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Tag: how to

  • Mini Raft Craft (For VBS or Church Camp)

    Mini Raft Craft (For VBS or Church Camp)

    In this activity, youth make a tiny raft. This would go well with a Treasured VBS theme. It also is good for any lesson involving boats, such as Jesus walking on the water or St. Paul being shipwrecked.

  • Musical Statues Game

    Musical Statues Game

    This is an active game which encourages youth to get up and move. It makes a good break between more sedentary activities.

  • Coffee Filter Candle Holder

    Coffee Filter Candle Holder

    These colorful candle holders are fun for kids to make. Little children will need more help than older ones. Once finished, add a battery operated tea light and place on your prayer table. Then you have a colorful votive candle holder.

  • Ball Toss Prayer Circle

    Ball Toss Prayer Circle

    Ball Toss prayer circle is an activity to help give everyone a chance to offer a prayer. It also encourages the more quiet ones in your group to participate.