Our Lady of Lourdes Lesson Plan

The Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan is designed to help young people connect with Our Lady of Lourdes’ messages to St. Bernadette. Through these messages, youth can learn about humility, prayer, and the importance of trusting God’s plan. Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette not to overwhelm her with teachings, but to show love and to encourage a personal relationship. This lesson plan gives students a chance to experience that same relationship by reflecting on Our Lady’s simple, powerful words.
Young people today face many pressures and distractions. The Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan invites them to slow down, listen, and reflect on what really matters. Our Lady’s words to St. Bernadette were gentle and compassionate. They teach youth that God sees them as they are and wants to draw them closer. Through Our Lady’s messages, students can find hope, comfort, and purpose, knowing they are called to something beyond the challenges of this world.
This Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan encourages young people to pray for others and to think of the needs of their neighbors. St. Bernadette was asked to pray for sinners and to offer small sacrifices. This is a powerful example for today’s youth. It teaches them that their prayers and actions can make a difference. Through simple acts of prayer and kindness, they can help bring God’s love into the world.
Finally, the Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan calls young people to holiness, inspired by Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception. Mary shows us what it means to be pure and open to God’s grace. Students can learn that, like Mary, they are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit. This lesson plan invites them to grow in faith and holiness, trusting that God has a place for each of them in His plan.
Opening Game
Message Relay
Set up this game like a “telephone relay” but with a twist! Prepare a short, simple message that reflects a key theme of the lesson, such as “Pray for others,” “Trust in God,” or “Love one another.” Split the group into two teams, each forming a line. Whisper the message to the first person in each line, who then has to pass it along by whispering to the next person and so on. The last person in each line has to say the message out loud to the group. Compare what each team says at the end to see if the message stayed the same—or if it changed along the way! Repeat a few rounds with new messages.
Afterward, ask the group what they noticed about passing messages along. Sometimes the message is clear, but other times it can get confusing or changed—just like St. Bernadette’s experience with Our Lady’s messages, which were simple but had a lot of meaning.
That was fun! Sometimes it was easy to understand the message, but other times it got confusing. When Our Lady spoke to St. Bernadette, her messages were also simple but full of meaning that took time to understand. Just like in the game, these messages weren’t complicated, but they were important. Today, we’ll look at what those messages mean for us and how they can guide us in our own lives.
When Our Lady of Lourdes appeared to St. Bernadette, she didn’t come with a long list of instructions or complicated teachings. Instead, she brought a series of simple, powerful messages that could guide Bernadette and all of us toward a deeper friendship with Jesus. Let’s take a closer look at each of Our Lady’s messages and what they mean for us today.
“What I have to say to you does not have to be written down.”
St. Bernadette thought she might need to write down the words of Our Lady, as if there was a lesson she had to memorize. But Our Lady gently let Bernadette know that her messages weren’t the kind that could be captured on paper. This wasn’t about rules, assignments, or just knowledge; it was about a relationship. Our Lady wanted Bernadette to listen with her heart, to let her messages sink deeply into her life.
For us, this means that faith isn’t only about facts, memorizing prayers, or even just going to Mass on Sunday. Our relationship with Jesus is something much deeper and personal. It’s about letting God’s love fill us and guide our lives. Sometimes, the most important lessons aren’t written down; they’re learned through spending time with God, in prayer and reflection, just like Bernadette did with Our Lady.
“Would you do me the kindness of coming here for 15 days?”
When Our Lady asked Bernadette to visit her for 15 days, she was inviting her into something much more than a task; it was an invitation to spend time together. This wasn’t about giving orders. Instead, Our Lady treated Bernadette with respect, even kindness. For Bernadette, who was often overlooked or dismissed because of her poverty and illness, this was incredible. Our Lady treated her as someone of great worth, looking at her “as one person looks at another person.”
This message is also for us: God doesn’t see us as just another face in the crowd. He knows each of us personally and treats us with the same respect and care that we see here between Our Lady and Bernadette. Our relationship with God isn’t about performing for Him or impressing Him; He just wants us to come and spend time with Him, even in our struggles and imperfections. God sees us with eyes of love, looking at us as one person looks at another.
“I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other.”
One of the most striking things Our Lady said to Bernadette was that she wasn’t promising happiness in this life. She reminded Bernadette that true happiness is waiting for us in heaven, and this life is a journey toward that eternal joy. Our Blessed Mother knows that life is full of challenges and that we might not always feel happy here on earth.
But this message of hope is a reminder to keep our eyes on the big picture. When life is tough, and we don’t understand why things are happening, we can remember that Jesus has prepared a place for us in heaven where there will be no more pain or sadness. Our Lady’s words tell us that, though this world can be hard, our final home is with God, where we will find happiness that never ends.
“Go to the spring, drink of it, and wash yourself there.”
Our Lady asked Bernadette to drink and wash herself at a spring that, at first, looked like muddy water. This was hard for Bernadette, as the grotto was basically a pigpen, and it wasn’t easy to believe that anything good could come from such a place. Yet, as she dug and washed, the water became clear. This spring has now become a place of healing for countless people from around the world.
This teaches us to trust in God’s power to bring good even from unlikely places. Sometimes, God calls us to places that seem uncomfortable or confusing, asking us to dig deeper to find the blessings hidden there. The spring also symbolizes cleansing and renewal—just like God’s grace can wash us clean from sin, bringing healing to our souls and our lives.
“Penance, penance, penance, pray for sinners.”
Our Lady’s call for “penance” wasn’t just a suggestion. She called for penance three times, emphasizing the need for sacrifice and prayer for others. She asked Bernadette not to just focus on her own salvation but to pray for all people. This reminds us of our duty to care about the spiritual needs of others, to pray, and to make sacrifices for them. God wants everyone to be saved, and our prayers can help bring others closer to Him.
When we pray for others or offer up a small sacrifice, we become part of God’s plan to bring grace and mercy into the world. It may seem like a small thing, but in God’s eyes, every prayer and act of kindness can make a difference.
“I am the Immaculate Conception.”
Finally, when Our Lady revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception, she was telling Bernadette and all of us that she was free from sin from the moment she was conceived. This is a powerful reminder of Mary’s purity and her role as a model of holiness for us. She is the “dwelling place” of Jesus and a living example of how we, too, are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady’s life shows us that holiness is possible, and her purity inspires us to live in a way that brings us closer to God. God calls each of us to holiness, to be filled with His love, and to let that love shine through our lives.
Through these messages, Our Lady of Lourdes teaches us about love, faith, and the hope of eternal life. Each message reminds us that God wants a relationship with us, to be with us on this journey, and to guide us gently toward heaven.
Small Group Reflection Questions
In small groups, encourage students to share openly about their thoughts and feelings. Remind them that everyone’s input matters, and each person may have different insights. These questions are designed to help students reflect on the messages of Our Lady of Lourdes and what they mean for their lives. Guide them to listen respectfully and support each other as they share.
- What do you think Our Lady meant when she told Bernadette, “What I have to say to you does not have to be written down”?
- How would you feel if someone as special as Our Lady treated you with the same respect and kindness that she showed to St. Bernadette?
- When Our Lady said, “I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other,” what do you think she was trying to tell Bernadette?
- What is one area in your life where you could show more humility and obedience to God?
- Why do you think Our Lady chose a poor and humble girl like Bernadette to share her messages? What does this teach us about how God sees each person?
- Our Lady asked Bernadette to pray for sinners and to do penance. How could you apply this message in your own life?
- How does the idea of “eternal happiness in heaven” affect how you see challenges or difficulties in your own life?
- When Our Lady called herself the “Immaculate Conception,” what do you think she wanted to teach us about holiness and purity?
- What does it mean to you to be a “temple of the Holy Spirit” as Mary was for Jesus?
- How can we imitate Mary’s example of love and kindness in our daily lives?
This week, I challenge you to live out one of the main messages of the Our Lady of Lourdes lesson: take time for a closer relationship with Jesus. Like St. Bernadette, try to set aside a few minutes each day to “visit” Jesus in prayer. You don’t need a perfect plan or fancy words; just bring yourself, like Bernadette did, and talk to Him about your day, your struggles, and the people who need help. You could even keep a prayer journal to write down your thoughts and prayers, knowing that this time is about building a friendship with Jesus.
The second part of the challenge is to do one act of kindness or penance for someone else each day. It could be as simple as being patient with someone, offering to help at home, or saying a small prayer for someone who is going through a hard time. These small sacrifices may not seem like much, but they help you become more like Mary and St. Bernadette, who cared about the needs of others. Each day, remind yourself that, just like Bernadette, you can bring God’s love and mercy into the world through these little acts.
Let’s end with a simple prayer, asking for Mary’s help to live out what we’ve learned.
Take a deep breath, and let’s focus on God’s presence with us.
Dear Mother Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, thank you for your love and the messages you brought to St. Bernadette. Help us to follow your example of humility, kindness, and prayer. Teach us to trust in God’s plan, even when it’s hard to understand. Give us the courage to pray for others and to offer little sacrifices, just like you asked. We want to grow closer to Jesus each day, and we ask for your guidance on this journey. Mother Mary, be with us always, leading us toward heaven. Amen.
Take a moment to ask Mary for one specific grace you need this week, and know that she hears you.
More Resources
Themes for the Our Lady of Lourdes Lesson Plan
- Trust in God’s Plan: The Lourdes lesson plan teaches students to trust in God’s guidance. St. Bernadette didn’t understand everything but followed God’s call. This helps students learn to rely on God even when life is confusing.
- Humility and Obedience: St. Bernadette was humble and obedient in following Our Lady’s requests. This Lourdes lesson plan highlights these virtues, showing that God values the humble. Students learn that humility brings them closer to God.
- Value of Prayer: Our Lady encouraged St. Bernadette to pray for sinners. The Lourdes lesson plan emphasizes the power of prayer for others. It teaches students that their prayers can bring others closer to God.
- Penance and Sacrifice: This lesson plan focuses on the importance of offering sacrifices for the salvation of others. St. Bernadette’s sacrifices show that small acts can have great spiritual value. Students see how they can make a difference through penance.
- Respect for All People: Our Lady treated St. Bernadette, a poor girl, with dignity and respect. This Lourdes lesson plan highlights God’s love for everyone, no matter their background. It teaches students to respect each person as a child of God.
- Focus on Eternal Life: Our Lady reminded St. Bernadette of the joy of heaven. This Lourdes lesson plan helps students think beyond this life. It encourages them to live with the hope of eternal life in mind.
- Mary’s Role in Salvation: As the Immaculate Conception, Mary plays a unique role in God’s plan. This Lourdes lesson plan shows Mary as a model of purity and faithfulness. Students learn to look to Mary as a guide in their journey with Jesus.
- Healing and Conversion: The spring at Lourdes is a symbol of healing and new life. This Lourdes lesson plan emphasizes how God offers healing for body and soul. It teaches students to seek God’s mercy and healing in their lives.
- God’s Love for the Poor: God chose a simple, poor girl for this important mission. This Lourdes lesson plan shows that God often works through the lowly. Students see that everyone has dignity and value in God’s eyes.
- Faith in Action: St. Bernadette’s life shows that faith requires action. This Lourdes lesson plan teaches that responding to God’s call means doing His will. Students learn that faith should be seen in their actions and choices.
Background Material for the Our Lady of Lourdes Lesson Plan
The Lourdes lesson plan focuses on the messages of Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette, which point to key Catholic teachings. Our Lady appeared to a young, humble girl named Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, offering messages of prayer, penance, and conversion. The Church recognizes these appearances, known as apparitions, as one of the many ways God works through Mary to bring His people closer to Christ. Mary’s role in these apparitions connects deeply with her role in salvation history and with Catholic beliefs about her as the Immaculate Conception, the model of purity and obedience to God.
When Our Lady identified herself as the Immaculate Conception, she confirmed the Church’s teaching about her unique purity. In the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel greets Mary as “full of grace” (Luke 1:28), which Catholics understand as a sign of her sinless nature. This was formally affirmed in 1854 when Pope Pius IX declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which teaches that Mary was preserved from original sin from the moment of her conception. This doctrine reminds Catholics that God’s grace is more powerful than sin and that Mary’s purity is a model for all to strive toward holiness.
The Lourdes lesson plan also teaches the value of humility and obedience. In her lowliness, St. Bernadette reflects Mary’s own humility, as shown in her words, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord” (Luke 1:38). By choosing St. Bernadette, a poor, humble girl, Mary showed that God values the lowly. Jesus taught the same principle: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). The Lourdes lesson plan helps students understand that humility and openness to God are essential qualities in the Christian life.
Another central theme in the Lourdes lesson plan is the power of prayer and penance. Mary asked Bernadette to pray for sinners and offer small sacrifices, just as the Bible calls for intercessory prayer. St. Paul, for example, urged Christians to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to pray for others. In this way, students learn that prayer isn’t just for personal needs but also for the spiritual good of others. Offering penance is another way to participate in God’s grace and mercy. The Catechism teaches that the intercession of the saints obtains for us many benefits of God’s mercy. (CCC 956). By praying for sinners, students imitate Mary’s love for souls and become instruments of God’s mercy.
The Lourdes lesson plan also teaches students about the hope of heaven. When Our Lady told St. Bernadette, “I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other,” she reminded her of the promise of eternal life. Catholics believe this world is not the final destination, but a journey toward life with God in heaven. Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2), which is the basis for Christian hope. Our Lady’s words remind students that even in hardships, they can look forward to eternal joy with God.
The Lourdes lesson plan draws from these key aspects of Catholic teaching, helping students deepen their faith and connect personally with Mary’s messages. As the Catechism states, “Mary’s role in the Church is inseparable from her union with Christ and flows directly from it” (CCC 964). This lesson plan emphasizes how Mary, through her messages at Lourdes, continually leads people to her Son, calling them to prayer, purity, and hope.
Music Suggestions
- Be Joyful, Mary by Daughters of St. Paul
- Sing of Mary by Donna Cori Gibson
- Breath of Heaven / Mary’s Song by Amy Grant
- Your Promises by Elevation Worship

More Youth Ministry Lesson Plans and Reflections
For more free resources, visit our youth ministry lesson plans and reflections page. Teachers, youth ministers, and catechists can find a variety of lesson plans and reflections to support faith formation. These resources are designed to help young people connect with their Catholic faith in meaningful ways. Each lesson is easy to use and focuses on deepening students’ understanding of God’s love. Explore all our free lesson plans to find inspiration for your ministry. Visit youth ministry lesson plans and reflections to learn more.
Questions and Answers for the Our Lady of Lourdes Lesson Plan
Who was St. Bernadette, and why is she important to the Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan?
St. Bernadette Soubirous was a young French girl who saw Our Lady appear to her in Lourdes in 1858. These visits included messages about prayer, penance, and faith. The Lourdes lesson plan teaches students about St. Bernadette’s humble life and her faithfulness to Our Lady’s requests.
What are the main messages of Our Lady of Lourdes?
The main messages include prayer, penance, and caring for sinners. Our Lady asked Bernadette to pray for the world and encouraged her to offer small sacrifices. The Lourdes lesson plan focuses on these teachings to help students understand the importance of prayer, humility, and love for others.
Why did Our Lady call herself the Immaculate Conception?
Our Lady identified herself as the Immaculate Conception to confirm the Catholic belief that she was conceived without sin. This shows Mary’s special role in God’s plan and her unique purity. The Lourdes lesson plan uses this message to teach students about holiness and how Mary is a model for all.
How does the Lourdes lesson plan encourage students to live out their faith?
The Lourdes lesson plan encourages students to practice prayer, acts of kindness, and sacrifices for others. It teaches them that even small actions matter to God. By following Mary’s example, students learn to deepen their faith and make a difference in the lives of others.
How does the Lourdes lesson plan relate to Catholic teaching?
The Lourdes lesson plan connects to key Catholic beliefs about Mary, the power of prayer, and the importance of humility and penance. These teachings are rooted in Scripture and the Catechism, helping students see that Our Lady’s messages align with the Catholic faith.
Why did Our Lady of Lourdes choose a poor, young girl for her message?
Our Lady often chooses humble people to reveal God’s love. St. Bernadette’s simplicity and humility showed that God values the lowly. The Lourdes lesson plan teaches students that God loves each person, regardless of their background or status.
What is the importance of the spring at Lourdes?
The spring at Lourdes, which appeared after Bernadette dug in the ground as Our Lady requested, became a symbol of healing and grace. Many people have experienced spiritual and physical healing there. The Lourdes lesson plan uses this to teach students about God’s mercy and healing.
Why did Our Lady talk about heaven in her message?
Our Lady reminded St. Bernadette of the hope of eternal life in heaven. This message helps students understand that earthly life is temporary and that true happiness is found with God in heaven. The Lourdes lesson plan emphasizes that we are all invited to eternal life with God.
How can we imitate Our Lady of Lourdes in our own lives?
We can follow Mary’s example by praying daily, showing kindness, and being humble. The Lourdes lesson plan encourages students to make prayer and small sacrifices a part of their lives. Imitating Mary helps us grow closer to God.
How does the Lourdes lesson plan help young people grow spiritually?
The Lourdes lesson plan helps students understand the power of prayer, the value of humility, and the hope of eternal life. By studying Mary’s messages, they learn practical ways to live out their faith. It gives them a foundation to grow closer to God and to share His love with others.
Walking with Mary
The Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan introduces young people to the powerful story of St. Bernadette and Our Lady’s messages at Lourdes. This lesson plan focuses on prayer, humility, and trust in God’s plan. Mary appeared to St. Bernadette to call her, and all of us, to live a life of faith. Her messages guide students to reflect on their relationship with God and others and to grow in holiness.
Our Lady’s message at Lourdes also encourages students to pray and make sacrifices for others. The Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan highlights the importance of offering small acts of kindness and penance, showing that each person’s actions have meaning and impact. By following these lessons, students see how prayer can help bring peace and healing to their own lives and the lives of others.
Another central focus of the Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan is the hope of eternal life. When Our Lady told St. Bernadette, “I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other,” she reminded her of heaven’s joy. This message helps students understand that, while this life has its struggles, our true happiness is in God’s presence. The lesson plan encourages students to live with the hope of heaven in mind, inspiring them to make choices that bring them closer to God.
Overall, the Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan provides young people with valuable lessons on prayer, humility, and hope. It connects their daily lives with Mary’s messages and invites them to grow closer to Jesus. Through learning about Lourdes, students gain a deeper understanding of God’s love and mercy and learn to share that love with others.
Your Turn
Dive into the Our Lady of Lourdes lesson plan with your class or youth group. Discover how Mary’s message to St. Bernadette can inspire today’s young people to grow in faith. We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Try the lesson, then share your own ideas and variations in the comment section. Your input will help others create meaningful experiences with this lesson plan, too. Join us as we learn from Lourdes and bring Mary’s message to life in new ways.
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