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Mass Readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

  • First Reading Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11: Summary: God promises comfort and forgiveness to Jerusalem, declaring an end to her trials. A path is made for the Lord’s glory, as He comes with power and tenderness, like a caring shepherd.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 85: I listen for God’s words, for He promises peace to His people and salvation to the reverent. In our land, kindness and truth, justice and peace, shall unite under His blessings.
  • Second Reading2 Peter 3:8-14: God’s time differs from ours; He’s patient, desiring all to repent. The Day of the Lord will bring transformation, urging us to live in holiness, awaiting a new righteous world.
  • GospelMark 1:1-8: Isaiah prophesied a messenger, John the Baptist, who emerged in the wilderness calling for repentance and baptism for sin forgiveness. He foretold of one greater than himself, unworthy even to untie His sandals, who would baptize with the Holy Spirit, not just water.

Lectionary Reference: 5

Upcoming dates: December 6, 2026, December 9, 2029, December 5, 2032

People of the whole Judean countryside and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River as they acknowledged their sins.

Mark 1:5

Themes for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B focuses on preparing for the coming of the Lord. The readings encourage repentance, hope, and trust in God’s promises.

  • Comfort and Hope: God promises comfort and forgiveness to His people. This reminds us to trust in His mercy and look forward to His coming with hope.
  • Repentance and Renewal: John the Baptist calls for repentance and a change of heart. Advent is a time to turn away from sin and prepare for Christ.
  • God’s Patience and Timing: God’s time is different from ours. He is patient, giving us a chance to repent and grow closer to Him.
  • Preparation for the Lord: A way is prepared for the Lord’s coming. We are called to prepare our hearts for Christ during Advent.
  • Holiness and Righteousness: We are urged to live holy and righteous lives. Waiting for the new world God promises involves living according to His will.
  • Promise of Salvation: God promises salvation and care for His people like a shepherd. This gives hope and assurance of His loving presence.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. Through repentance, hope, and trust, we are encouraged to live in holiness and wait for the Lord with faith.

Resources for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

Sunday December 6, 2026

What Are You Waiting For?

The “What Are You Waiting For?” lesson plan helps youth understand the purpose of waiting during Advent. It connects to the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B by focusing on John the Baptist’s role in preparing the way for Jesus. Just as John called people to repentance and readiness, the lesson encourages young people to see waiting as a time for growth and change.

The lesson helps youth reflect on what they are waiting for and how they can prepare their hearts for Jesus. It invites them to wait with purpose, just as John the Baptist did. By exploring themes of repentance and hope, it connects to the Advent message of preparing for Christ’s coming.

Litany of St. John the Baptist

The Litany of Saint John the Baptist connects deeply with the themes of the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B. It reflects John’s role in preparing the way for Jesus, just as he does in the Gospel reading. The litany reminds us of his call to repentance and his mission to point others to Christ. By asking for his intercession, we seek to follow his example of humility and faith.

This prayer encourages us to prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming, just as John prepared people in his time. It echoes the Advent call to renewal and readiness. Through the Litany of Saint John the Baptist, we are inspired to live with courage and devotion, preparing the way for Christ in our own lives.

Resources and Lesson Plans for Advent

Advent is a season of waiting and preparation for the coming of Jesus. It reminds us to prepare our hearts for Christ, just as people prepared for His birth long ago. The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B highlights John the Baptist’s call to repentance, urging us to turn away from sin and make room for Jesus in our lives.

This Sunday invites us to reflect on how we are preparing for Christ’s coming. It encourages us to wait with hope and expectation, not just for Christmas but also for Jesus’ Second Coming. By praying, repenting, and seeking holiness, we can welcome Jesus with open hearts.

Here are just a couple of the 30+ ideas which can be found on this page:

The Book of Isaiah

The first reading for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B comes from the Book of Isaiah. It speaks of God’s promise to comfort and deliver His people, bringing hope and renewal. Isaiah’s vision of preparing a path for the Lord reminds us to make room in our hearts for Christ. This call to repentance and readiness is at the heart of Advent.

Isaiah’s message also speaks of a world marked by justice and peace, where God cares for the weak with compassion. This vision inspires us to live with hope and faith, trusting in God’s promises. The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to prepare for Christ’s coming by living justly and with love.

Psalm 85: A Prayer to the God of Peace and Justice

Psalm 85, the responsorial psalm for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B, reflects God’s desire for peace and justice. It reminds us of God’s past forgiveness and calls for His continued blessings. The psalm’s vision of kindness, truth, justice, and peace coming together inspires us to work for harmony in our world.

This message connects with the Advent call to prepare our hearts for Christ. The readings encourage repentance, patience, and hope in God’s promises. By seeking peace and justice, we participate in God’s Kingdom and prepare the way for the Lord.

Resources and Reflections for the Gospel of Mark

The Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B begins with John the Baptist’s call for repentance and his announcement of someone greater who is coming—Jesus. Mark’s fast-paced narrative urges us to prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s arrival. This message echoes the Advent theme of readiness and change.

Mark’s focus on the urgency of Jesus’ message invites us to reflect on how we are living our faith. Just as John called people to repentance, we are encouraged to examine our lives and make room for Christ. This Advent, we are called to grow and align ourselves more closely with Jesus’ teachings.

Homilies and Commentaries for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

Sunday December 6, 2026

Confronting the Powers That Be

In his homily for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B, Bishop Robert Barron explores the powerful opening line of the Gospel of Mark: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.” He explains how Mark’s choice of words sets the tone for the whole Gospel, echoing the creation story in Genesis. Bishop Barron highlights that Mark is announcing a new creation and a true victory, not through worldly power but through Jesus’ death and Resurrection.

Bishop Barron emphasizes the boldness of Mark’s message, written during a time of persecution after Peter and Paul were killed. By calling Jesus the “Son of God,” Mark challenges the Roman Empire’s claim that the emperor was the true “Son of God.” Bishop Barron explains that Mark is proclaiming Jesus as the real king and conqueror, bringing hope and salvation. This powerful proclamation continues to inspire Christians to see Christ as the true ruler of all.

Preparing for Advent: Baptism, Confession, and Confirmation

In his commentary for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B, Jeff Cavins explores how the Gospel of Mark calls us to prepare for Christ’s coming. He highlights three key actions from John the Baptist’s message: baptism, confessing sins, and receiving the Holy Spirit. Cavins connects these to our own baptism, confession, and confirmation, encouraging us to reflect on the graces we received.

Jeff Cavins emphasizes that the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B is a time to renew our baptismal promises, seek forgiveness through confession, and live boldly through the power of confirmation. He urges us to prepare for Christ by walking in faith, hope, and love, free from sin. By focusing on these three actions, we can truly get ready for the coming of the King.

Straighten the Path

In his commentary for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B, Scott Hahn explains that the readings announce the end of humanity’s separation from God due to sin. Isaiah speaks of Israel’s return from exile, but Hahn shows that this points to a greater freedom brought by Jesus. John the Baptist fulfills the role of the promised messenger, preparing the way for Christ, who bridges the gap between God and humanity.

Scott Hahn emphasizes that the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B is a personal call to repentance and holiness. Like the people of Jerusalem, we must go out to meet Christ, turning away from sin and spiritual laziness. This Advent, we are invited to straighten our lives and prepare our hearts for God’s coming. Through repentance and devotion, we can draw closer to the salvation Christ brings.

Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. The readings call us to patience, repentance, and humility. They remind us to trust in God’s timing, seek forgiveness, and live in holiness. This is a season of hope and renewal as we wait for the Savior.

A Journey of Patience and Purity

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B reminds us to wait patiently and live in purity as we prepare for Christ’s coming. In the second reading, Peter speaks about God’s timing, which is different from ours. God is patient, giving us time to repent and grow in faith. This patience is not about doing nothing but about actively preparing ourselves for the Lord.

Waiting patiently means trusting in God’s plan, even when things don’t happen as quickly as we want. It invites us to let go of our need for control and to trust in God’s wisdom. During Advent, we wait for Christ, just as people waited for the Messiah. This waiting helps us grow in faith and hope.

Peter also calls us to live in purity and holiness as we wait for the new world God promises. This means avoiding sin and choosing to do good. It means letting our actions reflect our faith. Advent is a time to examine our lives and make changes where needed.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B challenges us to live each day as if Christ could come at any moment. It is a call to be ready and to live in peace with God and others. By practicing patience and purity, we prepare our hearts for Christ.

Pathways to Change and Growth

The first reading for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B brings a message of hope and renewal. God promises comfort and forgiveness to His people, inviting them to return to Him. This return is not just physical but spiritual. It is a call to realign our lives with God’s will.

Isaiah speaks of making a straight path for the Lord, symbolizing a change of heart. During Advent, we are invited to clear away obstacles that keep us from God. These obstacles may be sins, doubts, or fears. By removing them, we make room for Christ.

John the Baptist echoes Isaiah’s message in the Gospel. He calls for repentance and prepares the way for Jesus. Repentance is more than saying sorry; it involves real change. It means turning away from sin and choosing to live differently.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B urges us to examine our lives and seek forgiveness. It invites us to grow in faith and love. As we prepare for Christ’s coming, we are called to change and become better followers of God.

Embracing Humility and Repentance

In the Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B, John the Baptist shows great humility. He knows his role is to prepare the way for Jesus, not to seek glory for himself. John’s humility teaches us to recognize our place in God’s plan.

Humility allows us to listen and learn from others. It helps us see our own faults and the need for repentance. John’s call to repentance reminds us that Advent is a time to turn away from sin and grow closer to God.

Repentance involves humility because it requires us to admit our mistakes. It means letting go of pride and asking for God’s mercy. This is not easy, but it brings peace and healing. It allows us to make a fresh start.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to embrace humility and repentance. It challenges us to prepare our hearts for Christ by living simply and seeking forgiveness. By following John’s example, we can welcome Jesus with open hearts and renewed faith.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B challenges us to grow in faith and love. Through patience, repentance, and humility, we prepare ourselves for Christ’s arrival. By reflecting on these themes, we can welcome Jesus with open hearts and renewed spirits. Let us continue this journey of Advent with hope and joy.


Lord, help us prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. Give us patience as we wait and courage to repent of our sins. Teach us humility to follow Your will. May we live in holiness and love, ready to welcome Your Son. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

  • How can I practice patience in my daily life?
  • What obstacles are keeping me from God?
  • How can I prepare my heart for Christ’s coming?
  • Where do I need to seek forgiveness and healing?
  • How can I live more simply and humbly?
  • What actions can I take to reflect my faith?
  • How can I grow in holiness this Advent?
  • What does waiting with hope mean to me?
  • How can I be a messenger of hope to others?
  • What changes do I need to make to live in peace?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

One mightier than I is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Music Suggestions for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

Sunday December 6, 2026

These music selections for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B reflect themes of waiting, hope, and preparation. They echo John the Baptist’s call to prepare the way for the Lord and invite us to reflect on repentance and renewal. Some songs focus on God’s promise of comfort and peace, while others express longing for Christ’s coming. These pieces create an atmosphere of anticipation, helping us prepare our hearts for Jesus.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections and consider how they can enhance the Advent liturgy. Feel free to try them out and see how they resonate with your community. Share your experiences and suggest other Advent songs in the comments.

Questions and Answers for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B

What date is the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B?

The next date is Sunday December 6, 2026.
For other years see the links below:
2nd Sunday of Advent Year A
2nd Sunday of Advent Year C

What are the Mass readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B?

The Mass readings for Sunday December 6, 2026 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11: God’s Comfort to Jerusalem
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 85: God’s Peace and Salvation
Second Reading – 2 Peter 3:8-14: Patience and Promise
Gospel – Mark 1:1-8: John Announces the Messiah

What is the main message of the first reading for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B?

God promises comfort and forgiveness to His people. It shows that God is merciful and wants to bring hope and healing.

Why does God want a path prepared for Him?

Preparing a path means making our hearts ready for God. It involves repentance and removing obstacles like sin and doubt.

How can we prepare our hearts during Advent?

We can prepare by repenting, praying, and seeking forgiveness. Doing good deeds and growing in faith also help us welcome Christ.

Why does the second reading talk about God’s timing?

It reminds us that God’s time is different from ours. God is patient, giving us time to repent and change our lives.

How can we apply God’s patience to our lives?

We should be patient with ourselves and others. We should not lose hope but trust in God’s plan and timing.

What does John the Baptist teach us in the Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B?

John calls for repentance and points to someone greater who is coming. He shows humility and prepares people for Jesus.

Why is repentance important during Advent?

Repentance cleanses our hearts and prepares us for Christ’s coming. It helps us turn away from sin and grow closer to God.

What does it mean to live in holiness and righteousness?

It means living according to God’s will. It involves avoiding sin and doing what is good and just.

Why does the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B emphasize hope and waiting?

Advent is about waiting for Christ with hope and faith. It encourages us to trust in God’s promises and prepare our hearts.

How can the readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B help us today?

They remind us to seek forgiveness, live holy lives, and trust in God’s plan. They help us prepare for Christ’s coming with hope and faith.

Preparing the Way for Christ

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B calls us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. The readings focus on repentance, hope, and God’s mercy. They remind us that God is patient, giving us time to change and grow closer to Him.

In the first reading, God promises comfort and forgiveness to His people. He invites them to trust in His mercy and prepare for His coming. This message brings hope and encourages us to open our hearts to God’s love.

The Gospel introduces John the Baptist, who calls for repentance. He prepares the way for Jesus, urging people to turn from sin and be ready for the Savior. His humility and message of hope inspire us to prepare ourselves for Christ’s arrival.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B reminds us to seek forgiveness and live holy lives. It encourages us to wait with hope and prepare our hearts for Christ.

Your Turn

The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to reflect on God’s promises and prepare for Christ. It is a time of repentance, hope, and renewal. By turning away from sin and seeking God’s mercy, we can welcome Jesus into our hearts.

Take a moment to reflect on the readings and how they speak to you. Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments. Your journey can inspire others as we prepare for Christ’s coming.

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