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June 2023: Mass Readings and Resources

June 2023 is Year A in the Sunday liturgical cycle and Year 1 in the weekday cycle. See Mass readings resources for specific Sundays and feast days in June 2023 here. Learn more about lectionary cycles from the USCCB.

Sundays and Holy Days in June 2023

Trinity Sunday Year A
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Trinity Sunday

Sunday June 4, 2023

The Mass Readings for Trinity Sunday Year A highlight the concept of God as a community of love. The readings emphasize God's compassionate and gracious nature, His greatness and glory, and the unity and peace that come through the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. These readings invite us to contemplate the mysterious unity and love within the Trinity.

Corpus Christi Year A
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Corpus Christi

Sunday June 11, 2023

The Mass Readings for Corpus Christi Year A center around the Eucharist, emphasizing the spiritual nourishment and unity it provides. The readings highlight God's provision for the Israelites through the manna in the wilderness, the spiritual communion among believers through partaking in the body and blood of Christ, and Jesus' teachings on the Eucharist as a source of eternal life. These readings invite us to reflect on the significance of the Eucharist and its role in our spiritual journey.

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
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11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday June 18, 2023

The Mass Readings for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A invite us to recognize God's presence and love in our lives. The readings remind us of God's deliverance, care, and love for His people, and encourage us to show compassion and serve others as Jesus did. They highlight the importance of recognizing God's work in our lives and responding with gratitude, love, and acts of service.

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
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12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday June 25, 2023

The readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A are a call to trust in God. Although our circumstances can be unsettling or frightening, God is always caring for us.

June 2023

Click on the title for Mass readings for the day, resources, homilies, reflections, and more.

Thursday June 1, 2023

St. Justin Martyr

St. Justin Martyr was a 2nd century apologist. He defended Christianity to the Roman emperor. His description of the Eucharistic celebration is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Thursday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel for Thursday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time presents the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man who encounters Jesus and receives his sight. This passage offers profound insights into faith, compassion, and the significance of encountering Jesus in our lives.

Friday June 2, 2023

Friday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Friday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time, we encounter a passage that encompasses two distinct yet interconnected events: Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing of the temple. As we reflect on Mark 11:11-26, we are invited to contemplate the themes of faith, prayer, and the transformation of hearts.

Saturday June 3, 2023

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs

St. Charles Lwanga was born in the Kingdom of Buganda (now part of Uganda) in 1860. He was a royal page. King Mwanga II, a pedophile, made advances on the young men at court. Charles protected the younger boys from the king's advances.

Saturday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the gospel for Saturday of the 8th week in Ordinary Time reminds us of the importance of humility and sincerity in our faith. In this passage, the religious leaders question Jesus' authority, more concerned about their own positions than seeking the truth. Jesus exposes their hypocrisy, highlighting the importance of genuine intentions.

Sunday June 4, 2023

Trinity Sunday Year A

Trinity Sunday is the Sunday after Pentecost. Catholics celebrate Trinity Sunday to honor one of the most basic of our beliefs, God is three persons in one - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. See resources for Trinity Sunday Year A here.

Monday June 5, 2023

St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr

St. Boniface is called the Apostle of the Germans. He was a Benedictine monk in England. Instead of pursing a leadership position at the abbey, he desired to spread Christianity among the Germanic tribes.

Monday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel reading for Monday of the 9th week in Ordinary time, from the Gospel of Mark 12:1-12, presents us with a parable that Jesus shared with his disciples. This parable, known as the Parable of the Vineyard, teaches us important lessons about gratitude, responsibility, and our relationship with God.

Tuesday June 6, 2023

Tuesday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

In Mark 12:13-17, the gospel for Tuesday of the 9th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus faces a clever trap set by the Pharisees and Herodians. This encounter exposes their hypocrisy and reveals Jesus' wisdom.

Wednesday June 7, 2023

Wednesday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

In Mark 12:18-27, the gospel for Wednesday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time, we encounter a conversation between Jesus and some religious leaders known as the Sadducees. They approach Jesus with a question regarding marriage in the afterlife. This passage presents two significant themes: misunderstanding Scripture and belief in the resurrection.

Thursday June 8, 2023

Thursday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

The passage from Mark 12:28-34, the gospel for Thursday of the 9th week in Ordinary Time, teaches us important lessons about love, prioritizing God, and the unity of commandments. These themes offer valuable insights into our relationships with God and others.

Friday June 9, 2023

Friday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

In Mark 12:35-37, the gospel for Friday of the 9th week in ordinary time, Jesus challenges the religious leaders' understanding of the Messiah. He questions how they can claim that the Christ is simply the son of David. Jesus wants them to see that the Messiah is more than a human king\; He is the Son of God with divine authority.

Saturday June 10, 2023

Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time

In Mark 12:38-44, the gospel for Saturday of the 9th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus imparts a lesson on true generosity. He warns his disciples about religious leaders who exhibit outward displays of piety for personal recognition. Instead, Jesus directs their attention to a humble widow who offers all she has to the temple treasury.

Sunday June 11, 2023

Corpus Christi Year A

The readings for Corpus Christi Year A focus on the Eucharist. So the Blessed Sacrament is the focus for this feast day. We can focus on how it brings us together and gives us strength Here are some ideas for this weekend

Monday June 12, 2023

Monday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time

In Matthew 5:1-12, the gospel for Monday of the 10th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus shares a message with his followers known as the Beatitudes. These teachings have deep meanings that can inspire us, especially in our spiritual growth and understanding of social justice.

Tuesday June 13, 2023

Tuesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time

As Christians, we are called to be the salt and light of the world, as emphasized in Matthew 5:13-16, the gospel for Tuesday of the 10th week in Ordinary Time. These verses invite us to reflect upon our role and responsibilities as followers of Christ. At first glance, the metaphors of salt and light may seem simple, but they carry deep spiritual significance that we can apply to our daily lives.

Wednesday June 14, 2023

Wednesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time

In the Bible passage from Matthew 5:17-19, which we read on Wednesday of the 10th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches us about the connection between the Old Testament Law and the complete fulfillment we find in Him, Jesus Christ. He wants us to understand that He didn't come to get rid of the Law, but to bring it to its highest purpose and make it perfect. Jesus fulfills the Law completely, showing us its true meaning, and gives us a new agreement based on love and mercy.

Thursday June 15, 2023

Thursday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Thursday of the 10th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus challenges his listeners to a higher standard of righteousness. He asserts that their righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus goes beyond the literal understanding of the commandment against murder and reveals its deeper implications. He explains that being angry with a brother or sister is equally subject to judgment. Even calling someone derogatory names or expressing contempt puts one at risk of severe consequences.

Friday June 16, 2023

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A

In the gospel for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Year A, Jesus offers a prayer of gratitude to the Father. He acknowledges that God reveals His truths not to the wise and learned but to those who approach Him with the innocence and trust of little children. Jesus affirms that all things have been entrusted to Him by the Father, emphasizing the unique bond between the Father and the Son. It is through Jesus that the Father's true nature is revealed to those whom Jesus chooses.

Saturday June 17, 2023

The Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a devotion to our blessed Mother which helps us reflect on her love of God. By saying "yes" to God our Father and agreeing to be the mother of our Lord, she showed that she was entirely willing to cooperate with God's plan for our redemption. Her heart experienced both joy and sorrow as a result of her "fiat" ("let it be").

Sunday June 18, 2023

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The readings for 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A call us to look for how God is working in our lives. So discipleship and service are topics for this weekend. We could also spend some time thinking about how we have seen God's love in our own lives.

Monday June 19, 2023

Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for for Monday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus addresses the concept of retaliation and offers a radical perspective on responding to evil and mistreatment. He challenges the prevailing notion of "eye for eye, and tooth for tooth," emphasizing a different approach. Jesus urges his listeners not to resist an evil person, but rather to respond with an unexpected gesture of non-violence and love.

Tuesday June 20, 2023

Tuesday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus challenges a prevailing mindset by contrasting the conventional teaching of "love your neighbor and hate your enemy" with his radical command to love even our enemies. He calls his followers to a higher standard of love, one that reflects the character of their Heavenly Father.

Wednesday June 21, 2023

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

St. Aloysius Gonzaga was a young Jesuit. He had many health issues, including kidney and skin diseases. When a plague broke out in Rome in 1591, he volunteered to care for the sick, even though he found the work difficult. He eventually died from the plague.

Wednesday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Wednesday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus provides guidance on practicing righteousness in a way that is pleasing to God. He warns against performing acts of righteousness to gain recognition from others, cautioning against the hypocrisy of seeking human applause rather than seeking God's approval.

Thursday June 22, 2023

Thursday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Thursday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus teaches his disciples about the nature of prayer. He cautions against empty and repetitive words, urging them not to pray like the pagans who believe that many words guarantee divine attention. Instead, Jesus encourages them to approach prayer with sincerity and trust, knowing that their Heavenly Father is aware of their needs even before they ask.

Friday June 23, 2023

Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Friday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus addresses the issue of material possessions and their significance in our lives. He advises against placing excessive value on earthly treasures that are susceptible to decay, theft, and loss. Instead, Jesus encourages his followers to prioritize treasures in heaven, which are imperishable and eternal. Our hearts and priorities should align with the pursuit of heavenly treasures, reflecting our true values.

Saturday June 24, 2023

Nativity of St. John the Baptist

The Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist celebrates his birth. St. John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus and came to prepare the world for the coming of the Messiah.

Sunday June 25, 2023

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A are a call to trust in God. Although our circumstances can be unsettling or frightening, God is always caring for us. So trust, bravery, and hope are good themes for this weekend's readings.

Monday June 26, 2023

Monday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Monday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus addresses the issue of judgment and the tendency to criticize or condemn others. He admonishes his followers not to be quick to judge, emphasizing the reciprocal nature of judgment. Jesus warns that the measure by which we judge others will be applied to us in return. He challenges his listeners to examine their own shortcomings before focusing on the faults of others.

Tuesday June 27, 2023

Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Tuesday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus provides a series of teachings that offer wisdom for righteous living and making wise choices. He cautions against sharing what is holy with those who are unappreciative or hostile, symbolized by the dogs and pigs. Jesus advises discernment in sharing valuable truths, urging his listeners to use discretion in the proclamation of sacred teachings.

Wednesday June 28, 2023

Wednesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Wednesday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time, Jesus warns his followers to be cautious of false prophets who disguise themselves as harmless sheep but inwardly harbor deceitful motives and intentions. He advises his listeners to discern the true nature of these individuals by examining the fruit they produce.

St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr

June 28 is the feast day of St. Irenaeus. He was an early Christian theologian who argued against the gnostics in his extensive writings.

Thursday June 29, 2023

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

June 29 is the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul. These were the men whom God used to spread the gospel and let the early Church thrive despite terrible persecution. Their flaws should give us hope, that God can also work through us.

Friday June 30, 2023

Friday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Friday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time, we encounter an encounter between Jesus and a man suffering from leprosy. Leprosy was a highly stigmatized and debilitating disease in that time. The man approaches Jesus with humility and a heartfelt plea, acknowledging Jesus' authority and power to heal. He recognizes that if Jesus is willing, he can be cleansed.

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One response to “June 2023: Mass Readings and Resources”

  1. Christopher Clarke Eng Avatar
    Christopher Clarke Eng

    Thanking you for the great help you give in "explaining the scriptures to us."

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