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The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas)

Mass Readings for the The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

For the Vigil Mass

  • First ReadingIsaiah 62:1-5: I will advocate for Zion until her righteousness and glory are evident. Renamed and honored by the Lord, she will no longer be forsaken but rejoiced over like a cherished bride.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 89: God’s covenant with David ensures his lineage and kingdom forever. Those who rejoice in the Lord are blessed, walking in His light and exalted by His justice.
  • Second ReadingActs 13:16-17, 22-25: Paul speaks in Antioch’s synagogue, recounting Israel’s history and God’s favor towards David, leading to Jesus, the promised Savior. John the Baptist prepared the way for Him.
  • GospelMatthew 1:1-25 or Matthew 1:18-25: The genealogy of Jesus traces his lineage from Abraham through David to Joseph, Mary’s betrothed. Joseph, learning of Mary’s Holy Spirit-conceived pregnancy, intended to quietly divorce her. However, an angel assured him in a dream to marry her, revealing the child would save people from sins. Joseph obeyed, naming the child Jesus, fulfilling the prophecy of a virgin bearing a son named Emmanuel.

For Mass During the Night

  • First ReadingIsaiah 9:1-6: A great light shines on those in darkness, bringing joy and freedom. A child, symbolizing peace and eternal rule, is born to uphold justice and righteousness forever.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 96: Sing a new song to the Lord, announcing His salvation and marvelous deeds to all. Creation rejoices, celebrating the Lord’s coming to rule with justice and constancy.
  • Second ReadingTitus 2:11-14: God’s grace brings salvation, teaching us to renounce ungodliness and live righteously, as we await Christ’s glorious return, who sacrificed Himself to redeem and purify us.
  • Gospel Luke 2:1-14: A census led Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem, where she gave birth to Jesus, laying him in a manger. Angels announced to shepherds the birth of Christ the Lord, bringing joy and peace. The shepherds witnessed a heavenly host praising God, marking the humble yet glorious beginning of Jesus’ earthly life.

For Mass at Dawn

  • First ReadingIsaiah 62:11-12: The Lord announces to the world: Zion’s savior arrives with reward. His people will be known as holy and redeemed, and Zion will be a cherished, never-forsaken city.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 97: The Lord reigns as king, bringing joy to the earth and islands. His justice shines from the heavens, offering light and gladness to the righteous who praise His holy name.
  • Second ReadingTitus 3:4-7: God’s kindness and love manifested in our salvation, not by our deeds but through His mercy. He renews us with the Holy Spirit, justifying us by grace for eternal life.
  • Gospel Luke 2:15-20: After the angels’ departure, the shepherds hurried to Bethlehem, finding Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph. They shared the angelic message about the child, amazing all listeners. Mary pondered these events in her heart. The shepherds returned, praising God for the truth of the wondrous news they had witnessed.

For Mass During the Day

  • First Reading Isaiah 52:7-10: The herald of good news brings peace and salvation, announcing to Zion, “Your God is King!” Sentinels cry out joyfully, witnessing the Lord’s restoration of Zion, and Jerusalem rejoices in God’s comforting redemption.
  • Responsorial PsalmPsalm 98: A new song celebrates the Lord’s marvelous actions and victory. His salvation and justice are revealed to all nations, demonstrating His faithfulness to Israel and the world.
  • Second ReadingHebrews 1:1-6: God, who once spoke through prophets, now speaks through His Son, the heir of all and creator of the universe, who purifies from sins and is exalted above the angels.
  • Gospel John 1:1-18 or John 1:1-5, 9-14: In the beginning, the Word was with God and was God. Through Him, all things were made, and He brought life and light to humanity. John the Baptist testified about this light. The true light, Jesus, entered the world He created, unrecognized by many. Yet, to those who believed, He granted the privilege to become God’s children. The Word became flesh, revealing God’s glory, full of grace and truth, and through Jesus, grace and truth were fully manifested.

Themes for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord

Christmas is an important celebration in the Church. Only Easter carries a greater significance. On this feast we celebrate the incarnation of our Lord – God choosing to become one of us.

Christmas is celebrated as an octave – eight days of observance.

The Christmas season starts on December 25 with the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and concludes on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord . It includes the Feast of the Epiphany.

  • Incarnation of God: The central theme of Christmas is the Incarnation, the belief that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ. This mystery highlights the profound love and humility of God, who chose to enter into human history as a vulnerable infant.
  • Fulfillment of Prophecy: The birth of Jesus fulfills numerous Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. This theme underscores God’s faithfulness and the continuity of His salvific plan from the Old Testament to the New.
  • Universal Salvation: The Nativity signifies the opening of God’s promise of salvation to all humanity, not just to a specific people. It emphasizes the inclusive nature of God’s love and the universal scope of Jesus’ mission.
  • Joy and Hope: The birth of Jesus brings joy and hope to the world, as heralded by the angels to the shepherds. This theme reflects the joyous response of humanity to God’s gift of salvation and the hope it brings.
  • Humility and Poverty: Jesus’ birth in a humble setting, away from opulence and power, teaches the value of humility and simplicity. It challenges worldly notions of greatness and power, promoting a spirituality of poverty and simplicity.
  • Divine Love and Mercy: The Nativity is a profound manifestation of God’s love and mercy, demonstrating His willingness to come close to humanity. It invites reflection on the depth and accessibility of God’s love for each person.
  • Peace and Goodwill: The message of the angels, “peace on earth and goodwill toward men,” highlights the themes of peace and reconciliation brought about by Christ’s coming. It calls for peace and harmony among all people.
  • Light in Darkness: The birth of Christ, often celebrated with lights, symbolizes the coming of light into a world of spiritual darkness. This theme represents Jesus as the light of the world who dispels darkness and guides humanity to truth.
  • Role of the Holy Family: The roles of Mary and Joseph emphasize obedience and faith in God’s plan. Their responses to the divine call serve as models of faith and trust in God’s will.

See the Homilies and Reflections section and the More Thoughts section for further expansion on these readings and some reflection questions for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord.

Resources for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord

Wednesday December 25, 2024

birthday party for jesus

Have a Birthday Party for Jesus

Teach your young friends about Christmas by having a birthday party for Jesus! You can do this as a Christmas or Epiphany activity. We had our high school students plan and run the party for their young siblings, nieces, nephews, and neighbors.

Why Linus Drops His Blanket

Why Linus Drops His Blanket

A Charlie Brown Christmas emphasizes the religious nature of the holiday. But did you ever notice that Linus drops his blanket during the show?

Shopping with the Fourth Wise Man

In this humorous skit, the wise men discuss the challenges of finding the perfect gifts for Jesus. Each wise man, except for Doron, presents a valuable and significant gift – frankincense, myrrh, and gold – after undergoing arduous journeys and sacrifices. Doron, however, opts for a practical choice, a gift card, which he nervously reveals after much hesitation. His gift, in contrast to the others’, appears inadequate, leading to his embarrassment and frustration. The skit ends comically with the other wise men sneaking away with a little drummer boy, leaving Doron alone, who realizes too late that his gift card has already expired.

Homilies and Reflections for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord

Wednesday December 25, 2024

Word on Fire: God Became a Baby

Bishop Robert Barron’s Christmas homily focuses on the irresistibility and vulnerability of babies, particularly how the birth of a baby draws attention and love. He connects this to the astonishing fact of Christmas: God becoming a baby, emphasizing the divine genius in this act. God, who previously reached out to humanity through prophets and laws, chose to become a vulnerable infant, drawing people irresistibly towards Him. Bishop Barron suggests that in the faces of the vulnerable and poor, we see the face of Christ. He encourages reflection on this as families gather and are naturally drawn to any babies present, symbolizing God’s presence as a baby at Christmas.

Embracing the Divine Gift

Jeff Cavins reflects on the Christmas readings, emphasizing the uniqueness of Christianity where God is not just in heaven but comes down to earth to dwell among us. He highlights how through Jesus Christ, God reveals Himself to us, as stated in Isaiah and Hebrews. Cavins explains that Christmas is the great revelation of God, where seeing and hearing Jesus is seeing and hearing God. He also discusses the importance of gifts at Christmas as representations of Jesus, the greatest gift. Our response to this gift should be more than just a polite thank you; it should involve joyfully incorporating Jesus into our daily lives, demonstrating gratitude through our actions.


Bishop Robert Barron’s Christmas homily focuses on the Prologue to the Gospel of John, describing it as a miniature of the entire Gospel and Bible. He emphasizes that the Incarnation, God becoming flesh in Jesus Christ, is the culmination of the creation story and the solution to the fundamental problem of sin, which is the human tendency to claim God’s prerogatives for ourselves. Bishop Barron explains that God formed Israel to be a prophetic and priestly people, culminating in Jesus, who is the new Eden, the new Temple, and the realization of God’s intention for the world. The homily concludes by highlighting that the best way to celebrate the Incarnation and receive God’s grace is through participating in the Mass, the ultimate place of right praise and encounter with the divine.

Only One Message

Father Richard Rohr reflects on the Christmas message as the healing of separation through Christ, emphasizing the union of God with creation. He interprets the Incarnation, as described in John 1:14 and the Book of Wisdom, as God’s answer to the human experience of disconnection and splitness. Rohr suggests that life is a school of love, where every ordinary moment is an opportunity to recognize our divine relationship and find ultimate meaning. He stresses the need for surrender to this meaning, even through suffering, which he views as a necessary emptying of the soul to make room for love and the divine presence.

In the Beginning was the Word

Bishop Robert Barron’s Christmas homily delves into the Prologue of John’s Gospel, highlighting its essence as the story of re-creation through the Word made flesh. He emphasizes the tragedy of sin, where the world fails to recognize its creator, despite being made through the Word. Bishop Barron explains that accepting Christ empowers us to become children of God, sharing in the Divine Life. He addresses the elevation of natural realities, explaining that just as plants and animals are elevated by higher forms of life, humans are lifted to divine life by God’s condescension. The Incarnation, where spirit becomes flesh, is central to Christianity, refuting any notion that matter is inherently bad. The homily concludes with the affirmation that the Word dwelling among us lifts humanity to share in the Divine Life.

New Song

Scott Hahn reflects on the Christmas Liturgy, emphasizing the joy and triumph in the readings. He connects Isaiah’s prophecy and the Psalm with the theme of liberation and God’s mighty deeds, reminiscent of the Exodus. Hahn interprets the arrival of Christ as the fulfillment of these events, symbolizing God’s victory over sin and death. In Jesus, all nations witness this triumph. Hahn identifies Jesus as the royal Son of David, the Word through whom the universe was created and is sustained. This new age, brought forth by Christ, is likened to a new creation, dispersing darkness and symbolizing God’s dwelling among people. Christmas, therefore, is celebrated with a new song, symbolizing rebirth and the grace-filled transformation into children of God.

Christmas: A Time for Hope

Fr. Mike Schmitz discusses the concept of hope in relation to Christmas and a couple’s wedding day. He explains that hope is not mere optimism about the future but is a personal, trustful relationship extended into the future. Using a wedding as a metaphor, he describes hope as trust in a person’s promise, enduring beyond the present into the future. Christmas, as a season of hope, is about trusting in Jesus, Emmanuel – God with us, and His presence in our lives, even in pain or darkness. This hope is a relationship with God, offering comfort and assurance that God is with us now and will remain with us.

More Thoughts for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord

Embracing the Miracle

As we approach the celebration of Christmas, the story of God becoming man, it often strikes us as almost too good to be true. Why, we might ask, would an all-powerful God choose to walk among us, to feel our pain and share in our human experience? This divine mystery reflects the profound depth of God’s love for us. In the Incarnation, we find the ultimate expression of this love: Jesus Christ, God made flesh. This act of humility and solidarity shows us that we are not mere creations but deeply cherished children of God. Christ’s birth is a testament to the unbreakable bond between Creator and creation.

The Incarnation of Christ is not just a historical event to be remembered; it’s a reality to be lived. The solidarity of God with His creation through Jesus Christ is a powerful reminder that we are never alone, never forgotten. This truth should fill our hearts with enduring hope. In every challenge, in every moment of despair, we must remember that God is here with us. Christ’s presence in our world is a beacon of hope, guiding us through the darkest times. The knowledge that we are God’s beloved should empower us to face life’s trials with courage and resilience.

Beloved Children

This Christmas season, let us hold close to our hearts the profound truth that we are far from being orphaned children left to wander aimlessly through life’s complexities. Instead, we are the beloved children of God, deeply cherished and constantly watched over by a loving Father. In every step we take, be it on paths of joy or through valleys of challenges, we are accompanied by the unwavering presence of God. His love is our guide and strength, illuminating our decisions and actions.

This divine companionship invites us to transform the way we view ourselves and the world around us. It calls us to see each person through the lens of God’s love, fostering a spirit of compassion, understanding, and unity. As we embrace our identity as God’s children, our interactions become reflections of His grace, building bridges of empathy and kindness in a world often divided.

Divine Solidarity

As we celebrate Christ’s birth, let us open our hearts to fully embrace this gift of divine solidarity. Let the story of the Nativity not just be a tale we recount, but a reality we live. By embodying the love, humility, and compassion of Christ in our daily interactions, we make the Incarnation a living, breathing reality in our world. Let us be Christ’s hands and feet on earth, spreading His message of hope and love to all corners of our lives.

Christmas is more than a season; it’s a call to live in the reality of God’s love and to share this love with the world. The birth of Christ is a promise of God’s unwavering presence in our lives. Let us, therefore, live with hope, knowing that in Christ, God is ever-present. As His beloved children, let us walk in the light of His love, reflecting His grace and truth to a world in need of hope. Merry Christmas, and may the peace of Christ reign in your hearts now and always.

Reflection Questions for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord

  • How does the idea of God becoming man in Jesus Christ challenge or change your understanding of God’s nature and His relationship with humanity?
  • In what ways have you experienced the profound depth of God’s love in your own life? How does the knowledge that you are a cherished child of God influence your self-perception and self-worth?
  • How can you more fully live out the reality of the Incarnation in your daily life? What practical steps can you take to embody the love, humility, and compassion of Christ in your interactions with others?
  • Reflect on a time when you faced a significant challenge or moment of despair. How did the presence of Christ, or your perception of the lack thereof, impact your experience and response to that situation?
  • Consider your relationships and interactions with others. How can you better see and treat others through the lens of God’s love, especially those who are difficult to love or with whom you have disagreements?
  • What does it mean to you to be a beloved child of God? How does this identity call you to act, speak, and think differently, both in times of joy and in times of difficulty?
  • In what specific ways can you be Christ’s hands and feet on earth this Christmas season and beyond, spreading His message of hope and love in your community and circles of influence?
  • As you reflect on the Nativity story, what aspects of this story resonate most deeply with you this year? Why do you think these aspects are particularly meaningful to you at this time?
  • What is one change you can commit to making in your life to more fully embrace and reflect the reality of God’s love as shown in the birth of Christ?
  • How can you share the message of Christ’s birth and its significance with someone who may not understand or appreciate its meaning? What approach would you take to make this message relevant and impactful for them?

Quotes and Social Media Graphics for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord

contemplating baby Jesus
Contemplating the Baby Jesus, with His humble and infinite love, let us say to Him, very simply: “Thank you for doing all this for me!” – Pope Francis
God is in love with us
God is in love with us. He draws us to Him with tenderness by being born poor and fragile among us, like one of us. – Pope Francis
Faced with our frailties, the Lord does not withdraw. He does not remain in his blessed eternity and in his infinite light, but rather he draws close, he makes himself incarnate, he descends into the darkness. This is God’s work: to come among us. – Pope Francis
tonight a light is lit
Tonight a light has been lit, a kindly light, reminding us that in our littleness, we are beloved sons and daughters, children of the light. Let us rejoice together, for no one will ever put out this light, the light of Jesus, who tonight shines brightly in our world. – Pope Francis

Sadly, most people’s image of God is jolly Santa, making a list and checking it twice, finding out who’s naughty or nice. It’s certainly not this humble, helpless baby who has come to love us in ways that we’re not ready to be loved.

Fr. Richard Rohr

This is the lesson of Christmas: humility is the great condition for faith, for the spiritual life and for holiness. May the Lord grant it to us as a gift.

Pope Francis
The Nativity of Our Lord
Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth
Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth!

Frequently Asked Questions

What date is Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord?

Christmas Day – the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, is celebrated annually on December 25.

The next date is Wednesday December 25, 2024.

The specific Mass readings for Wednesday December 25, 2024 depend on the time of day which Mass is celebrated.

What are the Mass readings for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Vigil Mass?

For the Vigil Mass on December 24
First Reading – Isaiah 62:1-5: Zion’s Glorious Future
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 89: Covenant with David
Second Reading – Acts 13:16-17, 22-25: Paul’s Message in Antioch
Gospel – Matthew 1:1-25 or Matthew 1:18-25: Birth of Jesus Foretold

What are the Mass readings for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Mass during the night?

For Mass During the Night (Midnight Mass on Dec 25 or night Mass on December 24 at late night)
First Reading – Isaiah 9:1-6: Light and Peace Foretold
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 96: Joyful Song to the Lord
Second Reading – Titus 2:11-14: Grace and Salvation in Christ
Gospel – Luke 2:1-14: Nativity of Jesus

What are the Mass readings for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Mass at dawn?

For Mass at Dawn (Dec 25 at early morning)
First Reading – Isaiah 62:11-12: The Lord’s Proclamation
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 97: Rejoicing in the Lord’s Kingship
Second Reading – Titus 3:4-7: Mercy and New Birth
Gospel – Luke 2:15-20: Shepherds Visit Jesus

What are the Mass readings for Christmas Day – The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Mass during the day?

For Mass During the Day (Dec 25)
First Reading – Isaiah 52:7-10: Joyful Tidings for Zion
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 98: God’s Wondrous Deeds
Second Reading – Hebrews 1:1-6: The Son’s Superiority
Gospel – John 1:1-18 or John 1:1-5, 9-14: The Word Incarnate

What is the significance of Christmas in the Catholic faith?

Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, holds profound significance as it marks the Incarnation, where God became man. It’s a time to reflect on God’s immense love and the beginning of Christ’s salvific mission on Earth.

How do Catholics typically celebrate Christmas?

Catholics often celebrate Christmas with Mass, Nativity scenes, singing carols, and family gatherings. It’s a time of joyous celebration, reflection on the Nativity story, and sharing in traditions that emphasize the spiritual aspect of the holiday.

Why do Catholics attend Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve?

Midnight Mass is a liturgical tradition that celebrates the birth of Christ. It is held at midnight to welcome Christmas Day, symbolizing the light of Christ coming into the world.

Is gift-giving a part of Catholic Christmas traditions?

Yes, gift-giving is a common tradition, reflecting the gifts given to Jesus by the Wise Men and symbolizing the gift of Christ to humanity. It’s also seen as a way to express love and generosity in the spirit of Christ.

What is the significance of the Christmas tree and Nativity scene?

The Christmas tree represents everlasting life and the light of Christ. The Nativity scene, or crèche, depicts the birth of Jesus, helping to focus on the spiritual meaning of Christmas.

How can Catholics keep Christ at the center of Christmas celebrations?

By going to Christmas Mass, reading the Nativity story, engaging in charitable acts, and incorporating prayer and spiritual reflections into their celebrations, Catholics can keep the focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Why do Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

December 25th was chosen in the early centuries of the church to commemorate Jesus’ birth. The exact reason is unclear, but it coincides with the Roman festival of Sol Invictus and may have been chosen to Christianize this pagan festival.

How can families incorporate Catholic teachings into their Christmas celebrations at home?

Families can set up a Nativity scene, light Advent candles in the weeks leading up to Christmas, read scripture, pray together, and engage in acts of kindness and charity. These practices help create a meaningful and faith-centered Christmas experience.

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