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August 2025: Mass Readings and Resources

August 2025 is Year C in the Sunday liturgical cycle and Year 1 in the weekday cycle. See Mass readings resources for specific Sundays and feast days in for August 2025 here. Learn more about lectionary cycles from the USCCB.

Sundays and Holy Days in August 2025

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Resources for Year c
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18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday August 3, 2025

The readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C caution against excessive attachment to worldly possessions and emphasize the importance of focusing on our spiritual lives. The themes include detachment from material things, nurturing our spiritual well-being, caring for the poor, and using our resources for the common good.

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
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19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday August 10, 2025

The readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C emphasize the importance of spiritual preparedness and being vigilant for the unknown timing of significant events. The themes include the need for readiness, the assurance of salvation, the role of faith and reason, and the anticipation of the second coming of Christ.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday August 15, 2025

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrates Mary's passing and her body being assumed into heaven. The readings for this holy day highlight the victory over death through Christ, the exaltation of Mary as the Queen, and the blessedness associated with her.

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Resources for Year c
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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday August 17, 2025

The readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C convey the message that discipleship may lead to division and facing opposition. The themes include the significance of relationships that support our faith, the importance of authenticity in following Christ, and the challenge of peer pressure and societal expectations.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Resources for Year c
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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday August 24, 2025

The readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C highlight the universal call to salvation and the importance of striving for eternal life. The themes include the inclusive nature of God's invitation to all people, the need to remain steadfast on our spiritual path, the responsibility of evangelizing to all, and the understanding that reaching heaven requires effort and dedication.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Resources for Year c
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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday August 31, 2025

The readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C emphasize the importance of humility, raising others up, and understanding the order of things in the Kingdom of God. The themes include practicing humility, caring for the marginalized, and seeking the values and priorities of the heavenly Kingdom.

August 2025

Click on the title for Mass readings for the day, resources, homilies, reflections, and more.

Friday August 1, 2025

St. Alphonsus Liguori

St. Alphonsus Liguori was a 18th century Italian bishop and the founder of the Redemptorist order. He promoted simple homilies over the pompous sermons of the day. He believed in practicality in the confessional and was able to answer questions about everyday problems.

Friday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Friday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus returns to his hometown and begins teaching in the synagogue. The people are amazed by his wisdom and miraculous powers, but their amazement quickly turns into skepticism and offense. They struggle to accept that the son of a carpenter, someone they knew so well, could possess such divine gifts and authority.

Saturday August 2, 2025

Saturday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Saturday of the 17th week in Ordinary Time, we hear of the death of John the Baptist. Like many martyrs, John had the audacity to speak truth to power.

Sunday August 3, 2025

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The readings for 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C are a warning against becoming to attached to worldly goods and temporary pleasures. Detachment from the things of this world and enriching our spiritual lives are themes for this Sunday.

Monday August 4, 2025

St. John Vianney

St. John Vianney was known for his holiness, his dedication to our Blessed Mother, and his reputation as a confessor. He is the patron saint of parish priests. His feast day is August 4. He is also called The Cure of Ars.

Monday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Monday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time, we witness Jesus's unwavering compassion and miraculous compassion for the crowd. After hearing about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus seeks solitude in a solitary place. However, the people, eager for His healing and presence, follow Him from the towns on foot.

Tuesday August 5, 2025

Tuesday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 18th week in Ordinary Time, The disciples are being storm tossed in a boat and are terrified. But Jesus comes to them and calms the storm.

Wednesday August 6, 2025

The Transfiguration of the Lord

August 6 is the Feast of the Transfiguration. This day commemorates the day Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, traditionally thought to be Mount Tabor. This is recounted in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Peter, James, and John witnessed the event.

Friday August 8, 2025

St. Dominic

St. Dominic founded the Dominicans, which is known as the Order of Preachers (OP). They sought to educate through informed preaching. St.Dominic was inspired by the lifestyle of the early Christians as described in the Acts of the Apostles. He also preached and spread the devotion of the rosary.

Friday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for for Friday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time speaks to the heart of discipleship. In Matthew 16:24-2, Jesus urges his followers to take up their cross and follow him. He emphasizes the importance of self-denial and sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom. It's a call to embrace a life that's centered around Christ and his teachings, even if it means letting go of personal desires or comfort.

Saturday August 9, 2025

Saturday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Saturday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time highlights a remarkable episode where Jesus heals a boy possessed by a demon. The disciples had tried to heal the boy but were unable to do so. When the boy's father brings him to Jesus, the father expresses his faith but also acknowledges his doubts. Jesus' response, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move," is a powerful reminder of the potency of even the smallest amount of faith.

Sunday August 10, 2025

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The readings for 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C advise us to be prepared for we do not know when our time to move from this world to the next will come. Spiritual readiness is a theme for this weekend. Here are some ideas.

Monday August 11, 2025

St. Clare of Assisi

St. Clare of Assisi was one of the first people to follow St. Francis of Assisi. She founded the Poor Clares Order. She embraced a rule of poverty, austerity, and seclusion.

Monday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Monday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus predicts His death for the second time, linking it to the theme of His upcoming Passion. He does this in a very matter-of-fact way, giving the disciples a glimpse of His acceptance of the Father's will. For Catholics, this may inspire a willingness to accept God's will in our lives, even when it's difficult.

Wednesday August 13, 2025

Wednesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Wednesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time, Matthew 18:15-20, emphasizes reconciliation and forgiveness. Jesus lays out a clear process for dealing with disputes among His followers. Starting with a private conversation allows for a gentle approach to correction, preserving the dignity of the individual. For Catholics, this guidance stresses the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, even when addressing wrongdoing.

Thursday August 14, 2025

St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Maximilian Kolbe is the patron saint of families, journalists, prisoners, ant pro-life movement. His feast day is August 14.

Thursday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time

Peter's question in the Gospel for Thursday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time reflects a very human concern with fairness and limits. His suggestion of forgiving seven times seems generous, but Jesus takes it much further, saying "seventy-seven times." This isn't a literal number but symbolizes limitless forgiveness. We are thus called to an endless capacity to forgive, just as God endlessly forgives us.

Friday August 15, 2025

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 15 is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holy day celebrates Mary's passing and being assumed into heaven.

Saturday August 16, 2025

Sunday August 17, 2025

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The readings for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C tell us that discipleship can cause division and that we will have people pulling us in different directions. This is a time to discuss peer pressure and authenticity. It is important to develop relationships which support our faith journeys

Monday August 18, 2025

Monday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Monday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time starts with a rich young man approaching Jesus, asking, "What good deed must I do to have eternal life?" It's a question many of us might have, wanting to know the secret formula.

Tuesday August 19, 2025

Tuesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus tries to explain how difficult it is for us to save ourselves! It is impossible. So who can be saved? Only those who rely on God.

Wednesday August 20, 2025

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

St. Bernard of Clairvaux was a 12th century monk and theologian who was known for his ability to arbitrate disputes. He counseled kings and popes, yet valued the time he spent in prayer and contemplation. He wrote much on the Blessed Virgin Mary and is known for emphasizing the importance of Lectio Divina.

Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard owner who rewards wages to all of his laborers without regard to how much they have worked.

Thursday August 21, 2025

St. Pius X, Pope

St. Pius X was pope from 1903 to 1914. He strongly believed that frequent reception of the Eucharist should be promoted. He also encouraged children to receive Holy Communion and reduced the minimum age for reception of the Eucharist from 12 years old to 7 years old. He is sometimes called "Pope of the Blessed Sacrament".

Thursday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Thursday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus tells a parable about a wedding banquet. First nobody responds. Then one man who arrives is not respectful. Showing up to the feast is not enough.

Friday August 22, 2025

Queenship of Mary

This feast day celebrates the queenship of Mary. As the mother of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all creation, our Blessed Mother shares in his royal heritage. Mary's queenship foreshadows the glory in heaven which awaits all of us who recognize her son as ruler of the universe.

Friday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Friday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus answers a question about which law is the most important. He tells us that our primary purpose is to love God. We demonstrate that we understand that by loving each other.

Saturday August 23, 2025

Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time, Jesus begins by addressing the crowd and His disciples about the scribes and Pharisees. He points out their authority but criticizes their hypocrisy. For Catholics, this serves as a warning against empty rituals and superficial faith. It's a call to live authentically, ensuring that our actions align with our beliefs.

Sunday August 24, 2025

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The readings for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C help us consider who can be saved. This is a time to think about eternal life and if we are willing to work for it.

Monday August 25, 2025

Monday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Monday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Matthew 23:13-22, Jesus criticizes the religious leaders of his time for hypocrisy and for leading people away from God rather than toward Him. He points out their focus on minute details and rituals while ignoring the larger, more important issues like justice and mercy.

Tuesday August 26, 2025

Tuesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 21st week in Ordinary Time, Jesus warns the Pharisees that they don't really know what is sin in their lives. They pay attention to the little details but they miss the big picture.

Wednesday August 27, 2025

Wednesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Wednesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Matthew 23:27-32, Jesus criticizes the Pharisees and teachers of the law, likening them to "whitewashed tombs," which look good on the outside but are filled with decay. He points out the disconnect between their external piety and their internal moral state, emphasizing the importance of internal sincerity.

St. Monica

St. Monica was the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. She was married to a pagan who was a cruel man and who would not allow her to baptize their children. She prayed for her husband and mother-in-law and eventually they converted. Augustine lived a worldly life and had no interest in practicing his mother's Christian faith. St. Monica persisted in prayer and fasting, and eventually her son not only became a fervent Christian, but became energized about spreading the faith.

Thursday August 28, 2025

St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor

St. Augustine of Hippo was born in North Africa. He spent his youth living wildly but then converted to Christianity after his mother, St. Monica, prayed for him for years. He became a priest and then later a bishop. His his extensive writings make him a doctor of the Church. After his conversion he preached and lived a life of poverty.

Thursday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Thursday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Matthew 24:42-51 talks about the need for watchfulness, as the timing of the "end of days" is unknown. The text uses the analogy of a master and his servants to illustrate the consequences of being prepared versus being careless. The faithful servant who is vigilant is rewarded, while the negligent one is punished.

Friday August 29, 2025

The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

In commemorating the Passion of Saint John the Baptist, we honor his sacrifices and remember his vital role in heralding the arrival of Jesus Christ. This occasion invites us to contemplate the values he embodied and to draw inspiration from his resolute commitment to his convictions.

Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time is Matthew 25:1-13, also known as the Parable of the Ten Virgins. It serves as a cautionary tale about being vigilant and making wise choices, especially when it comes to your own spiritual journey. It emphasizes that waiting for a last-minute "fix" in matters of faith might lead to disappointment. Just as the five wise women couldn't share their extra lamp oil, there are aspects of spirituality that can't be borrowed from others.

Saturday August 30, 2025

Saturday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Saturday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Matthew 25:14-30, is known as the Parable of the Talents. The passage centers on a master who entrusts his servants with varying amounts of talents (a form of currency). Upon his return, the master rewards the servants who invested and increased their talents, while the one who hid his talent out of fear is punished.

Sunday August 31, 2025

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

The readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C help us think about the order of things in the Kingdom of God. Do I put myself higher than other or am I willing to raise my brothers and sisters up so that all can experience the Kingdom of God on earth?

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