November 2023 is Year A in the Sunday liturgical cycle and Year 1 in the weekday cycle. See Mass readings resources for specific Sundays and other days in November 2023 here.
Sundays and Holy Days in November 2023

All Saints Day
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints, which is also called All Saints Day. On this day we remember all men and women who were servants of the Lord while here on earth. We ask that they pray for us so that one day we might join them in heaven.

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, November 5, 2023
The readings for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time for Year A are a call to humility and holiness. This Sunday we could discuss authenticity, holiness, and caring for one another. Here are some ideas.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, November 12, 2023
The readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A remind us to always be alert and ready. Some themes for this Sunday include being ready in our spiritual lives and the gift of wisdom

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, November 19, 2023
The readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A are a call to do the work of the Kingdom of God with the gifts we have been given. Stewardship is clearly a theme for this weekend Stewardship is clearly a theme for this weekend. Another option is authenticity and appreciating the gifts we have been given.

Solemnity of Christ the King
Sunday, November 26, 2023
The readings for the Solemnity of Christ the King Year A tell us that the kingship of Christ is one of a caring master who longs for us to live together in harmony in his kingdom. This would be a good weekend to focus on the corporal works of mercy and justice for the marginalized in our society.
November 2023
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
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