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Mass Readings for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

  • First ReadingIsaiah 63:16B-17, 19B; 64:2-7: We acknowledge You as our eternal redeemer, yet we’ve strayed and become sinful. We long for Your mighty presence and deeds, as we are lost without Your guidance.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 80: Shepherd of Israel, hear us and save us. Look down, care for us, and let Your face shine upon us that we may be strong and faithful.
  • Second Reading1 Corinthians 1:3-9: I thank God for the grace given to you, enriching you with knowledge and spiritual gifts as you await Jesus Christ, who will keep you steadfast until His return.
  • GospelMark 13:33-37: Jesus advises his disciples to stay vigilant as no one knows when He will return. It’s likened to a man going on a journey who instructs his servants to be watchful in his absence, emphasizing the need to remain prepared at all times.

Lectionary Reference: 2

Upcoming Dates: November 29, 2026, December 2, 2029, November 28, 2032

Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at dawn, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.

Mark 13:35-36

Themes for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

The readings for the First Sunday in Advent Year B are a call to be alert in waiting for the coming of the Lord. The first reading begs the Lord to return to us and save us. The psalm also asks God to look upon us and have mercy. The second reading calls us to remain steadfast in our discipleship. And in the gospel, Jesus warns us to be watchful. Not everyone will be ready in the final hour.

  • The Unpredictability of God’s Timing: The text stresses that the timing of divine actions is not for humans to know. It challenges believers to trust in God’s timing and plan, despite not knowing the details.
  • Vigilance: The passage emphasizes the importance of being watchful and alert. It suggests that one must always be prepared for significant events or the return of Christ, as the exact time is unknown.
  • Preparedness: The theme of preparedness is linked to the concept of vigilance. It implies that one should live in a state of readiness, both spiritually and morally, for the end times or second coming.
  • Accountability: The passage indicates that there will be a time of reckoning. It teaches that individuals are responsible for their actions and must be ready to account for them at any unexpected moment.
  • Faithfulness in Duty: Servants are instructed to carry out their tasks diligently. This reflects the broader spiritual principle that followers should be consistent in their responsibilities and faithful in their duties.

On the First Sunday in Advent Year B we remember that we do not know when Jesus will come again, so we must always be ready. By staying faithful and alert, we can face that day with hope and trust in God.

Resources for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

Sunday November 29, 2026

Be Watchful! Be Alert! – A Lesson Plan on Advent

The lesson plan for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B focuses on the theme of readiness for Jesus’ coming, as highlighted in Mark 13:33-37. It suggests practical ways to prepare, like engaging in prayer, participating in service projects, and performing small acts of charity, such as baking cookies for neighbors or donating items. The plan emphasizes the importance of stepping out of our daily routines to be more attentive to spiritual callings and to put a greater focus on others rather than oneself.

Homemade Model Magic Recipe

The first reading for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B mentions Isaiah 64:7, which reflects on God’s role as a creator, likening us to clay in the hands of a potter. One possible activity is to make homemade model magic dough, which serves as an economical alternative to store-bought modeling clay. While crafting sculptures with this dough, youth can discuss the reading and its implications, considering how we are shaped by a our loving Father.

The Book of Isaiah

The first reading for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B from Isaiah speaks of a confession of the people’s waywardness and acknowledgment of God as the redeemer. It expresses a yearning for God’s intervention and presence, recognizing that the people have lost direction. Isaiah also propels the vision forward to a time when all nations, not just Israel, will recognize and worship God. The passage acknowledges the people’s current challenges but also focuses on the hope of a future filled with joy and peace for those who remain faithful, culminating in a new heaven and earth.

Psalm 80: A Cry for God’s Help and Restoration

The responsorial Psalm for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B, Psalm 80, is a call for the Shepherd of Israel to come to the aid of His people, to care for and enlighten them, making them strong and faithful. It reflects a plea for healing and restoration in a world that has experienced harm and neglect. It is a prayer for divine help to initiate change and bring new life.

See a prayer based on Psalm 80

Resources and Reflections for the Gospel of Mark

The Gospel reading for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B from Mark 13:33-37 features Jesus advising his disciples to stay vigilant and aware, in anticipation of future trials and the end times. This advice is given during the last week of Jesus’ life and amid his predictions about the temple’s destruction and forthcoming challenges. A significant theme throughout the Gospel of Mark is discipleship and the demands it places on followers of Jesus, including the readiness to endure hardships and persecution. This passage calls on believers to assess their dedication to Christ and their willingness to endure difficulties for their faith.

Advent Ideas

During the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B, Advent traditions such as prayerful observations, connecting with others, and structured lesson plans can serve as meaningful preparations. These activities refocus attention on the essence of Christmas and the anticipation of Christ’s arrival, promoting a spiritual journey of reflection and readiness for individuals and communities alike. For more ideas on these practices, one can explore these various resources for Advent traditions, find ways to incorporate prayer into daily life, seek opportunities for community connection, and use the provided lesson plans to teach the significance of this season.

More Advent Ideas

Homilies and Reflections for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

Sunday November 29, 2026

Advent Vigilance

Jeff Cavins discusses the importance of preparing for the Lord’s coming on the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B. He emphasizes the need to be ready at any time, using an anecdote from his childhood when his father returned home unexpectedly to illustrate the point. Cavins relates this to a passage from Mark’s Gospel which advises vigilance since the time of the Lord’s return is unknown. He recommends increased prayer, reading the Bible, and attending Mass to stay spiritually awake. Cavins encourages listeners to remain spiritually active during Advent to grow closer to Jesus in words and actions, and not to be caught spiritually sleeping.

Longing for the Savior

Bishop Robert Barron, in his homily for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B, emphasizes the penitential nature of Advent, comparing it to Lent. He encourages believers to feel their need for a Savior to truly appreciate His coming. Drawing on Isaiah 63 and the concept of a hard heart, Barron suggests that we must become aware of our sinfulness and our distance from God to prepare for Jesus’s arrival. The homily underlines the importance of recognizing our failings and our need for divine assistance to soften and shape our hearts, making us ready to receive God’s grace.

Watch for Him

Scott Hahn reflects on the readings of the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B, emphasizing the themes of anticipation and penitence. The liturgy’s serious tone calls for reflection on personal failings and the need for God’s guidance and salvation. Just as Israel sought God’s presence and forgiveness, individuals are encouraged to examine their conscience, recognize their disobedience, and seek renewal through God’s faithfulness. Paul’s epistle reassures of God’s gifts, like the Eucharist and penance, to sustain believers until Christ’s return. The central message is to remain vigilant and prepared for the Lord’s unexpected coming.

Watching for Grace

Bishop Robert Barron’s homily for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B centers on the Advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” highlighting the theme of longing for God’s presence in a state of spiritual exile. He draws parallels between the ancient practice of ransom and captivity to modern experiences of addiction and powerlessness. Isaiah’s lament and Paul’s message in the Corinthians encourage turning to God for salvation and embracing grace. Barron urges the faithful to enter the Advent season with an awareness of their need for God and the peace and fellowship offered through Jesus Christ.

More Thoughts for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B begins the season of waiting and hope. It is a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus, both as a baby at Christmas and in his return at the end of time. The readings urge us to stay alert, trust in God’s timing, and live faithfully. These reflections explore the themes of vigilance, preparedness, and patience as we journey through Advent.

Staying Watchful and Ready

In the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B, Jesus tells his followers to be watchful because no one knows when the time will come. This call to vigilance reminds us to live each day with purpose. We don’t know when we will meet Christ, so we must be ready at all times.

To be watchful means being aware of God’s presence in our daily lives. It means paying attention to how we live, how we treat others, and how we spend our time. This alertness helps us stay focused on our faith, avoiding distractions that pull us away from God.

Jesus compares us to servants waiting for their master’s return. Each servant has a task, and the doorkeeper must stay awake. We, too, have duties in our families, workplaces, and communities. By being faithful to these responsibilities, we honor God and prepare for Christ’s coming.

Advent calls us to stay awake not out of fear, but out of love and hope. We wait for Jesus because we love him and want to be ready to welcome him. Our waiting is active, filled with prayer, good works, and a commitment to follow his teachings.

This season is an opportunity to reflect on our lives. Are we ready to meet Christ? Are we living in a way that reflects our faith? By staying watchful, we can prepare our hearts to receive him with joy.

Preparing Our Hearts and Lives

The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B challenges us to be prepared, not just for Christmas but for Christ’s return. Advent is a season of hope and anticipation, urging us to get ready for Jesus. This preparation is not just about outward actions but about our hearts and souls.

We prepare by turning away from sin and seeking God’s mercy. Confession, prayer, and acts of kindness help us cleanse our hearts. Just as we clean and decorate our homes for Christmas, we must also prepare our inner selves to receive Christ.

Paul’s words in the second reading remind us that God gives us everything we need to stay faithful. We are not lacking in any spiritual gift. Advent invites us to use these gifts to grow closer to God and to serve others with love.

Preparing for Christ also means living with hope and expectation. We do not know when he will come, but we believe in his promise to return. This hope should inspire us to live each day with purpose and faithfulness.

Advent is a time to examine our lives. Are we ready to meet Jesus? Are we living in a way that reflects his love and teachings? By preparing our hearts, we make room for Christ to enter our lives more fully.

Trusting in God’s Timing

The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B reminds us that God’s timing is not our own. We do not know when Jesus will return, but we are called to wait patiently and faithfully. This requires trust, even when life is uncertain or difficult.

Isaiah’s words reflect the longing for God’s presence. Like the people of Israel, we sometimes feel distant from God or impatient with his timing. Advent reminds us to trust that God is always working, even when we cannot see it.

Waiting is not easy, but it is an important part of faith. It teaches us patience and helps us grow in trust. During Advent, we are called to wait with hope, believing that God’s plan is good and his promises are true.

This season also invites us to surrender our own plans and desires. It is a time to align our will with God’s will. By trusting in his timing, we find peace and the strength to face life’s challenges with faith.

Advent encourages us to slow down and reflect on what truly matters. Are we impatient with God’s timing? Are we willing to wait with faith and hope? By trusting in God, we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus with joy and peace.

The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B calls us to stay watchful, prepare our hearts, and trust in God’s timing. It is a time to reflect on how we are living and to renew our hope in Christ’s return. As we wait for Jesus, let us be faithful, vigilant, and full of hope. Advent invites us to live each day with purpose, love, and a readiness to meet our Lord.


Lord, help us stay watchful and ready for your coming. Give us the grace to live faithfully each day. Guide us to prepare our hearts with prayer and good works. Teach us to trust in your timing, even when we do not understand. May our hope in you never fade. Amen.

Reflection Questions for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

  • What specific responsibilities in my life require more attention to detail and conscientiousness?
  • How can I improve in performing my daily duties with an awareness that I am serving Christ through them?
  • In what ways can I enhance my spiritual preparedness during Advent, and what practices might help me to achieve this?
  • How does the concept of spiritual vigilance apply to my life, and what distractions do I need to guard against?
  • Reflecting on the past year, how have I experienced grace, and how can I extend grace to others in my community?
  • Which spiritual gifts do I wish to develop more deeply this Advent, and what steps will I take to nurture them?
  • How does the anticipation of Jesus’ return influence the way I live my life on a day-to-day basis?
  • What aspects of God’s plan am I struggling to trust in, and how can I surrender my own plans to His will?
  • Can I identify ways in which I may have wandered from God’s path, and what concrete actions will lead me back?
  • What does living in a state of readiness for the coming of Christ mean for me in practical terms?
  • How will I renew my commitment to God’s plan this Advent, and what does embracing the season’s uncertainty look like in my life?
  • In what specific ways can I prepare my heart and mind to be more open to encountering Christ daily?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

Yet, O Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you the potter: we are all the work of your hands. – Isaiah 64:7
What I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” – 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

Music Suggestions for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B

Sunday November 29, 2026

The music selections for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B capture the themes of watchfulness, hope, and preparation. Many of the songs call us to stay alert and be ready for Christ’s coming. Others inspire us to wait with hope and trust in God’s promises. There are also hymns of praise that remind us of God’s faithfulness and love. This mix of music helps set the tone for Advent as a season of waiting and joyful expectation.

Music directors and musicians are encouraged to explore these selections and consider how they can enhance the liturgy for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B. Feel free to share your own favorite Advent songs and ideas in the comments.

Questions and Answers

What date is the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

The next date is Sunday November 29, 2026.
For other years see the links below:
1st Sunday of Advent Year A
1st Sunday of Advent Year C

What are the Mass readings for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

The Mass readings for Sunday November 29, 2026 are:
First Reading – Isaiah 63:16B-17, 19B; 64:2-7: Prayer for Divine Intervention
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 80: Cry for Deliverance
Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 1:3-9: Thanksgiving and Assurance
Gospel – Mark 13:33-37: Vigilance Urged

What Are the themes for the Mass readings for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

Vigilance, longing for God’s intervention, and being prepared for Christ’s return are key themes.

How do these readings for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B connect?

They express a need for divine presence and guidance, and the importance of readiness for God’s ultimate plans.

What does the first reading for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B passage express?

The reading from Isaiah is a plea for God to act and guide humanity back to righteousness, acknowledging human failings.

What does the responsorial psalm for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B ask of God?

Psalm 80 is a prayer for God’s attention and salvation, for strength and fidelity among His people.

How is grace described in the second reading for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

In Corinthians 1:3-9 grace is portrayed as a gift that enriches and sustains believers, helping them remain faithful until the end.

What does the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B highlight?

Mark 13:33-37 emphasizes the necessity of being spiritually vigilant, as the timing of Jesus’ return is unknown.

What is the context of the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

Mark 13:33-37 comes from Jesus’ teachings about the end times, known as the Olivet Discourse. Jesus is telling his disciples to be alert and prepared for his return, which will be unexpected.

What does Jesus mean by “Be on guard, keep awake” in the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

Jesus is emphasizing the importance of spiritual vigilance. The instruction means to live in a state of readiness and awareness, morally and spiritually, because the time of His return is unknown.

Can we know when the Second Coming will happen from the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

No, Mark 13:33-37 makes it clear that the timing is not for us to know. This unpredictability is a call to constant readiness rather than trying to predict the end.

What does the analogy of the man leaving his house represent in the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

Mark 13:33-37 likens Jesus to a man who goes on a journey, leaving his house in the care of his servants. The servants are entrusted with responsibilities and are expected to fulfill them in the master’s absence.

How can we apply this ‘watchfulness’ from the gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B in daily life?

Being watchful translates to living responsibly and ethically, staying true to Christian teachings, and being mindful of our actions, knowing they have spiritual significance.

How can we apply the themes for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

By living with an awareness of our need for God and keeping our focus on spiritual growth and readiness.

Are there practical steps to take for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

Maintain a consistent prayer life, seek opportunities for spiritual learning, and engage in community support and service.

What’s the central message for the 1st Sunday of Advent Year B?

These readings call for an active and expectant faith, where believers are continually seeking God’s presence and preparing for Jesus’ return.

Stay Awake and Be Ready

The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B begins the season of waiting and hope. It reminds us to be watchful and ready for Christ’s coming. In the gospel, Jesus warns us to stay alert because we do not know when the time will come. This call to vigilance invites us to live each day with faith and purpose.

The first reading speaks of longing for God’s presence and asking for his help. It reminds us that God is our Father and that we need his mercy and guidance. The psalm echoes this by asking God to shine his face on us and save us. These prayers of hope and trust help us prepare our hearts for Christ.

The second reading encourages us to stay strong in our faith as we wait for Jesus. It reminds us that God is faithful and will give us what we need to stay faithful. This message of hope and readiness ties together the themes of watchfulness and trust. The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to live in hope, stay alert, and prepare our hearts for Jesus.

Your Turn

The 1st Sunday of Advent Year B invites us to reflect on our faith and how we are preparing for Christ’s coming. The readings call us to stay watchful, live with hope, and trust in God’s faithfulness. Take some time to read the scriptures and think about what they mean for your life. Are you staying alert and ready? Are you living with faith and purpose each day?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How do you stay watchful and hopeful during Advent? Your reflections can inspire others and help us grow in faith together. Let’s support each other on this Advent journey.

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