Pentecost Year C
Sunday June 8, 2025

Mass Readings for Pentecost Year C for the Vigil Mass
- First Reading – Genesis 11:1-9: The people built a city and tower to make a name for themselves. The LORD confused their language, causing them to stop and scatter, and the city was called Babel.
- Alternate First Reading – Exodus 19:3-8a, 16-20b: Moses shared God’s message with the people, and they agreed to follow it. When they gathered at Mount Sinai, they experienced God’s power through thunder, lightning, and fire as He spoke to Moses.
- Alternate First Reading – Ezekiel 37:1-14: The LORD promises to restore Israel, bringing life to their dry bones and returning them to their land. He will put His Spirit in them, and they will know that He is the LORD.
- Alternate First Reading – Joel 3:1-5: The LORD promises to pour His Spirit on all people, showing signs in the sky and on earth. All who call on His name will be saved, and a remnant will remain in Jerusalem.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 104: The Lord is praised for His greatness, wisdom, and care for all creatures. By sending His Spirit, He gives life and renews the earth, providing for all creation.
- Second Reading – Romans 8:22-27: All creation groans in waiting, and we too long for the redemption of our bodies. The Spirit helps us pray when we don’t know how, interceding according to God’s will.
- Gospel – John 7:37-39: Jesus invites all who are thirsty to come to Him for living water. He speaks of the Holy Spirit, which would be given after His glorification, to those who believe in Him.
Mass Readings for Pentecost Year C for Mass During the Day
- First Reading – Acts 2:1-11: During Pentecost, the disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in diverse languages, astonishing a multinational crowd in Jerusalem as each heard God’s wonders in their own tongue.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 104: I praise the Lord, overwhelmed by His vast and varied creations. I seek to please Him with my thoughts, rejoicing as He refreshes the earth with His life-giving Spirit.
- Second Reading – Romans 8:8-17: Living by the Spirit, not the flesh, aligns us with God. Christ’s Spirit in us promises life despite mortal bodies. Led by this Spirit, we are God’s children, heirs with Christ, sharing in His glory through our sufferings.
- Alternate Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:3B-7, 12-13: Declaring “Jesus is Lord” requires the Holy Spirit. Diverse spiritual gifts, services, and functions are from one Spirit, uniting us in Christ’s body, transcending all differences.
- Gospel – John 14:15-16, 23B-26: Jesus emphasized the importance of obedience to his commandments as a sign of true love for him. He promised the Father would send an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be with his followers forever. This Spirit will teach and remind them of Jesus’ teachings, which are also the Father’s. Jesus and the Father will dwell with those who adhere to these teachings.
- Alternate Gospel – John 20:19-23: In a locked room, Jesus appeared to his fearful disciples, offering peace. He showed his crucifixion wounds, turning their fear to joy. Jesus then commissioned them, as the Father had sent him, and bestowed the Holy Spirit, granting them authority to forgive or retain sins.
The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.
John 14:26
Themes for Pentecost Year C
Pentecost Year C is a time to reflect on the Holy Spirit and its impact on the early Church and our lives today. The readings focus on the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Here are some key themes:
- Coming of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit comes upon the apostles as tongues of fire. This event marks the birth of the Church and empowers the apostles to preach.
- Unity in Diversity: People from different nations hear the apostles speaking in their own languages. The Holy Spirit unites people despite their differences.
- Life in the Spirit: Paul teaches that living according to the Spirit leads to life. The Spirit gives us strength to overcome sin and live righteously.
- Adoption as God’s Children: We are adopted as God’s children through the Holy Spirit. This means we can call God “Abba, Father” and share in His inheritance.
- Role of the Advocate: Jesus promises the Holy Spirit as an Advocate who will be with us always. The Spirit teaches and reminds us of Jesus’ words.
- Witnessing the Mighty Acts of God: The apostles speak of God’s mighty acts in different languages. This shows the universal message of God’s salvation.
Pentecost Year C highlights the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church. These themes remind us of the Spirit’s role in our lives and the unity it brings to believers.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for Pentecost Year C.
Resources for Pentecost Year C
Sunday June 8, 2025

Let the Spirit Move You
The “What Moves You? Holy Spirit Lesson Plan” helps young people see the Holy Spirit as God’s breath giving life and energy. Just like a balloon needs air to move, we need the Holy Spirit to step out in faith.
Based on John 20:19-23, this lesson reminds us that the Spirit gives courage, wisdom, and strength to share the Gospel. It encourages prayer and openness to the Spirit’s gifts, helping youth overcome fears and live as witnesses of God’s love. Pentecost Year C inspires us to invite the Spirit in and let it guide our lives and actions.

Have a Birthday Party for the Church
Celebrate Pentecost Year C by hosting a birthday party for the Church at your youth ministry meeting. This fun event will introduce the idea that Pentecost is the Church’s birthday. Use reflection questions to help your teens understand how they, like the disciples, are sent to share the good news.
The readings show the Holy Spirit giving the disciples courage and the ability to speak in many languages. This reminds us that we, too, are called to spread God’s message in our own ways.

The Holy Spirit Is Like the Wind (Kite Activity)
For Pentecost Year C, teach children about the Holy Spirit using a kite activity. Just as we can’t see the wind but can see its effects on a kite, we can’t see the Holy Spirit but can see its work in our lives. This activity helps children understand how the Holy Spirit guides and influences us, similar to how the wind moves a kite.
The readings for Pentecost Year C show the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples, giving them strength and direction. This kite activity visually and experientially connects children to the Holy Spirit’s unseen yet powerful presence.

The Spirit Unites and Sends Us Out
In Acts 2:1-11, the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost, filling the apostles and enabling them to speak in many languages.
This shows one of the main themes in Acts: the Spirit uniting believers and empowering them to share the Gospel. The apostles, once afraid, now boldly preach to people from all nations. This moment reflects the Spirit’s ongoing role in guiding and strengthening the early Church. It reminds us that God’s message is for everyone and that the Spirit gives us the courage to share it with the world, just as the apostles did.
Read more about Acts of the Apostles.

Experience the Wonder of God’s World
For Pentecost Year C, Psalm 104 praises God the Creator. The psalm highlights God’s creation, from light and wind to the sun and moon. It reminds us that we depend on God for everything and that His Spirit brings us joy and peace.
The readings for Pentecost Year C show the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples, filling them with strength and joy. This psalm echoes that theme, celebrating the Spirit’s presence in our lives and all of creation.
Homilies and Commentaries for Pentecost Year C
Sunday June 8, 2025
Empowered by the Spirit
In Jeff Cavins’ reflection for Pentecost Year C, he explains how the Holy Spirit transforms the disciples, giving them strength and courage. He connects Pentecost to our confirmation, where we receive the Spirit’s power to be true witnesses of Christ.
Cavins contrasts the fear of the disciples behind closed doors with their empowerment by the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. He encourages us to look for opportunities to share Christ’s message and to rely on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance.
Reflection for Pentecost Year C
Pentecost Year C is a time to reflect on the Holy Spirit’s vital role in the birth of the Church and in our lives today. These reflections explore the themes of unity in diversity, the empowering presence of the Spirit, and the Spirit’s continual guidance. By understanding these themes, we can appreciate how the Holy Spirit unites us, inspires us, and helps us live out our faith.
Unity in Diversity Through the Holy Spirit
Pentecost Year C shows us a beautiful moment when people from different nations heard the apostles speaking in their own languages. This miracle demonstrated that the Holy Spirit unites people despite their differences. It was a sign that God’s message is for everyone, no matter where they come from or what language they speak.
The apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke to the crowd, and everyone understood them. This unity in diversity is a key theme of Pentecost Year C. The Holy Spirit broke down barriers and brought people together, showing that the love of God transcends all human divisions. It reminds us that we are all part of one family in Christ.
This event teaches us the importance of inclusiveness in our faith. The Holy Spirit calls us to reach out to others, to embrace different cultures, and to share the message of Jesus with everyone. We are encouraged to see beyond our differences and to focus on what unites us as children of God.
Pentecost Year C encourages us to celebrate our diversity and to seek unity in the Holy Spirit. By doing so, we can build stronger communities and a more loving Church. Let us open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, allowing it to guide us in breaking down barriers and fostering unity among all people.
The Birth of the Church
Pentecost Year C highlights a powerful moment in Christian history when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles as tongues of fire. This event marked the birth of the Church, giving the apostles the strength and courage to preach the Good News. The Holy Spirit’s presence was a visible sign that God was with them, guiding and empowering their mission.
The tongues of fire rested on each apostle, symbolizing that the Holy Spirit was for everyone, not just a select few. This moment united the apostles in purpose, breaking down barriers and filling them with the confidence to spread Christ’s teachings. The apostles spoke in different languages, making it clear that the message of Jesus was for all people, regardless of their background or nationality.
Pentecost Year C reminds us of the importance of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. Just as the Spirit empowered the apostles, it empowers us to live as true followers of Christ. We may not see tongues of fire, but the Spirit is present, giving us the gifts we need to share God’s love with others. Each of us is called to use our unique talents to contribute to the Church and our communities.
As we reflect on Pentecost Year C, let us remember the birth of the Church and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us be open to the Spirit’s guidance, allowing it to strengthen and inspire us. By doing so, we continue the mission that began on that first Pentecost, bringing the light of Christ to the world.
The Spirit’s Role in Our Lives
In Pentecost Year C, we see the Holy Spirit playing a crucial role in the lives of early Christians. The Spirit united them to life eternal in Christ and made Christ’s presence known in their daily lives. The Holy Spirit did not just appear at Pentecost; it was active throughout the Old Testament, as the breath of God and the inspiration for prophets. The Spirit was present in the temple and guided the people of Israel.
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the hearts of Christians. It brought them together with one purpose. The Spirit does not take away our individuality but instead unites us in Christ while respecting our unique characteristics. This unity through the Spirit is a key theme of Pentecost Year C.
Through Baptism and the Eucharist, we are drawn into the unity of the Spirit. We receive the life of Christ within us, but we remain unique individuals. Each of us is given different gifts by the Holy Spirit to use in service to others. This diversity of gifts enriches the Church and helps us to carry out Christ’s mission in the world.
Pentecost Year C reminds us that the Holy Spirit is always with us, guiding us and helping us to live as followers of Christ. As we celebrate this special time, let us be open to the Spirit’s work in our lives and use our unique gifts to build up the Church and spread the Good News.
As we ponder these reflections for Pentecost Year C, let us remember the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Spirit unites us despite our differences, empowers us to share the Good News, and guides us daily. May we remain open to the Spirit’s work, using our unique gifts to strengthen the Church and bring Christ’s light to the world.
Holy Spirit, guide us and fill our hearts with your presence. Help us to see beyond our differences and unite us in Christ. May we use our gifts to serve others and spread God’s love. Amen.
Reflection Questions for Pentecost Year C
- How does the event of Pentecost show the power of the Holy Spirit in uniting people?
- In what ways can we see the Holy Spirit working in our lives today?
- How does the Holy Spirit help us overcome barriers and divisions?
- What unique gifts has the Holy Spirit given you to share with others?
- How can we celebrate the diversity within our Church community?
- What can we learn from the apostles’ courage to preach after receiving the Holy Spirit?
- How does the Holy Spirit guide you in your daily decisions and actions?
- In what ways can you be more open to the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life?
- How does the Holy Spirit help us live as true followers of Christ?
- How can we use our unique talents to build up the Church and our communities?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for Pentecost Year C

Music Suggestions for Pentecost Year C
Sunday June 8, 2025
These music selections for Pentecost Year C highlight themes of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. They include songs that celebrate the Spirit’s role in creation, unity, and inspiration. The music ranges from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs, all focusing on the Spirit’s guidance, the birth of the Church, and the unity of believers. These songs help us reflect on how the Holy Spirit unites people, empowers us to share the Good News, and inspires us to live out our faith.
- All Hail, Adored Trinity by Louis Bourgeois & Robert E. Kreutz
- All That We Have Seen by Sarah Hart
- Breathe on Me by John Waller
- Breathe on Me, O Breath of God by Ed Bolduc & Karen Bolduc
- Burning In My Soul by Matt Maher
- Come Holy Ghost Creator Blest by Louis Lambillotte
- Come O Holy Spirit (Pentecost Sequence) by Owen Alstott & Randall Debruyn
- Come Holy Spirit by Tom Booth & Robert Feduccia
- Creator Spirit By Whose Aid
- Fall Afresh by Jeremy Riddle
- Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go by Luke D. Rosen
- Holy Spirit by Ken Canedo & Jesse Manibusan
- Holy Spirit Come Now by Jesse Manibusan
- In the Breaking of the Bread by Bob Hurd & Anawim
- Lord Send Out Your Spirit by Ken Canedo
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling by Rowland H. Pritchard & Charles Wesley
- Many and One by Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart & Dwight Liles
- Oceans by Hillsong United
- Psalm 104: Send Forth Your Spirit O Lord by Christopher Walker
- Sent Forth by God’s Blessing by Omer Westendorf
- Set a Fire by Will Reagan & United Pursuit
- Shine Jesus Shine by Graham Kendrick
- Soul On Fire by Third Day
- Spirit of the Living God by Audrey Assad
- The Church’s One Foundation by Samuel S. Wesley & Samuel J. Stone
- The Spirit Sends Us Forth by Delores Dufner
- Veni Creator Spiritus by Janèt Sullivan Whitaker
- Wildfires by Francis Cabildo
- With One Voice by Ricky Manalo
Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these music selections for Pentecost Year C. Try incorporating them into your worship services to enhance the celebration of the Holy Spirit. Feel free to suggest your own favorite songs and share your experiences in the comments. Let’s create a joyful and inspiring atmosphere together.
Questions and Answers for Pentecost Year C
What date is Pentecost Year C?
The next date is Sunday June 8, 2025.
For other years see the links below:
Pentecost Year A
Pentecost Year B
What are the Mass readings Pentecost Year C?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday June 8, 2025 are:
For the vigil Mass:
First Reading – Genesis 11:1-9: The Confusion of Language at Babel
Alternate First Reading – Exodus 19:3-8a, 16-20b: God’s Call to the Israelites at Sinai
Alternate First Reading – Ezekiel 37:1-14: The Valley of Dry Bones and the Promise of Restoration
Alternate First Reading – Joel 3:1-5: The Promise of the Outpouring of the Spirit
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 104: The Lord Who Renews the Earth
Second Reading – Romans 8:22-27: The Spirit’s Intercession for Us
Gospel – John 7:37-39: Jesus Offers Living Water to the Thirsty
For Mass during the day:
First Reading – Acts 2:1-11: Pentecost’s Miraculous Languages
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 104: God’s Lifegiving Spirit
Second Reading – Romans 8:8-17: Living in the Spirit, Heirs with Christ
Alternate Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:3B-7, 12-13: Unity in the Spirit
Gospel – John 14:15-16, 23B-26: Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
Alternate Gospel – John 20:19-23: Jesus’ Appearance and Commission
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles. It marks the beginning of the Church.
Why did the apostles speak in different languages on Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit gave them the power to speak in many languages. This showed that God’s message is for everyone.
What does it mean to be “in the flesh” in the second reading for Pentecost Year C?
Being “in the flesh” means living according to sinful desires. Paul teaches that we should live by the Spirit instead.
How does the Holy Spirit help us in Pentecost Year C?
The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, and reminds us of Jesus’ teachings. It also gives us strength to live a good life.
What is the “Spirit of adoption” mentioned in the second reading for Pentecost Year C?
The “Spirit of adoption” means we are made children of God through the Holy Spirit. We can call God our Father because of this.
What does “life in the Spirit” mean in the second reading for Pentecost Year C?
“Life in the Spirit” means living according to God’s will with the help of the Holy Spirit. It leads to a holy and fulfilling life.
Why is the Holy Spirit called an Advocate in the Gospel for Pentecost Year C?
The Holy Spirit is called an Advocate because it supports and defends us. It helps us understand God’s will and comforts us.
How can we apply the teachings of Pentecost Year C to our lives?
We can ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us make good choices. We can also spread God’s message to others.
Why were people amazed during Pentecost?
People were amazed because they heard the apostles speaking in their own languages. This miracle showed the power of the Holy Spirit.
What should we remember for Pentecost Year C?
We should remember that the Holy Spirit is always with us. It helps us live as true followers of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit in Our Lives
Pentecost Year C reminds us of the Holy Spirit’s presence and its role in our lives. It celebrates the moment when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles as tongues of fire. This event marks the birth of the Church and shows us how the Spirit empowers believers to share the message of Jesus.
One key theme is unity in diversity. People from different nations heard the apostles in their own languages. This shows that God’s message is for everyone. The Holy Spirit breaks down barriers and brings people together as one family in Christ.
Another focus is the life in the Spirit. The Spirit gives us strength to live as followers of Jesus. Through Baptism and the Eucharist, we are united with Christ and each other. The Spirit also gives us unique gifts to use in service of the Church and the world.
Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is always present. It guides us, inspires us, and helps us to grow in faith. As the apostles were empowered at Pentecost, we too are called to share the Good News with others.
Your Turn
Take time to reflect on the readings for Pentecost Year C. Think about how the Holy Spirit is working in your life. How does it help you to serve others and live your faith?
Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s encourage each other to grow in faith and celebrate the Spirit’s work among us!
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