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Mass Readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

In most dioceses in the United States, the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension is moved to the following Sunday, superseding the 7th Sunday of Easter. See readings and resources for the Ascension of the Lord Year C instead.

  • First ReadingActs 7:55-60: Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, saw Jesus in heaven. As he was stoned, he asked Jesus to receive his spirit and forgive his killers.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 97: The Lord reigns with justice, making the earth rejoice. All peoples see His glory, and all gods bow before Him. The Lord is exalted above all.
  • Second ReadingRevelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20: Jesus promises to come soon, bringing rewards for each person based on their deeds. He invites all who are thirsty to come and receive life-giving water.
  • GospelJohn 17:20-26: Jesus prays for believers to be united as one, as He is with the Father. He wishes for them to see His glory and know the Father’s love.

Lectionary Reference: 61

Upcoming dates: June 1, 2025, May 28, 2028, May 25, 2031

Holy Father, I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you.

John 17:20-21

Themes for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year C focuses on unity, love, and faith. The readings highlight the steadfastness of Stephen, the promises of Jesus, and the prayer for unity among believers.

  • Jesus’ Promised Return: Jesus promises to return soon. This gives hope and reminds us to stay faithful.
  • Prayer for Unity: Jesus prays for all believers to be united. He wants us to be one with each other and with God.
  • Witness of Stephen: Stephen shows strong faith even in the face of death. His witness encourages us to stand firm in our faith.
  • Eternal Life: Jesus offers the water of life freely. This invitation shows God’s desire for everyone to have eternal life.
  • Invitation to All: The Spirit and the bride invite everyone to come. This shows that God’s grace is for everyone.
  • Jesus as Alpha and Omega: Jesus is the beginning and the end. This reminds us that He is in control of all things.

These themes remind us of the hope, unity, and faith that are central to the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C. Reflect on these readings to strengthen your faith and commitment to Christ.

Resources for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

Sunday June 1, 2025

St. Stephen, Protomartyr

In the First Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, Stephen is filled with the Holy Spirit and sees Jesus in heaven. As he is stoned to death, he asks Jesus to receive his spirit and forgive his killers. Known as the Protomartyr, Stephen is the first to die for his faith in Jesus. His execution is witnessed by Saul, who later becomes St. Paul.

This reading highlights Stephen’s strong faith and forgiveness, reflecting Jesus’ own death and teachings. Stephen’s example encourages us to stay faithful and forgiving, even in difficult times.

Acts of the Apostles

The First Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C is from the Acts of the Apostles, written around 80-90 AD. Acts tells the story of the early Christian Church, showing the spread of the Gospel and the growth of Christian communities despite persecution. It teaches us about the importance of community.

Early Christians gathered together, supported each other, and shared their resources. This sense of community is crucial for us today. We are called to be part of a faith community where we can grow in our relationship with God and support each other in our spiritual journey.

Understanding the Book of Revelation

The Second Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C from Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20 can be hard to understand, but it describes our worship at Mass. When we participate in the Eucharist, we join a heavenly liturgy where heaven meets earth.

This reading reminds us that every Mass is a glimpse of heavenly worship. As we come together in the Eucharist, we are part of a larger, spiritual community. This connection strengthens our faith and unites us with God and each other.

Gospel of John

In the Gospel for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, John 17:20-26, Jesus shares a deep teaching with his disciples at the Last Supper before his arrest. He prays for unity among his followers and declares that he is the way, the truth, and the life.

This prayer highlights the importance of unity and the mission of Jesus. It reminds us that following Jesus’ teachings is essential for all believers, and it calls us to live in harmony with one another.

Homilies and Commentaries for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

Sunday June 1, 2025

Come Lord Jesus!

In his homily for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, Bishop Robert Barron discusses the final words of the Bible, emphasizing Jesus’ promise to return soon. He explains that we live in the “in-between times” where we await Jesus’ return and calls for unity in the Church.

Bishop Barron highlights the significance of Jesus as the Alpha and Omega and the Church’s role in calling out for Jesus’ return. He reminds us that through Baptism, we enter the heavenly Jerusalem, which is the Church. The homily ends with a focus on the Church’s anticipation and longing for Jesus’ second coming.

The First Martyr

In his reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, Jeff Cavins discusses the story of Stephen, the first adult martyr, and his Christ-like sacrifice. Cavins highlights how Stephen’s martyrdom had a lasting impact on Saul, who became Paul. He emphasizes that others are always watching our actions, especially during struggles.

Cavins encourages us to live our lives as witnesses to Christ, showing love and faith in difficult times, just as Stephen did. This reflection reminds us that our faith can inspire and influence those around us.

Perfection as One

In his reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, Scott Hahn explains that Jesus prays for all who believe in Him through the Apostles’ Word. Jesus shows His unity with the Father and calls us to be one with Them. The readings highlight Jesus as the “first and the last” and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Stephen’s martyrdom echoes Jesus’ Crucifixion, teaching us to offer our lives in love and forgiveness. Through the Mass, we renew our commitment and respond to Jesus’ call for unity. We join in His prayer for us to be united as one with God.

Reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year C focuses on faith, unity, and eternal life. The readings highlight the steadfastness of Stephen, the prayer of Jesus for unity among believers, and the invitation to eternal life. These themes guide us to deepen our faith, strengthen our community, and embrace God’s grace.

Stephen’s Strong Faith

The story of Stephen from the first reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C is powerful. Stephen is full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Even when facing death, he does not waver. He remains firm in his belief in Jesus.

Stephen sees a vision of Jesus standing at the right hand of God. This vision gives him courage and strength. He forgives those who are stoning him, just like Jesus did on the cross. Stephen’s faith and forgiveness are examples for us.

We can learn from Stephen to stand firm in our faith, even when it is hard. Sometimes, we may face challenges or people who do not understand our faith. Like Stephen, we can trust in Jesus and find strength in Him.

Jesus’ Prayer for Unity

In the Gospel for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, Jesus prays for all believers to be united. He prays that we may be one just as He and the Father are one. This prayer shows how important unity is to Jesus.

Jesus wants us to love one another and work together. Unity among believers helps us show the world that we belong to Jesus. When we are united, we reflect God’s love and build a stronger community.

We can work towards unity by supporting and caring for each other. Praying together, helping those in need, and showing kindness are ways to build unity. Jesus’ prayer reminds us that we are one family in Christ and should strive to live in harmony.

The Invitation to Eternal Life

The second reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C talks about Jesus offering the water of life freely. This invitation is open to everyone. It shows God’s desire for all people to have eternal life.

The Spirit and the bride invite everyone to come and receive this gift. This means God’s grace is available to all, without exception. Jesus wants everyone to join Him and experience the joy of eternal life.

We can accept this invitation by following Jesus and living according to His teachings. Sharing the good news with others and inviting them to know Jesus is also important. The readings remind us that God’s love and grace are for everyone, and we should welcome all to His family.

Reflecting on the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C helps us understand the importance of standing firm in our faith, striving for unity, and accepting the invitation to eternal life. By following these teachings, we grow closer to Jesus and share His love with others.


Lord Jesus, help us stand firm in our faith like Stephen. Unite us as one family in Your love. Guide us to share the invitation to eternal life with everyone we meet. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

  • How can Stephen’s example help me stay strong in my faith?
  • In what ways can I contribute to unity among believers?
  • How do I respond to Jesus’ invitation to eternal life?
  • What can I do to show forgiveness like Stephen did?
  • How does Jesus’ prayer for unity challenge me in my daily life?
  • Who in my life needs to hear about the water of life offered by Jesus?
  • How can I better support my church community?
  • What steps can I take to live out Jesus’ teachings more fully?
  • How does the vision of Jesus standing at God’s right hand inspire me?
  • In what practical ways can I share God’s grace with others?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let the hearer say, “Come.” Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.
I pray that they may all be one – 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

Music Suggestions for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

Sunday June 1, 2025

For the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C, choose music that reflects themes of faith, unity, and eternal life. Songs that celebrate Jesus’ kingship and His role as the Alpha and Omega fit well. Music that focuses on standing firm in faith, as Stephen did, and songs that invite all to come to Jesus for the water of life are also appropriate. Hymns that encourage believers to come together in unity and love are fitting for this Sunday’s readings.

Music directors and musicians, consider these themes when selecting songs for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C. Try these suggestions and see how they enhance your worship service. Please share your own selections and ideas in the comments to inspire others.

Questions and Answers for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C

What date is the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C?

The next date is Sunday June 1, 2025.

In most dioceses in the United States, the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension is moved to the following Sunday, superseding the 7th Sunday of Easter.

For other years see the links below:
7th Sunday of Easter Year A
7th Sunday of Easter Year B:

What are the Mass readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C?

The Mass readings for Sunday June 1, 2025 are:
First Reading – Acts 7:55-60: The Martyrdom of Stephen
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 97: The Lord is King
Second Reading – Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20: The Promise of Jesus’ Return
Gospel – John 17:20-26: Jesus’ Prayer for Unity

Why is Stephen’s vision important?

Stephen sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God before he dies. This vision reassures us that Jesus is with us in our toughest moments.

What can we learn from Stephen’s death?

Stephen shows courage and faith even when he is dying. We learn to stay strong in our faith, even in hard times.

Why does Jesus call Himself the Alpha and Omega?

Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Jesus is saying He is the beginning and the end, showing He is eternal and in control.

Why does the Spirit and the bride invite everyone to come?

This invitation means God’s grace is open to all. It encourages everyone to accept God’s gift of eternal life.

What is the water of life in Revelation?

The water of life is a symbol for eternal life with Jesus. It shows God’s desire for everyone to live forever with Him.

What does it mean to keep Jesus’ commandments as mentioned in Revelation?

Keeping Jesus’ commandments means following His teachings. This shows our love for Him and helps us stay close to God.

What does Jesus mean by glory in the Gospel?

Jesus talks about the glory He had with the Father. He wants us to see this glory and be with Him forever. It means sharing in the love and presence of God.

Why is unity important in the Gospel reading?

Jesus prays for all believers to be united. Unity shows the world that we belong to Jesus and God loves us.

How can we apply the call to unity in our lives?

We can work towards unity by loving and supporting one another. This means helping others and praying together as one family in Christ.

How do the readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C encourage us?

The readings remind us of Jesus’ promises and call for unity and faith. They encourage us to trust in God’s love and stay faithful in our journey.

Faith, Unity, and the Promise of Eternal Life

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year C reminds us of faith, unity, and the invitation to eternal life. The story of Stephen shows unwavering faith in the face of persecution. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen forgives those who harm him and trusts in Jesus. His courage inspires us to stand firm in our beliefs, even during difficult times.

In the Gospel, Jesus prays for unity among believers. He asks for us to be one, as He and the Father are one. This call to unity encourages us to work together, love one another, and reflect God’s love in our lives.

The second reading offers hope through the promise of eternal life. Jesus invites everyone to receive the water of life, showing that God’s grace is for all. This invitation reminds us of the joy awaiting us when we follow Jesus and share His love with others.

The 7th Sunday of Easter Year C calls us to deepen our faith, embrace unity, and welcome the gift of eternal life with open hearts.

Your Turn

Take time to reflect on the readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter Year C. Think about how you can strengthen your faith, build unity with others, and share God’s love. Have you faced challenges like Stephen? How do you work toward unity in your community?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s encourage one another to live out these readings in our daily lives.

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