3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
Sunday December 12, 2027

Mass Readings for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
- First Reading – Zephaniah 3:14-18A: God has removed your punishment and is with you, bringing joy and renewal. Rejoice and do not fear, for He delights in you.
- Responsorial Psalm – Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6: God is my savior, giving me confidence and strength. I will joyfully draw from the springs of salvation and proclaim His great deeds to all nations.
- Second Reading – Philippians 4:4-7: Rejoice in the Lord always. Be kind and do not worry. Pray with gratitude, and God’s peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
- Gospel – Luke 3:10-18: John the Baptist told the crowds to share with those in need, collect only what is required, and be honest. He announced someone greater, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.
I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming.
Luke 3:16
Themes for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
The 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C is also known as Gaudete Sunday, a day of rejoicing. The readings encourage us to find joy and hope in the coming of the Lord.
- Joyful Anticipation: The readings focus on the joy of waiting for Jesus. Zephaniah speaks of rejoicing and exulting with all our hearts.
- God’s Presence: God is with His people. Zephaniah assures us that God is in our midst, bringing hope and safety.
- Peace of Christ: St. Paul tells the Philippians about the peace of God. This peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
- Call to Generosity: John the Baptist calls people to share with those in need. This echoes the Gospel’s message to live out our faith through actions.
- Repentance and Preparation: John the Baptist also speaks of repentance. This reminds us to prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming by turning away from sin.
- Hope and Encouragement: The readings provide hope and encouragement. They remind us that God is near and we should not be afraid.
On the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, we focus on rejoicing because the Lord is near. The themes guide us to live in joy, peace, and readiness for Christ’s coming.
See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C.
Resources for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
Sunday December 12, 2027

What Should We Do? – A Lesson Plan on Advice
The 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C reminds us to seek trustworthy advice, as shown in the Gospel of Luke 3:10-18. People trusted St. John the Baptist because he was dedicated to God and not influenced by the culture of his time.
John’s advice emphasized fairness and compassion, reflecting God’s will. In our lives, we should seek advice from faith-filled people who follow Christ. Prayer and sacraments help keep us on the right path. While we can be friends with many, we must be careful about who influences us most.

Give Me Discerning Eyes
The prayer “Give Me Discerning Eyes” asks for God’s help in understanding His will for us and our own hearts. It also asks for the ability to help others see God’s will.
This connects to the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C (Luke 3:10-18), where John the Baptist calls us to make good choices and act with fairness and compassion. As we seek to follow God’s path, we are encouraged to support others in their faith journeys.

Know It All Game
The Know It All Game tests the knowledge of youth in different categories, highlighting the message from the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C (Luke 3:10-18) that we don’t know it all. Teams compete to write down as many answers as possible within a minute for each category, earning points for each unique and correct answer.
This fun and engaging activity helps youth learn and reinforces the idea that seeking knowledge and understanding is a continuous journey.

Resources and Lesson Plans for Advent
Advent is a time to prepare our hearts for Christmas and the second coming of Christ. The 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C focuses on the joy of anticipation. We remember the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, which brought hope and salvation to the world. Advent also reminds us to be ready for Christ’s second coming. Traditions include prayerful observations and connecting with others.
On the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, consider activities like lighting the pink candle on the Advent wreath, praying as a family, and reaching out to help those in need. For more ideas and lesson plans, click here.

Understanding the Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah, a prophetic book of the Old Testament, carries a message of reform and renewal. For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 is the responsorial psalm, emphasizing hope and salvation. This section of the book introduces Emmanuel, meaning “God with us,” and includes key messianic prophecies.
Isaiah’s call to prophecy and the promise of Emmanuel highlight God’s presence and promise of redemption, offering hope amid turmoil.

Background Information on the Letter to the Philippians
The Letter to the Philippians, written by Paul during his imprisonment, focuses on unity and joy within the Christian community. For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Philippians 4:4-7 highlights Paul’s message to rejoice always and avoid anxiety.
Paul, despite his challenges, exemplifies joy in faith and encourages believers to pray and give thanks, promising God’s peace in return. This passage teaches that joy and peace come from a strong connection to Christ, not from external situations.

Resources and Reflections for the Gospel of Luke
Explore the Gospel of Luke to understand its key aspects, including authorship, unique parables, and central themes. For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Luke 3:10-18 addresses poverty and injustice, emphasizing social justice and equality.
Luke’s Gospel highlights marginalized groups like women, the poor, and outcasts, presenting Jesus as a compassionate Savior. His focus on social justice, such as in the “Sermon on the Plain” and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, challenges societal norms and calls for a compassionate approach to others.
Homilies and Commentaries for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
Sunday December 12, 2027
- The Peace that the World Can’t Give (Bishop Robert Barron)
- Face to Face: Til We Have Faces (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- Rediscover Christmas Joy (Dynamic Catholic)
- Rebooting for Joy (USCCB)
- Choose Joy (Order of Preachers)
- Have You Found Joy? (Bishop Robert Barron)
- Jesus is in the House (Jeff Cavins)
- What Do We Do? (Scott Hahn)
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Bishop Robert Barron)
- Rejoice Always! (Bishop Robert Barron)
The Peace that the World Can’t Give
For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Bishop Robert Barron reflects on St. Paul’s command to “Rejoice in the Lord always.” This joy is not fleeting or dependent on circumstances but comes from dwelling in the deep center of life where Christ lives within us. By moving beyond the surface emotions and anxieties, we can find lasting peace, or shalom, which surpasses all understanding and anchors us in God’s love.
Bishop Barron emphasizes that this joy is found through prayer, thanksgiving, and an awareness of God’s presence. Living from this deep place, rather than the ever-changing surface of life, guards our hearts and minds in Christ and brings unshakable peace.
Face to Face: Til We Have Faces
For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Fr. Mike Schmitz reflects on the need for honesty in prayer and preparation to meet the Lord face-to-face. Using the parable of the prodigal son and the writings of C.S. Lewis, he emphasizes that we often tell ourselves stories that hide our true desires and hearts. Fr. Mike challenges us to reveal our real selves to God, as only our true selves can stand before Him.
Fr. Mike encourages us to follow St. Paul’s advice to “make your requests known to God” by bringing our honest desires and struggles to prayer. Through this honesty, we can embrace God’s love, prepare for His coming, and live with true joy.
Rediscover Christmas Joy
For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Allen Hunt reflects on the joy that surrounds Christmas, reminding us that Jesus brings a joy the world cannot take away. From Zechariah rejoicing over John the Baptist, to Mary and Elizabeth celebrating Jesus’ arrival, to the angels and shepherds proclaiming good news, joy is central to the Christmas story. This joy is not fleeting but deeply rooted in knowing the Lord.
Hunt encourages practical steps to grow in joy, such as reflecting on God’s attributes and meditating on the hymn “Joy to the World.” Christmas reminds us that Jesus transforms us and fills our hearts with an enduring joy.
Rebooting for Joy
For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Fr. Greg Friedman in a USCCB video compares Advent to a time for rebooting our lives. Like restarting a computer, this season invites us to examine our hearts and make necessary changes. John the Baptist calls for repentance, urging people to share with the needy, tax collectors to act justly, and soldiers to avoid abuse. His message points to a renewed way of living in preparation for Christ.
Fr. Friedman emphasizes that this renewal leads to joy. Zephaniah proclaims that God removes judgment and is in our midst, while Paul reminds the Philippians to rejoice because the Lord is near.
Choose Joy
For the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Sr. Connie Koch from the Order of Preachers reflects on the message of joy in Zephaniah’s prophecy. Despite the challenges and struggles in the world, true joy comes not from external circumstances but from the presence of God. This joy sustains us even in times of hardship, as it is rooted in God’s love and His promise to renew us.
Sr. Connie shares how moments like a Christmas pageant can awaken faith and joy in God’s love, reminding us of Christ’s presence. She invites us to trust in God, who rejoices over us and brings peace to our hearts.
Have You Found Joy?
In this homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Bishop Robert Barron explains that true joy comes from being centered in Christ, not from our changing circumstances. He uses the metaphor of a wheel, with Jesus at the center, to illustrate how we can find constant joy and peace regardless of life’s ups and downs.
Bishop Barron emphasizes that we are called to rejoice always by staying grounded in our relationship with Jesus, who remains unchanging amid life’s fluctuations.
What Do We Do?
In his reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Scott Hahn explains the people’s expectation in the Gospel, believing John the Baptist might be the Messiah. He emphasizes repentance as a radical change of life, turning away from sin and towards God, demonstrated through acts of charity and justice.
Hahn encourages us to ask, “What should we do?” and to find joy in the nearness of God. He highlights Mary’s role as the cause of our joy, as she brings the Messiah into the world.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
In this homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Bishop Robert Barron highlights the unique transformation that Christianity brings. He contrasts John the Baptist’s call for moral reform with the deeper transformation that Jesus offers. John, the last prophet, prepares the way for Jesus, who brings not just moral reform but supernatural elevation.
Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire, fundamentally changing those who follow Him. This transformation allows believers to love with the very love of God, something beyond the reach of mere moral reformers.
Rejoice Always!
In this homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, Bishop Robert Barron emphasizes the importance of joy in the face of suffering. Zephaniah’s prophecy speaks of judgment and doom due to corruption, but it ends with a promise of victory and redemption.
Bishop Barron connects this to Jesus’ death and resurrection, showing that Christ’s sacrifice fulfills these prophecies. Through Jesus, the ultimate judgment has been borne, and God’s love triumphs over fear and death. This assurance allows us to rejoice always, as Paul encourages in Philippians.
Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
The 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, also known as Gaudete Sunday, invites us to rejoice and find hope in the coming of our Lord. The readings from Zephaniah, Philippians, and Luke encourage us to celebrate God’s presence, find peace in His love, and prepare our hearts for Jesus. We are reminded of the joy and anticipation that this special time of Advent brings.
Rejoicing in God’s Presence
The first reading for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C is from Zephaniah. It speaks of joy and celebration because God is with His people. Zephaniah tells us to shout for joy and be glad because the Lord has removed the judgment against us. He is in our midst, and we have no reason to fear.
This reading reminds us of the theme of joyful anticipation. We are called to be happy and hopeful because God is near. When we feel anxious or worried, we can find comfort in knowing that God is with us. He loves us and will take care of us.
God’s presence brings peace and safety. Zephaniah describes a world where God protects and saves His people. This is a powerful image of God’s love and care. We are encouraged to trust in God and believe that He will keep us safe.
On the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, we focus on rejoicing and being glad. Zephaniah’s words remind us to celebrate because God is with us. As we prepare for Christmas, let’s remember to find joy in God’s presence and share that joy with others.
Finding Joy and Peace in God
The second reading for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C is from Philippians. St. Paul tells us to always rejoice in the Lord and not to worry about anything. He encourages us to pray and give thanks to God, and then we will experience God’s peace.
This reading emphasizes the theme of joyful anticipation. St. Paul reminds us that joy comes from knowing God is near. When we focus on God and His love for us, we can find happiness even in difficult times.
St. Paul also talks about the peace of God. This peace is not like the peace the world gives. It is a deep sense of calm and trust that God is taking care of us. When we feel anxious or worried, we can turn to God in prayer and experience His peace.
On the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, we are invited to rejoice and be at peace. St. Paul’s words remind us to focus on God and His blessings. As we prepare for Christmas, let’s remember to find joy and peace in our relationship with God and share that joy with others.
Embracing the Change Jesus Brings
The Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C shows how Jesus brings change. John the Baptist speaks of Jesus, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. He describes Jesus holding a winnowing fan to clear the threshing floor, separating the wheat from the chaff. This shows that Jesus will bring a new way of living, one that challenges the old ways.
Some of us feel comfortable with the way things are. Life is good, and we do not want it to change. We feel secure and happy. Others among us welcome change because we live in difficult situations. We hope for a better life and trust that change will bring it. Some of us are in between, wanting change but also fearing the loss of what we have.
We often hold tightly to our possessions and positions, wanting to secure our future. But God’s vision is bigger. He dreams of a world where everyone has what they need. This is a good time to reflect on our lives. Are we helping to build a world where everyone is cared for? Or are we part of systems that keep people down?
The 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C invites us to welcome the change Jesus brings. It encourages us to look beyond our comfort and seek God’s bigger plan. By doing this, we prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming and help create a more just and loving world.
On the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C, let’s carry the themes of joy, peace, and preparation in our hearts. Let us rejoice in God’s presence, find comfort in His peace, and actively prepare for Jesus’ coming. May we be inspired to live out our faith with renewed hope and love during this Advent season.
Lord, fill our hearts with joy and peace as we prepare for Jesus’ coming. Help us to rejoice in Your presence and trust in Your care. Guide us to share Your love with others. Amen.
Reflection Questions for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
- How can I find joy in my daily life knowing that God is near?
- What steps can I take to prepare my heart for Jesus’ coming?
- In what ways can I share my blessings with those in need?
- How can I experience God’s peace when I feel anxious or worried?
- What changes can I make to better align my life with God’s vision?
- How does knowing God is with me help me face challenges?
- What actions can I take to build a more just and loving community?
- How can I remind myself to rejoice even in difficult times?
- What does it mean to me to have the peace of God guarding my heart and mind?
- How can I help others find joy and peace during this Advent season?
Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C

“What should we do?” With this question, the Gospel of the day reminds us that life has a task for us. Life is a gift that the Lord grants us, saying to us: discover who you are, and work hard to make the dream that is your life come true!
Pope Francis

Music Suggestions for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
Sunday December 12, 2027
The music selections for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C focus on themes of joy, hope, and preparation. These songs highlight our anticipation of Christ’s coming and remind us to rejoice in the Lord always. The music calls us to ready our hearts for Jesus, celebrate the light He brings, and embrace the peace and joy of His presence. They also emphasize the importance of social justice and caring for others, reflecting the message of John the Baptist in the Gospel reading.
- Arise, O Church by John Angotti
- Bread of Life, Hope of the World by Bernadette Farrell
- Christ Be Our Light by Bernadette Farrell
- Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus by Fernando Ortega
- Emmanuel by Steve Angrisano
- Find Us Ready, Lord by Tom Booth
- Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee by Amy Grant
- I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light by Kathleen Thomerson
- Let Heaven Rejoice by the St. Louis Jesuits
- My Soul Rejoices by Jackie François
- My Soul Rejoices in God My Savior by Owen Alstott
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Lauren Daigle
- On Jordan’s Bank
- Praise the Lord, My Soul by Doug Slater
- Ready the Way by Curtis Stephan
- Rejoice the Lord is King by John Darwall, Charles Wesley & Randall Debruyn
- Shout of the King by Matt Maher
- Sing Out, Earth and Skies by Marty Haugen
- Sing to the Mountains by the St. Louis Jesuits
- The Glory of It All by David Crowder Band
- You Have Anointed Me by Mike Balhoff, Gary Daigle & Darryl Ducote
Music directors and musicians are encouraged to try these selections and see how they enhance the Advent experience. Share your own favorite Advent songs and suggest other pieces that resonate with the themes of joy, hope, and preparation in the comments. Let’s make this Advent season even more meaningful with inspiring music.
Questions and Answers for the Readings for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
What date is the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C?
The next date is Sunday December 12, 2027.
For other years see the links below:
3rd Sunday of Advent Year A
3rd Sunday of Advent Year B
What are the Mass readings for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C?
The Catholic Mass readings for Sunday December 12, 2027 are:
First Reading – Zephaniah 3:14-18A: Rejoice, Daughter Zion
Responsorial Psalm – Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6: The Holy One Among Us
Second Reading – Philippians 4:4-7: Rejoice and Be at Peace
Gospel – Luke 3:10-18: John’s Call to Repentance
Why is the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C called Gaudete Sunday?
Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin. We are halfway through Advent. This Sunday focuses on joy because Jesus’ birth is near.
What does Zephaniah mean by “the Lord is in your midst”?
Zephaniah tells us that God is with His people. It means we are not alone and God is protecting us.
How can we apply Zephaniah’s message in the first reading for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C to our lives?
We can remember that God is always with us. This helps us to stay joyful and hopeful.
Why does St. Paul say, “Rejoice in the Lord always” in the second reading for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C?
St. Paul reminds us to be joyful because God loves us. Even in hard times, we can find joy in knowing Jesus is coming.
What is the “peace of God” mentioned in Philippians?
The peace of God is a calm feeling in our hearts. This peace comes from trusting in Jesus and not being afraid.
How do we rejoice like St. Paul says?
We can be thankful for Jesus and look for good things in our lives. Rejoicing means finding joy even when life is hard.
Why does John the Baptist tell people to share their clothes and food in the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C?
John the Baptist teaches us to help others. Sharing with those in need shows our love for God and people.
Why is repentance important according to John the Baptist?
Repentance is saying sorry for our sins and changing our ways. It helps us to be ready for Jesus.
What does it mean to “prepare the way of the Lord”?
It means to get our hearts ready for Jesus. We do this by turning away from sin and doing good deeds.
How can the readings for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C help us?
The readings remind us to be joyful, share with others, and prepare our hearts for Jesus. They give us hope and show us how to live our faith.
Joyful Anticipation
The 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C, also known as “Gaudete Sunday,” invites us to rejoice. The readings remind us that God is near, bringing joy and hope. In Zephaniah, we hear that God is with His people, removing their punishment and replacing fear with joy. The message is one of renewal and gladness, assuring us of God’s loving presence.
In Philippians, Paul urges believers to rejoice in the Lord always. He calls for kindness, prayer, and trust, assuring us that God’s peace will guard our hearts. This peace comes from relying on God’s presence and care, even in difficult times.
The Gospel from Luke focuses on John the Baptist’s call to prepare for someone greater. He teaches practical ways to live out our faith: share with those in need, be honest, and fulfill our duties fairly. John’s message is a call to action, urging us to change our hearts as we await the coming of Christ.
Together, these readings encourage us to find joy in God’s presence, practice kindness, and live with integrity. The 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C, is about celebrating God’s closeness and preparing our hearts with joy, kindness, and honesty.
Your Turn
The 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C, is about joy, peace, and preparation. As we move closer to Christmas, take time to reflect on the readings. How can you live out John the Baptist’s call for honesty and sharing? How can you find joy and peace in God’s presence?
Share your thoughts in the comments, and let’s support each other in this Advent journey.
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