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Mass Readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

In most dioceses in the United States, the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension is moved to the following Sunday, superseding the 7th Sunday of Easter. See readings and resources for the Ascension of the Lord Year B instead.

  • First Reading – Acts 1:15-17, 20A, 20C-26: Peter explained the need to replace Judas to maintain the twelve apostles. From two nominees, Matthias was chosen by casting lots, fulfilling his role as witness to Jesus’ resurrection.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: Praise the Lord deeply, remembering His kindnesses. His mercy is vast, and He removes our sins far from us. His throne in heaven rules over all.
  • Second Reading – 1 John 4:11-16: Since God’s love for us is profound, we are called to love each other deeply. By loving one another, God’s presence is affirmed within us, perfecting His love through our actions.
  • Gospel – John 17:11B-19: Jesus, looking to heaven, prayed for His disciples’ protection through God’s name, to unite them as He and the Father are united. He acknowledged His care for them and His imminent return to the Father, desiring them to experience His joy fully. Jesus asked not for their removal from the world but for their protection from evil, emphasizing their sanctification and separation from worldly values. He committed Himself to their sanctification, mirroring His mission to the world.

Lectionary Reference: 60

Upcoming dates: May 9, 2027, June 2, 2030, May 29, 2033

Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.

John 17:11

Themes for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B focuses on themes of love, unity, and mission. The readings show Jesus praying for His disciples, asking for their protection and strength as they continue His work. They also highlight the early Church’s efforts to remain faithful to Christ’s mission. These themes encourage all believers to trust in God’s love and follow His call.

  • Love and unity in Christ: Jesus prayed for His disciples to be united, just as He and the Father are one. The second reading reminds us that when we love one another, we show that God is present in us.
  • Being set apart for God: Jesus asked the Father to protect His followers from evil while they remain in the world. He called them to live differently from the world by staying faithful to His truth.
  • Trusting in God’s plan: The early Church had to replace Judas, showing the importance of trusting in God’s guidance. They prayed and cast lots, believing that God would choose the right person.
  • Living as witnesses: The apostles understood that they were chosen to share the message of Jesus. Matthias was selected to help continue this mission, just as all believers are called to share their faith.
  • The joy of following Christ: Jesus wanted His disciples to experience His joy, even as they faced challenges. His joy comes from being close to the Father and living in truth.
  • God’s protection over believers: Jesus prayed for His followers to be kept safe from the evil one. He knew they would face trials, but He asked the Father to strengthen them.

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B reminds believers to rely on God’s love and guidance. Through prayer, trust, and faithful living, we can continue the mission of Christ in the world.

Resources for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

Sunday May 9, 2027

St. Michael the Archangel Prayer

On the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B, the St. Michael the Archangel prayer can be particularly meaningful, echoing the protective themes in the Gospel. This prayer calls upon St. Michael to defend us against evil, reflecting Jesus’ request for His followers’ protection. As we read about Jesus praying for our safety and unity, invoking St. Michael reinforces this theme, reminding us of the spiritual support we have in our battles against the forces that seek to divide or harm us.

Who Do You Belong To? – Reflection and Discussion Questions

This reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B focuses on what it means to “belong” to God, inspired by the Gospel reading from John 17:11B-19. The reflection explores how our lives reflect this belonging and includes questions to help the youth consider their relationships with God, the world, and various groups they are part of. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God over worldly attachments, using Jesus’ words about protection and consecration.

The Acts of the Apostles

This resource offers background material for the first reading of the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B. It explores the authorship, context, and key themes of the Acts, such as the spread of Christianity and the role of the Holy Spirit in the early Church. It will help deepen understanding of the formation and growth of the early Christian community, providing a historical context that enriches the liturgical readings.

Psalm 103: Praise the Goodness of God

Psalm 103 which is the responsorial psalm for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B. It focuses on praising God’s goodness, mercy, and the forgiveness He offers to us. It reflects on God’s enduring love and mercy, despite our flaws and sins. The psalm is designed to encourage reflection on God’s unconditional love, helping worshippers to feel connected and protected by God’s grace during the liturgical season.

See a prayer of Gratitude and Peace based on Psalm 103

1 John: Exploring the Depths of Love and Truth

This article offers an exploration of the Second Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B, from the First Letter of John. It discusses the profound themes of love and truth that characterize the epistle. The content looks into how the letter addresses the early Christian community, encouraging believers to live authentically in God’s love and to reject falsehood.

The Gospel of John: Resources and Reflections

See resources and reflections on the Gospel of John, for better understanding the Gospel reading on the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B. This resource offers detailed background on the Gospel’s unique theological perspectives and key themes such as the divinity of Jesus and eternal life. The site serves as a helpful tool for deepening understanding of the Gospel’s messages and their implications for faith and practice.

Homilies and Commentaries for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

Sunday May 9, 2027

Christ’s Prayer to the Father: Make Them Holy

Jeff Cavins discusses the Gospel reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B, focusing on Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. In this prayer, Jesus speaks about leaving the world and asks the Father to protect His followers and keep them united. Cavins emphasizes Jesus’ prayer for our sanctification, which means to be set apart for God’s purposes through the truth of His word.

He also connects this with the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, which empower us to be courageous witnesses for Christ. Cavins encourages Christians to live distinctly by adhering to the truth and embracing the graces of faith, hope, and love.

The High Priestly Prayer

Bishop Robert Barron’s homily for for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B focuses on Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer from the Gospel of John, emphasizing Christian unity and the mission to bring others into this unity. He explains that anything opposing God’s unity is considered sin, highlighting the constant challenge Christians face from the world that resists God’s purposes.

Bishop Barron encourages Christians not to withdraw from the world but to transform it, underscoring the importance of staying true to Jesus’ teachings despite opposition. He concludes that living a Christian life is about following Jesus, which includes facing opposition and working towards transforming culture.

The Kingdom Remains

Scott Hahn reflects on the period between Christ’s Ascension and Pentecost, relating it to the liturgical calendar. He discusses Jesus’ prayer in the Gospel for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B, expressing the mood of departure and anticipation of the Holy Spirit. Hahn explains that Jesus established His kingdom, the Church, to continue His mission on Earth.

The Twelve Apostles are key, symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel and fulfilling God’s plan. Peter’s leadership is emphasized as he guides the Apostles, interprets Scriptures, and defines their ministry. Through the Church, Jesus’ promise to protect and help us grow in holiness is conveyed.

Reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B marks a profound moment in the Christian calendar. It falls between Ascension Thursday, when Jesus ascended into heaven, and Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. This period invites us to reflect on our role as followers of Christ in a world from which He has physically departed but spiritually remains through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Prays for Unity

In the Gospel for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B, we listen to Jesus praying for His disciples. He knows He will soon leave them, and His primary concern is their unity. Jesus prays, “Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.” This prayer is not just for the Apostles; it extends to all who believe in Him through their message.

Unity is a key theme in Christianity. Jesus desires that we, as His followers, are united in belief and purpose just as He is united with the Father. This unity is not about being the same in every way; instead, it’s about working together towards a common goal—loving God and loving others.

The Role of the Church

Jesus’ prayer also highlights the role of the Church. He asks for God’s protection over His followers from the evil one, indicating the challenges they will face from the world. The Church is seen as a beacon of God’s light in a sometimes dark world, a community where believers support one another in faith.

The First Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B shows the Apostles in action, making decisions to maintain the integrity and structure of their group. They chose Matthias to replace Judas, ensuring that the group of twelve remained complete. This act shows the early Church’s commitment to unity and continuity.

Living in the World

In the Gospel, Jesus acknowledges that His followers are not of the world, even as He is not of it. However, He does not ask for them to be taken out of the world but to be protected from evil. This is a powerful reminder for us. While we are part of this world, we are also called to live by the values of God’s kingdom—values that often contrast with worldly attitudes.

Jesus sends us into the world just as the Father sent Him. This mission is not easy. It involves proclaiming the truth and living out our faith in a way that might not always be popular or accepted. But it is what we are called to do.

The Call to Holiness

Jesus’ request to “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” speaks directly to our call to holiness. To sanctify means to set apart for sacred use. We are set apart not to be isolated, but to be God’s instruments in the world. Living in truth and holiness is about aligning our lives with God’s word and His commandments.

Being sanctified in truth also means that our actions and decisions should reflect our faith. We cannot claim to follow Jesus and then live in ways that contradict His teachings. This alignment is challenging but essential.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

Next Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. The period we are currently in is a time of waiting and preparation. Just as the apostles waited in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit, we are called to prepare our hearts and communities to be rejuvenated by the Spirit’s power.

The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in our lives as Christians. He guides us, strengthens us, and helps us to grow in faith. The Spirit also empowers us to witness to Jesus Christ in our actions and words. As we approach Pentecost, let’s pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our churches.

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ ongoing presence and our active role as His followers. Through His prayer, Jesus highlights the importance of unity and protection from evil. As we live in the world, we are not of the world. We are called to be distinct yet engaged, promoting the values of the Kingdom of God.


Lord, you prayed for us to be united and to live in your truth. Help us to follow your example and stay faithful to your word. Protect us from anything that leads us away from you. Fill us with your Spirit so we can share your love with the world. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

  • How can you help strengthen unity within your family, parish, or community?
  • How do you rely on God’s guidance when making important decisions?
  • How can you live in the world while staying faithful to God’s teachings?
  • In what ways do you seek God’s protection in your daily life?
  • How can you contribute to the mission of the Church in your own way?
  • What steps can you take to live a life more in line with God’s truth?
  • How do you invite the Holy Spirit to work in your life?
  • How does knowing that Jesus prayed for you personally affect your faith?
  • What challenges do you face in living out your faith, and how do you overcome them?
  • How can you prepare your heart to receive the Holy Spirit in a new and deeper way?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us. God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. – 1 John 4:16

Music Suggestions for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

Sunday May 9, 2027

For the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B, choose hymns and contemporary songs that reflect unity, divine protection, and the anticipation of the Holy Spirit, aligning with the themes of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. Opt for music that emphasizes God’s protective role and calls upon the Holy Spirit, resonating with the day’s readings. Songs for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B should inspire the congregation to embrace their role as witnesses in the world, following Christ’s example.

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B is a time for songs that not only call for spiritual renewal but also empower believers to live out their faith actively, with hymns that speak to the mission of the Church to spread the Gospel and serve in love.

Questions and Answers for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B

What date is the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B?

The next date is Sunday May 9, 2027. However, in most dioceses in the United States, the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension is moved to the following Sunday, superseding the 7th Sunday of Easter.
For other years see the links below:
7th Sunday of Easter Year A
7th Sunday of Easter Year C

What are the Mass readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B?

The Catholic Mass readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B are:
First Reading – Acts 1:15-17, 20A, 20C-26: Matthias Chosen as Apostle
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: Sovereign Mercy of God
Second Reading – 1 John 4:11-16: Living in God’s Love
Gospel – John 17:11B-19: Jesus Prays for His Disciples

What did Peter do in the First Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B?

Peter talked about the need to find someone to take Judas’ place as an apostle. They chose Matthias by casting lots, which means they left the decision up to God.

Why did Peter want to replace Judas with another apostle?

Peter wanted to maintain the group of twelve apostles because they were important for the leadership and growth of the early church. They were witnesses to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Also, the number 12 represented the 12 tribes of Israel.

What is the main message of the Second Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B?

The Second Reading from 1 John 4:11-16 tells us that because God loves us a lot, we should also love each other. When we love one another, it shows that God is with us.

How does loving others show God’s presence in us?

Loving others makes God’s presence real in our lives. It shows that we are living the way God wants us to, filled with love and kindness.

What did Jesus pray for in the Gospel for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B?

In the Gospel from John 17:11B-19, Jesus prayed to protect His disciples and keep them united just like He and the Father are united. He also asked for their joy to be complete and for their protection from evil.

What did Jesus ask God not to do for His disciples in the Gospel?

Jesus asked God not to take the disciples out of the world but to protect them from evil. He wanted them to stay in the world and live out God’s truth.

What does it mean to be sanctified according to the Gospel reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year B?

Being sanctified means being set apart for a special purpose by God. Jesus wanted His disciples to be different from the world, living by God’s standards and spreading His message.

Trusting in God’s Plan

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B focuses on Jesus’ prayer for His disciples before He returned to the Father. He asked God to protect them and keep them united, just as He and the Father are one. Jesus knew they would face challenges, but He wanted them to have strength and joy in their mission. His prayer reminds all believers that they are not alone in their faith.

The first reading shows the early Church choosing Matthias to replace Judas. The apostles prayed and trusted God to guide them in this important decision. This event highlights the need to rely on God’s wisdom when making choices. It also reminds believers that everyone has a role in spreading the Gospel.

The second reading calls people to love one another, showing that God is present in them. Love is the foundation of faith and brings people closer to God. The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B encourages believers to follow Jesus’ example and live in unity, love, and trust.

Your Turn

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year B challenges believers to follow Jesus’ example of trust and love. Jesus prayed for His disciples, and that prayer extends to all who follow Him. How can we live out that prayer in our own lives? Consider ways to grow in faith, show love to others, and trust God in difficult moments.

Think about what stands out to you in the readings. How do they speak to your own faith journey? Share your thoughts in the comments and reflect on how God is guiding you. Take time to pray, trust in His plan, and live out His love in your daily life.

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