Corpus Christi Year C
Sunday June 22, 2025

Mass Readings for Corpus Christi Year C
- First Reading – Genesis 14:18-20: Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of God, brought bread and wine and blessed Abram. Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 110: The LORD declares an eternal priesthood in the line of Melchizedek, promises victory over enemies, and assures divine authority and power.
- Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 11:23-26: Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper, saying the bread is his body and the cup is the new covenant in his blood, to be done in remembrance of him.
- Gospel – Luke 9:11B-17: Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fish. He blessed and broke the food, distributing it through his disciples. Everyone was satisfied, and twelve baskets of leftovers were collected.
Upcoming dates: June 22, 2025, June 18, 2028, June 15, 2031
Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing over them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd.
Luke 9:16
Themes for Corpus Christi Year C
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi Year C celebrates the gift of the Eucharist. It reminds us of God’s love and the unity of the Church through the Body and Blood of Christ.
- Jesus as the Bread of Life: The Gospel shows Jesus feeding the crowd, pointing to the Eucharist as spiritual food. The Eucharist nourishes our souls and unites us with Jesus.
- The Priesthood of Christ: Melchizedek brings bread and wine in Genesis, symbolizing Christ as the eternal priest. Jesus continues this priesthood in the Eucharist, offering himself to the Father.
- Sacrifice and Thanksgiving: The Eucharist is a sacrifice and an act of thanksgiving, as seen in Genesis and Corinthians. We give thanks for Christ’s sacrifice, which brings us salvation.
- The Institution of the Eucharist: Paul recounts the Last Supper, reminding us of the sacred origins of the Eucharist. This teaches us to cherish and remember Christ’s presence in this gift.
- Unity of the Church: The Eucharist brings us together as one Body in Christ. It reminds us to care for each other and live in harmony.
- Generosity and Abundance: In the Gospel, Jesus feeds a great crowd with little food. The Eucharist shows God’s generous love, providing for our deepest needs.
- God’s Covenant with Us: The readings highlight God’s faithful love and covenant. The Eucharist is the new covenant, bringing us closer to God.
Corpus Christi Year C calls us to reflect on the gift of the Eucharist. It strengthens our faith and helps us live in love and unity with one another.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for Corpus Christi Year C.
Resources for the Corpus Christi Year C
Sunday June 22, 2025

God Feeds His People – A Lesson Plan on Manna and Bread
This lesson plan for Corpus Christi Year C highlights God’s enduring desire to feed His people, culminating in the Eucharist. From the manna in the desert to Jesus’ miraculous feedings, these stories teach trust in God’s providence. The Gospel recounts Jesus feeding the five thousand, foreshadowing the Eucharist as the Bread of Life.
The Mass echoes this mystery when Christ offers Himself, fulfilling our spiritual hunger. This feast invites us to deepen our faith in the Eucharist as God’s ultimate gift, celebrating His love and care for our needs—both earthly and eternal.

Loaves and Fishes: Eucharist Lesson Plan
The Loaves and Fishes Eucharist Lesson Plan for Corpus Christi Year C connects Jesus feeding the multitude to the Eucharist. It shows how Jesus takes what we offer, even if it seems small, and blesses it in incredible ways. Youth learn the importance of generosity, trust in Jesus, and seeing the Eucharist as more than a ritual.
By reflecting on this miracle, they understand how Jesus feeds us with his Body and Blood at Mass, unites us, and equips us to share his love with others. This lesson deepens faith and encourages a personal connection to the Eucharist.

Does It Last? A Timely Lesson Plan on the Eucharist
The Does It Last? Bread of Life lesson plan for Corpus Christi Year C helps youth see the difference between material things and the eternal gift of the Eucharist. It reminds them that while possessions fade, the Eucharist unites us with Jesus and strengthens us spiritually for life’s journey.
Through the Eucharist, we build a lasting relationship with Christ and grow in faith. This lesson challenges youth to prioritize the Eucharist over distractions and focus on what truly matters: Jesus, the Bread of Life, who nourishes our souls and leads us toward eternal life.

What Does Amen Mean? – Reflection and Discussion Questions
The What Does Amen Mean? lesson plan connects perfectly to the feast of Corpus Christi, which celebrates the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. On this special day, we remember that Jesus gave His body and blood for us at the Last Supper and continues to offer Himself at every Mass.
This lesson helps youth reflect on the meaning of amen when they receive Holy Communion, affirming their belief in this incredible gift.

Litany to the Blessed Host
The Litany to the Blessed Host by Saint Faustina reflects her deep love for Jesus in the Eucharist. In her suffering, she found strength and peace through prayer and union with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. This prayer expresses her longing for Jesus and her trust in his presence.
For Corpus Christi Year C, this litany reminds us of the gift of the Eucharist as a source of grace and comfort. Like Saint Faustina, we are called to seek Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, allowing his love to sustain us and guide us on our journey of faith.
Homilies and Commentaries for the Corpus Christi Year C
Sunday June 22, 2025
Sacrifice, Covenant, Banquet
Bishop Robert Barron’s homily for Corpus Christi Year C reflects on three key aspects of the Eucharist. First, the Eucharist is a sacrifice, re-presenting Christ’s offering on the cross and allowing us to join our sorrow for sin to his ultimate sacrifice. Second, it is the new covenant in Christ’s blood, bringing God and humanity together.
Finally, the Eucharist is a spiritual banquet, like the feeding of the five thousand, where Christ nourishes all who come to him. Bishop Barron invites us to reflect on these dimensions of the Eucharist and embrace its power to unite us with God and each other.
Solemnity of Corpus Christi
In his reflection for Corpus Christi Year C, Jeff Cavins highlights how Jesus can multiply even the smallest offerings to meet the needs of others. Drawing on the feeding of the five thousand, he reminds us that when we place what we have in Jesus’ hands, it becomes enough to do great things.
Blessed and Given
In his reflection for Corpus Christi Year C, Scott Hahn explains how the Eucharist fulfills God’s promises through Melchizedek’s offering of bread and wine. Jesus, the eternal priest, transforms these symbols into his Body and Blood, giving us God’s blessings and victory over sin and death.
Scott Hahn connects the miracle of the loaves and fishes to the Eucharist, showing how Jesus still feeds us through his priests. Every time we receive the Eucharist, we proclaim his victory and look forward to the glory that he promises to share with us when he comes again.
Reflection for the Corpus Christi Year C
Corpus Christi Year C celebrates the gift of the Eucharist, a central mystery of our faith. The readings remind us of Christ’s love and how he offers himself to unite us with God and with one another. These reflections explore the themes of the eternal priesthood, God’s generous love, and his covenant with us.
Christ as the Eternal Priest
In the first reading from Genesis, Melchizedek brings bread and wine as an offering. This act points to Jesus, who is the eternal priest. Jesus continues this priesthood in the Eucharist, offering himself to the Father for our salvation.
The role of a priest is to mediate between God and humanity. Melchizedek’s offering reminds us of the sacred role of Jesus as the one who connects us to God. In the Eucharist, Jesus gives us his Body and Blood, making his priesthood present to us in every Mass.
Corpus Christi Year C calls us to reflect on this great gift of the Eucharist. Jesus, our eternal priest, sacrifices himself out of love. We are invited to respond with faith and gratitude, knowing that he is always with us through the Eucharist.
God’s Generous Love
The Gospel story of the feeding of the crowd reminds us of God’s abundant love. Jesus takes what little food the disciples have and multiplies it to feed thousands. This points to the Eucharist, where God provides for the deepest needs of our souls.
The Eucharist shows us how much God cares for us. It is a reminder that his love is never limited and that he always wants to share his blessings with us. Like the crowd in the Gospel, we are called to trust in God’s care and turn to him in faith.
Corpus Christi Year C helps us remember that the Eucharist is a sign of God’s love. It strengthens us to love others as God loves us. Just as Jesus fed the crowd, we are called to share what we have with those in need.
God’s Covenant with His People
In Genesis, Melchizedek’s offering of bread and wine reflects God’s covenant with his people. The Gospel story of Jesus feeding the crowd also points to this covenant. Both remind us that God is faithful and keeps his promises.
The Eucharist is the new covenant that Jesus made with us through his Body and Blood. It is a sign of God’s love and faithfulness to his people. Every time we receive the Eucharist, we renew our relationship with God and remember his promise to be with us always.
Corpus Christi Year C reminds us of the deep bond we share with God through the Eucharist. It is a moment to reflect on his faithfulness and how we can live as part of his covenant. This includes loving others, staying faithful to God, and trusting in his care.
The Eucharist invites us to deepen our faith and live in love and service. Corpus Christi Year C helps us focus on the ways Jesus strengthens us through the gift of his Body and Blood. Let us open our hearts to receive this gift with gratitude and share his love with others.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gift of the Eucharist. Help us to see your love in every Mass and to live as your faithful followers. Teach us to trust in you and to share your blessings with others. Strengthen our faith and guide us closer to you each day. Amen.
Reflection Questions for Corpus Christi Year C
- How does the Eucharist remind me of Jesus’ role as the eternal priest?
- What does it mean to me that Jesus offers himself to the Father for my salvation?
- How can I express my gratitude for the gift of the Eucharist in my daily life?
- What does the feeding of the crowd teach me about God’s care for my spiritual needs?
- How can I trust more deeply in God’s generous love for me and others?
- In what ways can I share God’s blessings with those in need?
- How does the Eucharist help me reflect on God’s faithfulness to his covenant?
- What does it mean to renew my relationship with God each time I receive the Eucharist?
- How can I live out the love and service that the Eucharist calls me to?
- What steps can I take to better prepare myself to receive the Eucharist with faith and gratitude?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for Corpus Christi Year C
Music Suggestions for Corpus Christi Year C
Sunday June 22, 2025
The music selections for Corpus Christi Year C focus on themes of the Eucharist, unity, and Christ’s sacrifice. Many songs highlight Jesus as the Bread of Life and reflect on the miracle of his Body and Blood shared with us. Others emphasize the blessing of gathering together in faith and the call to serve one another. These pieces inspire us to celebrate the gift of the Eucharist with gratitude and joy, connecting the readings to our worship through meaningful and uplifting music.
- Behold the Lamb of God by Matt Maher
- Bread for the World by Bernadette Farrell
- Bread of Angels by Curtis Stephan
- Corpus Christi Sequence by James Poppleton
- Do This in Memory of Me by Chris Muglia
- Gathered in Your Name by Mikey Needleman
- Gift of Finest Wheat by John Michael Talbot
- King of My Heart by Greg Walton
- Here at This Table by Janèt Sullivan Whitaker
- I Am the Bread of Life by Steve Angrisano & Tom Booth
- Make Us Your Own by Ed Bolduc
- Miracle of Grace by Curtis Stephan
- No Greater Love by Tim Schoenbachler
- O Salutaris Hostia / O Saving Lamb by Tom Booth
- One Bread, One Body by John Foley
- One Bread, One Cup by Bobby Fisher, Ken Canedo, Greg Lee & Craig Aven
- Our Blessing Cup (Psalm 116) by Sarah Hart
- Overflow by Matt Maher
- Remembrance by Matt Maher & Matt Redman
- Table of Plenty by Dan Schutte
- Taste and See by Steve Angrisano
- The Body of Christ by Sarah Hart
- You Are a Priest Forever by Brian Flynn
Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections as they prepare for Corpus Christi Year C. These songs can enhance the celebration of the Eucharist and deepen the congregation’s understanding of its themes. Share your own favorite music choices in the comments to inspire others.
Questions and Answers for Corpus Christi Year C
What date is Corpus Christi Year C?
The next date is Sunday June 22, 2025.
For other years see the links below:
Corpus Christi Year A
Corpus Christi Year B
What are the Mass readings for Corpus Christi Year C?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday June 22, 2025 are:
First Reading – Genesis 14:18-20: Melchizedek Blesses Abram
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 110: Eternal Priesthood and Authority
Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 11:23-26: Institution of the Eucharist
Gospel – Luke 9:11B-17: The Feeding of the Five Thousand
What does Melchizedek offering bread and wine mean in the first reading for Corpus Christi Year C?
Melchizedek’s offering of bread and wine in Genesis points to the Eucharist. It reminds us that Jesus, like Melchizedek, is a priest who offers himself to bring us closer to God.
Why is the Last Supper important for Corpus Christi Year C?
At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the Eucharist by sharing his Body and Blood. This is why the Church celebrates the Eucharist as the center of our faith.
What does the feeding of the crowd in the Gospel for Corpus Christi Year C teach us about the Eucharist?
The feeding of the crowd shows God’s care and generosity. It helps us see that the Eucharist is meant to nourish our souls and bring us together as a community.
How does the Eucharist unite the Church?
The Eucharist unites us because we all share in the Body and Blood of Christ. It reminds us to love and care for one another as members of one Church.
What does the Eucharist mean for our daily lives?
The Eucharist strengthens us to live as followers of Christ. It calls us to be loving, forgiving, and generous with others.
Why is thanksgiving an important part of the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is a way to give thanks for Jesus’ sacrifice. It helps us remember how much God loves us and how we should live in gratitude.
How can we prepare to receive the Eucharist?
We can prepare by praying and reflecting on our relationship with God and others. It’s important to approach the Eucharist with faith and an open heart.
What does the Eucharist teach us about generosity?
The Eucharist shows us how Jesus gives himself fully for us. It inspires us to be generous in giving our time, love, and help to others.
Why is Corpus Christi Year C important for our faith?
Corpus Christi Year C reminds us to reflect on the gift of the Eucharist. It deepens our understanding of how Jesus is present with us in this special way.
What does the Eucharist mean for our relationship with Jesus?
The Eucharist brings us closer to Jesus by uniting us with his Body and Blood. It helps us grow in faith and follow him more closely.
The Gift of Christ’s Body and Blood
Corpus Christi Year C focuses on the gift of the Eucharist. It celebrates how Jesus gives us his Body and Blood to strengthen our faith and unite us as one Church. The readings remind us of God’s love and care for his people throughout history.
In Genesis, Melchizedek offers bread and wine, foreshadowing the Eucharist. This act points to Jesus, the eternal priest, who offers himself for our salvation. In Corinthians, Paul describes the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist. This reminds us of the sacred moment when Jesus shared his Body and Blood with his disciples.
The Gospel story of Jesus feeding the crowd shows his generosity and care. It points to the abundance we find in the Eucharist, which feeds our souls. Through the Eucharist, we are united with Christ and with each other. It is a gift that brings us closer to God and calls us to live in love and service.
Your Turn
Take time to reflect on the readings for Corpus Christi Year C. Think about how the Eucharist feeds and unites you in your faith.
We invite you to share your reflections in the comments. How has the Eucharist been a part of your spiritual life? Let us grow together as we reflect on this great gift.
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