finding Strength in Jesus’ Resurrection
The lesson on overcoming fears connects with the message of 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B. The Gospel shows how Jesus’ disciples were afraid when He appeared to them after His Resurrection. Instead of scolding them, He reassured them by showing His wounds and eating with them. This lesson helps students understand that Jesus brings peace in times of fear and uncertainty.
By discussing the disciples’ experience, students reflect on how Jesus is present in their own lives. They explore the importance of faith, prayer, and the Eucharist in overcoming fear. 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us that Jesus walks with us, even when we feel unsure. His Resurrection is a source of strength, helping us to trust in Him and find peace.

The Acts of the Apostles
The first reading for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B shows Peter boldly preaching about Jesus’ death and Resurrection. He tells the people that they acted in ignorance when they rejected Jesus, but God is offering them a chance to repent. Peter’s words highlight the power of forgiveness and the opportunity for a new beginning. He calls everyone to turn back to God and receive His mercy.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us that faith requires action. Peter does not stay silent but speaks with courage, sharing the message of salvation. His example encourages us to stand firm in our faith and help others know Jesus. Just as the early Church grew through preaching and repentance, we are called to share the Good News and live as witnesses of Christ’s love.

1 John: Exploring the Depths of Love and Truth
The second reading for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us that Jesus is our advocate, offering forgiveness when we fall short. It encourages us to follow God’s commands and live in His truth. True love for God is shown by obedience, not just words. This reading challenges us to examine our actions and strive to live in a way that reflects our faith.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B also calls us to extend grace to others. Just as Jesus forgives us, we are called to be patient and forgiving. Living in the light means choosing kindness, honesty, and love in our daily lives. By following Jesus’ example, we grow closer to Him and help bring His peace to the world.

The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B tells how Jesus appears to His disciples after His Resurrection, offering them peace and proving He is truly alive. He shows His hands and feet and eats with them to remove their doubts. Jesus then explains how everything in Scripture points to Him, showing that His suffering and Resurrection were part of God’s plan. This moment reassures the disciples and prepares them to share His message with the world.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B highlights a key theme in Luke’s Gospel: salvation is for all people. Luke often focuses on Jesus’ mission to bring forgiveness and reconciliation to everyone, not just the Jewish people. By opening the disciples’ minds to Scripture, Jesus helps them understand their role in spreading the Good News. His message continues today, calling all believers to trust in His mercy and share His love with others.
Homilies and Commentaries for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
Sunday April 11, 2027
What Happens After We Die?
In his homily for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B, Bishop Robert Barron explains that Jesus’ Resurrection is not just a spiritual event but a real, physical transformation. Jesus appears to His disciples, shows His wounds, and even eats with them to prove He is truly alive. His resurrected body is different, yet still real, showing that the Resurrection is not about escaping the body but about being made new.
Bishop Barron contrasts this with other ancient beliefs about life after death. He emphasizes that Christian hope is not about fading into nothingness or leaving the body behind. Instead, it is about the renewal of all creation and the promise of a new, glorified life. 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B invites us to embrace this hope and trust in God’s plan, which is greater than anything we can imagine.
How Catholics Can Get a Clean Start with God
In his commentary for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B, Jeff Cavins compares spiritual life to owning a new car. At first, everything feels clean and perfect, but over time, dents and scratches appear. In the same way, sin can damage our souls, leaving us feeling distant from God. However, just as a car can be repaired, God offers us forgiveness and renewal through confession.
Jeff Cavins reminds us that 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B highlights Jesus as our advocate who brings us back to God. Even when we sin, we are not abandoned. By keeping His commandments and seeking His mercy, we can be restored. God is always ready to repair our hearts and lead us back to joy.
Understanding the Scriptures
In his commentary for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B, Scott Hahn explains that Jesus teaches His apostles how to interpret the Scriptures. He shows them that everything in the Old Testament points to Him and that His suffering, death, and Resurrection fulfill God’s promises. The apostles follow His teaching, using Scripture to reveal the truth about Jesus and call people to repentance.
Scott Hahn emphasizes that Scripture is meant to help us know Jesus personally, not just learn facts about Him. 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us that through the Bible, God speaks to us, guides us, and strengthens our faith. Just as the apostles shared the message of salvation, we are called to read Scripture with open hearts and follow Jesus’ plan for our lives.
Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us of Jesus’ real presence after His Resurrection and His call to repentance. The readings show how He offers peace to His disciples, helps them understand the Scriptures, and sends them out as witnesses. They also remind us that Jesus’ sacrifice brings forgiveness and new life.
Embracing Repentance and Forgiveness
The readings for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B focus on the call to repentance and the gift of forgiveness. Peter speaks to the people, reminding them that they rejected Jesus and chose a murderer instead. However, he does not condemn them. Instead, he invites them to turn back to God so their sins may be wiped away. This shows that no sin is too great for God’s mercy.
Jesus also speaks of forgiveness in the Gospel. When He appears to His disciples, He does not scold them for abandoning Him. Instead, He offers them peace and reassurance. He shows them His wounds as proof that He has truly risen. He then opens their minds to understand how His suffering and Resurrection were part of God’s plan.
The message of 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B is clear: repentance leads to renewal. Turning away from sin is not just about avoiding punishment. It is about receiving new life and a fresh start. God always welcomes those who seek Him with a sincere heart.
Jesus also calls His disciples to share this message with others. They are to be witnesses of His forgiveness, showing the world that God’s mercy is for all. This is not just a task for the first disciples. It is a mission for everyone who follows Jesus.
Living in the Light of the Resurrection
The Resurrection is not just an event from the past. It is a reality that changes everything. 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us that Jesus’ victory over death brings hope and renewal to all who believe in Him.
The second reading speaks of Jesus as our advocate with the Father. His sacrifice takes away our sins, not just for us, but for the whole world. This calls us to live in the light of His love. True faith is not just about words. It is about following His commands and living as He taught.
Jesus’ Resurrection is also a call to action. In the Gospel, He tells His disciples to go and share the message of forgiveness with all nations. They are to be witnesses, showing others the power of His mercy and love.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B challenges us to do the same. Our lives should reflect the truth of the Resurrection. We are called to bring hope to those who are struggling, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to share the love of Christ with those around us.
The world is filled with fear, doubt, and division. The message of the Resurrection is a light in the darkness. It reminds us that love is stronger than sin, and that God’s mercy is always greater than our failures.
Recognizing Jesus in Our Lives
One of the key moments in the Gospel for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B is when the disciples recognize Jesus. At first, they are afraid and think they are seeing a ghost. But Jesus reassures them by showing His hands and feet and eating with them. He helps them understand that He is truly alive.
The disciples had walked with Jesus before His death, yet they struggled to recognize Him after His Resurrection. This can happen in our own lives. Jesus is with us, but we do not always see Him. Sometimes, fear, doubt, or daily struggles keep us from recognizing His presence.
Jesus helps His disciples understand by explaining the Scriptures. This shows that we, too, can grow in faith by turning to God’s Word. Reading Scripture and reflecting on Jesus’ teachings can open our eyes to His presence.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B invites us to recognize Jesus in the Eucharist. Just as He shared a meal with His disciples, He continues to share Himself with us in the breaking of the bread. When we receive the Eucharist, we encounter the risen Christ.
Jesus is also present in our daily lives. He is there in moments of joy, in acts of kindness, and in the support of others. He walks with us even when we do not see Him. 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B encourages us to open our hearts, to trust in His presence, and to share His love with the world.
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B challenges us to recognize Jesus in our daily lives, turn away from sin, and share His message with others. His Resurrection is not just a past event but a reality that changes everything. May we trust in His presence, live in His love, and bring His peace to the world.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your mercy and love. Open our eyes to see You in Scripture, the Eucharist, and the people around us. Help us turn away from sin and follow You with joy. Strengthen us to share Your message of forgiveness and peace. Amen.
Reflection Questions for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
- How do the readings for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B challenge me to grow in faith?
- What does repentance mean in my daily life?
- How has Jesus brought peace to me in times of fear or doubt?
- Where do I need to recognize Jesus’ presence more clearly?
- How can I share the message of His forgiveness with others?
- What does it mean to be a witness of Jesus’ Resurrection?
- How does Scripture help me understand God’s plan for my life?
- In what ways does the Eucharist strengthen my faith?
- How can I bring hope and love to those who are struggling?
- What is one step I can take to follow Jesus more closely this week?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
Music Suggestions for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
Sunday April 11, 2027
The music selections for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B focus on themes of resurrection, renewal, and recognition of Jesus. Some songs reflect the joy of the risen Christ, celebrating His victory over death and the hope He brings. Others emphasize the call to walk in faith, just as the disciples on the road to Emmaus encountered Jesus without realizing it. Music that highlights the breaking of bread connects to the Gospel, where Jesus is recognized in the meal shared with His followers. These songs help express the message of repentance, new life, and the mission to share the Good News.
- All the Ends of the Earth by the St. Louis Jesuits
- Alleluia Sing to Jesus by Rowland H. Pritchard, William C. Dix, Robert E. Kreutz & Randall Debruyn
- Alleluia! Love Is Alive by Steve Angrisano, Jesse Manibusan & Sarah Hart
- Be Lifted High by Josh Blakesley
- Bread for the World by Bernadette Farrell
- Change Our Hearts by Rory Cooney
- Christ Is Risen by Matt Maher
- Forever/We Sing Hallelujah by Phil Wickham
- Hallelujah Is Our Song by Sarah Kroger, Sarah Hart, Josh Blakesley & Trey Heffinger
- He Is Lord by Elevation Worship
- He Is Risen by Ricky Manalo
- Holy (Jesus You Are) by Matt Redman
- How Can I Keep from Singing by Robert Lowryl, Doris Plenn, Paul Gibson, Randall Debruyn & Rick Modlin
- I Am the Bread of Life by Steve Angrisano & Tom Booth
- I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light by Kathleen Thomerson
- In the Breaking of the Bread by Bob Hurd & Anawim
- Lead Me Lord by John D. Becker
- Let All the Earth by Ken Canedo
- Lord of All Hopefulness
- On the Journey to Emmaus by Marty Haugen
- Precious Lord Take My Hand
- Resurrecting by Elevation Worship
- See, I Make All Things New by Sean Holmes & Ken Canedo
- Sing of the Lord’s Goodness
- This Day Was Made By the Lord by Christopher Walker
- Two Were Bound for Emmaus by Bob Hurd
- Ye Sons and Daughters by Josh Blakesley
Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections and consider how they fit within their liturgies for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B. Whether focusing on themes of resurrection, discipleship, or Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, these songs can enhance worship. Share your own suggestions in the comments to inspire others in their music choices.
Questions and Answers for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B
What date is the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B?
The next date is Sunday April 11, 2027.
For other years see the links below:
3rd Sunday of Easter Year A
3rd Sunday of Easter Year C
What are the Mass readings for the 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday April 11, 2027 are:
First Reading – Acts 3:13-15, 17-19: Call for Repentance
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 4: Divine Light and Peace
Second Reading – 1 John 2:1-5: The Path to Knowing Christ
Gospel – Luke 24:35-48: Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Why were the disciples afraid when Jesus appeared?
The disciples thought they were seeing a ghost. They did not yet fully understand that Jesus had risen in His physical body.
Why did Jesus show His hands and feet?
Jesus wanted to prove that He was truly alive. By showing His wounds, He reassured them that He was the same Jesus who had been crucified.
What does Jesus’ eating fish mean?
Eating fish showed that Jesus was not a spirit. His body had truly risen from the dead, just as He had promised.
How does 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B show that Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures?
Jesus explained that everything written about Him in the Old Testament had come true. His suffering, death, and Resurrection were all part of God’s plan.
Why does Peter call the people to repent?
Peter tells them that although they rejected Jesus, God is offering them mercy. He urges them to turn away from sin and accept forgiveness.
What does it mean that Jesus is our advocate?
Jesus speaks on our behalf before God. Because of His sacrifice, He brings us back into friendship with God when we repent.
How does 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B teach us about forgiveness?
Jesus does not scold His disciples for abandoning Him. Instead, He offers them peace and sends them to share the message of forgiveness with the world.
What does it mean to be a witness of Jesus?
Being a witness means sharing His message and living according to His teachings. The disciples were sent to tell others about His Resurrection and the forgiveness of sins.
How can we recognize Jesus in our lives?
We can see Jesus in Scripture, the Eucharist, and acts of love and kindness. He is present even when we do not immediately recognize Him.
How does 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B encourage us to read Scripture?
Jesus teaches His disciples to understand the Scriptures by showing how they reveal Him. Reading the Bible helps us grow in faith and see how God is working in our lives.
Recognizing Jesus and Sharing His Message
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B reminds us of Jesus’ real presence after His Resurrection. In the Gospel, He appears to His disciples, shows His hands and feet, and eats with them. This proves that He is truly alive, not just a spirit. He also explains how the Scriptures foretold His suffering and Resurrection, helping them understand God’s plan.
The first reading highlights Peter’s call to repentance. He tells the people that although they rejected Jesus, God’s mercy is still available. He urges them to turn away from sin and seek forgiveness. This message reminds us that no matter our past, we can always return to God.
The second reading teaches that Jesus is our advocate, offering forgiveness for our sins. His sacrifice brings hope and new life to everyone. 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B encourages us to accept His peace, trust in His mercy, and live as witnesses of His love.
Your Turn
3rd Sunday of Easter Year B challenges us to recognize Jesus in our lives. Like the disciples, we may struggle to understand His presence, but He is always with us. His message of peace and forgiveness is an invitation to grow in faith and share His love.
Take time to reflect on how Jesus has been present in your life. How has His mercy touched you? How can you share His message with others? Share your thoughts in the comments and join the conversation.
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