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Flashlight Prayer Circle is a simple activity to hold attention during prayer time and to make sure everyone has a chance to offer a prayer.

This prayer activity works best in a dark room or outside at night. This also works well at prayer time around a campfire. You can use it to focus on a crucifix or some other symbol related to the topic of the day.

Flashlight Prayer Circle

Materials for Flashlight Prayer Circle

If you don’t have enough flashlights for everyone, you can use one and pass it around.


  • Place the crucifix somewhere centrally located to the group.
  • Have everyone start with their flashlights off.
  • If you want the lights to have some color, give each participant a piece of tissue paper to cover the light.
  • One at a time they will turn on their flashlights and direct the beam to the crucifix. Then they will offer their prayer. They should leave the light on, focused on the crucifix.
  • This will continue until everyone has offered a prayer and all lights are focused on the crucifix.

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More Prayers

Prayers bring us closer to God. We pray to change our own hearts and bring them into alignment with the heart of God. We pour ourselves out to God and know that we are heard. We also let God speak to us.

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