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Penny Chin Game

The Penny Chin game is a fun way for youth to build friendships. It makes everyone laugh, breaking the ice and bringing smiles. Playing games together helps youth bond and create happy memories.

This game also teaches patience and focus. Keeping a penny on your chin without tilting your head is hard. It requires concentration. Youth can learn to stay calm and steady while trying to win.

Penny Chin can tie into lessons about money and generosity. It provides a fun context to discuss how we handle money. Youth can learn about sharing and giving through this playful activity.

Finally, the game encourages teamwork. Players must work in pairs, making it a social activity. They can learn to support each other while having fun. This builds a sense of community and belonging.

Connecting Penny Chin to Faith

The Penny Chin game can teach youth about humility. In the Bible, Jesus shows us to be humble and serve others. Balancing a penny on your chin makes everyone look silly. This helps youth not take themselves too seriously and to laugh at themselves.

The game also relates to perseverance. In our faith, we are called to keep trying and not give up. Holding a penny on your chin is hard, but with practice, it gets easier. This is like our faith journey. We must keep going, even when it’s tough.

Generosity is another theme. The game can be a fun way to start a talk about tithing or sharing what we have. Just as we try to balance the penny, we must balance our lives by giving to others. It teaches that small acts of giving can make a big difference.

In youth ministry, this game builds a sense of community. It helps youth relax and connect with each other. When they laugh and play together, they form stronger bonds. This makes it easier to share and grow in faith together.

Directions for Penny Chin Game

Equipment / Materials

  • 1 penny per player

Setup Instructions

  1. Divide the group into pairs.
  2. Give each player a penny.

Game Play Instructions

  1. Each player must place the penny on their chin.
  2. Players cannot touch the penny with their hands.
  3. Players cannot tilt their heads back.
  4. Players try to make their partner drop their penny by making them laugh or move.
  5. The player who keeps the penny on their chin longer wins the round.
  6. Winners of each round pair off to play the next round.
  7. Continue until only one player is left. This player is the final winner.

Additional Notes

  • Variation: You can use different coins for variety (nickels, dimes, quarters).
  • Safety: Make sure the playing area is free of obstacles to avoid tripping. Youth should not put the pennies in their mouths.
  • Trick: Pull your lower lip over the penny and hold it with your fingers. This helps keep the penny in place. Smiling and laughing makes it hard to hold the penny, so use this to make others drop their pennies.

Resources for Penny Chin Game

Here are some additional games which involve pennies or coins:

More Youth Ministry Games

Looking for more fun games like Penny Chin for your youth group? Visit our games page to find a variety of youth ministry games that will bring joy and laughter to your gatherings. These games help build community, teach valuable lessons, and create lasting memories. Check them out today!

Questions and Answers

What is the Penny Chin game?

The Penny Chin game is a fun activity where players balance a penny on their chins without tilting their heads back or touching the penny with their hands.

What materials do we need for Penny Chin?

You only need one penny per player to play the Penny Chin game.

How do you play the Penny Chin game?

Players place a penny on their chin and try to keep it there without using their hands or tilting their heads back. They also try to make their partner drop their penny by making them laugh or move.

What is the trick to winning Penny Chin?

The trick is to pull your lower lip over the penny and hold it with your fingers. This helps keep the penny in place.

Is Penny Chin safe for kids?

Yes, Penny Chin is safe, but make sure the playing area is clear of obstacles to prevent tripping. Also caution them not to put the pennies in their mouths.

Can we use other coins for Penny Chin?

Yes, you can use other coins like nickels, dimes, or quarters for variety in the Penny Chin game.


The Penny Chin game is a fun and engaging activity that can bring lots of laughter to any group. The goal is simple: balance a penny on your chin without tilting your head back or using your hands. This makes everyone look silly, which adds to the fun.

Playing Penny Chin helps youth bond and create lasting memories. It is a great icebreaker that encourages interaction and teamwork. Youth learn to support each other and have fun together. This builds a strong sense of community.

The game also teaches patience and focus. Keeping the penny on your chin is not easy. It requires concentration and perseverance. These skills are valuable in many areas of life, including faith.

Penny Chin can also be tied to lessons about generosity and tithing. It provides a fun context to discuss these important themes. Youth can learn about sharing and giving in a playful and memorable way.

Your Turn

Try the Penny Chin game with your youth group today! It’s a fun way to bring everyone together and create lasting memories. After playing, share your own variations and tips in the comments section. Let us know what worked best for your group and any new ideas you tried. Your feedback can help others make the game even more fun!

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